Minutes - 19590724
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19590724
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~ 1~6 <br />Niautes of the Hoard of Commiaeionars <br />July 24. 1959 <br />The Orange Covaty Board of Co~i.ssionma mot is ad~omnad session on Fridayx July 24x 1959. <br />at eight o'clock in the Commissioners' roan at the courthouse in Ri.llsbmox N. C. <br />Members preeeatx Chairman R. J. H. Hobbex Commiasionara Clarence Joneex Donald ReDade <br />and Remy Walker. <br />Nambms-absent! Commissioner Donald Stanford. <br />The purpose of this meeting waa to complete the county budget. <br />A group from the Rlllsboro and Chapel Hill American Legion Post appeared and ask the Hoard to <br />consider raining the salary of the County's veteran Servlco Office. After hearing this group the <br />Hoard then turned to the budgot discussion. <br />Commiesloam Jones moved the salary of the Recorder's Court Judge be eat at $2x400.00. <br />Commissioner Walker seconded this motion. Chairman Hobbs called fm' a vote and there were 4 was end <br />0 Hayes. <br />Co~issioam Mc-ade moved the salay of the Recorder's Comt solicitor be eet at $2x000.00. <br />Thin motion was seconded by Commlasioner Stanford. Chairman Robbe belled for a vote and there <br />were 4 ayes and 0 nayea. <br />Comalaaioner Stanford mwad that the Farm Agent and the Assistant Farm Agents and the Colored <br />Farm Agent be given a raise oL $100.00 per yam. Thin motion received a seconded Yrom Coamiesioner <br />Jooee. Chairmen Robbe called for a vote sad there were 4 gyea sad 0 nayea. <br />Coand.esioaer Stanford mwad the ealary of the Home Agert7 Assistant Home Agent and the Secretary <br />to the Rome Agent ba raised $50.00 per year. 1hi.e motion received a saco~ from Commiasionm <br />HcDade. Chairman Hobbs called for a vote and there were 3 ayes. Commlaei.oner Jowa requested hie <br />vote be recorded as nay. Chairman Robbe declared this motion passed. <br />Commissioner Stanord mwad the salary of the Colored Homa Agent ba raised $50.00 per yam <br />sad the salary of the secretary Sn that office be set at $900.00. Chairman Hobbs called for a <br />vote. There ware 3 ayes and Commissioner Joaea requested hie vote ba recorded ae nay. <br />Commieaionsr HcDade mwad that the salary of the Shecri.ff ba sat at $4x800.00 per: yemx the <br />Clerk of Court at $5x0.00 Par yam and the Register of Deeds at $4x400.00 par year. Chairman <br />Hobbs called £or a vote and there were 4 ayes affi 0 Hayes. <br />The oalary of the County Accountant and Taz woo net at $5x750.00 per year. <br />Tho across the bomd pay raise of ono (1) step to all county employees was ratifiedx this <br />was with the ezception of axe omployae who presently had not been with the ccunty for dt least <br />a 6 months period. <br />Commissioner Walker mwad that the following approplratioao far the fiacel year oP 1959-1960 <br />be adopted. <br />Far the County Rond Fund the sum of $ 21.130.00 <br />For the Farm Extension Fund the sum of $ 22.349.00 <br />For the General Fund $180.222.00 <br />For the Public Health Fug $ 30,000.00 <br />Fm the Hacwder's Court Fund $ 11.300.00 <br />For the School Currant Expanse Fund $231x278.00 <br />For the School Capital Outlgv Fuod $296x804.00 <br />For the Hchool Debt Service Fund $203x101.00 <br />For the Oenmal Welfine Fund $ 73x900.00 <br />For the Old Aga Assistance Fund $1.29x000.00 <br />For the Aid to Dependent Children Fund $151x200.00 <br />For the Aid to the Permanently and Totatally Meahla Fund $ 5Bx800.00 <br />For the Property Rwaluatton Fiend $ 8x350.00 <br />The above mentioned appropriations for schools. as will be shown in detail by reference to the <br />school budgets which have been filed by the County Hoard of Diucatioa and the Chapel Hi31 City <br />Administrative Unitx have been divided in auuh n manner that the Chapel Hill Unit will receive Sn <br />current expense the sum of $93x101 end the County Unit will. receive the sum. of $138x177.00. In <br />the Capital Outlay appropriations the Chapel Hill. Unit shall recalva the sum of $99x235.00 and the <br />County Unit shall..receive the sum..of $122x569.00. The sum of $75x00.00 shall be allotted to a <br />Capital Reserve Fund. 'Eats reserve fund shall also hove allocated to it the proceeds of a toad <br />aatlcipation note sale of $50x00.00. The total of this reserve fund amounting to $12$x00.00 shall. be <br />earmarked for the Chapel Hill City Administrative Unit far the construction of a claemoom <br />unit at Gl.onnwood School and the purchase of anew school Bite. Any funds left over from the gro3ecta <br />shall rwert to the Capital Reserve Fund as onnallocated fund. <br />Tlils motion received a second from Commissioner Z1c-ada. Chairman Hobbs called for a vote and <br />there were 4 oyes and 0 Hayes. Chairmen Robbe then declared this approrpirattons resolution duly <br />adopted. <br />Cosmissioner Stanford moved the tax rates for the year be set as follows. <br />For the County Hond Fund a rate of 1.89 cents per $100 oT property valuation <br />For the Fazm Program Fnnd a rate of 2.35 cents par $100 of property valuation <br />For the General. Fend a rate of 10.45 cants per S100 of property valuation <br />For the Public Realth Fnnd a rata of 3.29 cents per $100 of property valuation <br />For the School Current Expense Fund a rate of 17.85 per cents per $100 of property valuation <br />
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