Minutes - 19590720
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19590720
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Ninutee of the Hoard oP County Comaiesionere <br />July 15, 1959 <br />1•)5 <br />Tha Orange County Board of Commissioners met is ed~ourned aeaelon on Wed:, Jaly 15i 1959, at <br />dclock p.m. is the Commiaslonerss room at the courthouse im ffillebarq N. C. <br />Nombere presents :':+°i.,.ar R. J. N. Hobbs, Commiselonere Clarence Jones, Donald McDade, <br />d Stanford and Henry Walker. <br />Hembere absent: None <br />The purpose of this meeting xas to hold separate budget discusaioas with tho Chapel. N{ll <br />Administrative IIait and the County School Hoard. <br />The meeting aao ad~onrned to meat again on NoMay, Suly 20, 1959, at eight o~clook p.m. <br />H. 1. N. Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />Gattia <br />Clerk <br />Hinuta¢ of the Hoard of County Commiselonera <br />July 20, 1959 <br />The Orange County Board of Commi.s~.onera met in adjourned session IItonday, July 20, 1959, <br />eight osolock p.m. in the Commleaionera~ room at the courthouse in Hlllsbwo, N. C. <br />Members presents Chairman H. J. M. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald <br />ads, Donald Stanford and Henry Walker. <br />Members absents None <br />Nembera of the Chapel Bill G1ty Administrative IInit and the County School Board xere <br />st to continue their budget ddscuseiona. <br />Chairman Hobbs read swerat letters from prominent citizens of tho cosmty supporting the <br />'.get request of the Chapel Hill City Admf.aiatrative Cnit. The letters generally recommended to the <br />rd that the local support oP.the school systems of the county should be increased. <br />A lengt6ly discussion of the School Capital Outlay and Current Expense budgets sae held. <br />Commleaionar Walker moved that the tray rata be set at 92p end that $66,000.00 in bond <br />dcipatton notes be leaned the proceeds of ahlch aonld be applied tosard the construction of <br />Glenmrood School addition. This motion died for the lack of a second. <br />Swaral other Capital Outlay proposal sere suggested. Commiaei.oner Staafwd moved the rate <br />set at 95E and that $56,000.00 is bond antlcipatton notes ba authorised the proceeds of which <br />uld go toward the addition of tho Glennsrood school. This motion received a second from <br />miseioner MoDade. After discussion Chairman Hobbs called for a vote. Commissioner Stanford <br />Commissioner McDade voted in the affirmative. COmmissionar Joaee and Commissioner Walker <br />ed in the negative. The Chairman voted is the affirmative to break the tie and the motion ass <br />lared carried. <br />Commissioner Stanford moved that the supplemental tax rate for the Chapel Hill..Sohaol <br />ict ba raised loom the present rato of 15~ to 20p'. Commisadoaer Walker seconded this motion. <br />men Hobbs called Por a vote and there xere 4 ayes and 0 myea, the motion xas declared passed. <br />Chairman Hobbs suggested that all Covnty ®ployeea receive a ens (1J step salary raise with the <br />tion of the Deputy Sheriffs: He suggested the Deputise ba given a tau step raise. This met <br />the general approval of the Hoard and the Accomrtent eras directed to incorporate the rai.aes <br />the budget. <br />There being no further business the meeting xas adlovraed xith plane to meat agnin on <br />~, Jn]y 24th. <br />B. J. H. Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />Oattia <br />Clerk <br />
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