<br />37• William H. Aycock, C.H. 49. Mary Elisabeth Warren, C.H. b0. Fred S. R°ll, C.H.
<br />38. Jemee 6. Dorsett, Cka. 50. C. 0. Hogan, C.H. 61. Yrs. Horn W. $yrd, 8t. 1, H.M
<br />39• Fdna H. Dixon, Rt. 2, C.H. 51. Mrs. Fred Macieaac, C.H. 62. Yrs. Luna H. Hancock, C.H.
<br />40. Mildred N, BLake, C.H. 52. Elisabeth S. Hner, C.H. 63. Willard Walker, Cke.
<br />41. John C. Pearson, C.H. 53. James McPheraon~ H. bit. J. A. Weidinger, C.H.
<br />42. Fl.oranca Hall High~ith, C.H. 54. Rathxyn C. Conner, C.H. 6$. Claude H. Murrary, Cks.
<br />43. Jack D. Hogan, 0.H. 55• Helen F. Crutchfield 66. James E. Tgylor~ 0.H.
<br />44. Jonme Landau, 0.H. Rt. 2, Durham 67. Francis L, Johnson, C.H.
<br />45• J. C. Monk, C.O. 56. Claude W, Sharpe, H. 68. Joseph C. Dadeoa, H.
<br />46. Margaret S. Hargett, C.H. 57. ELieabeth Y. Johnson, C.H. 69. Nellie W. Gulock, H.
<br />47• L1:gene Hines, C.H. 5H. John R. Walker, Fho 70. Walter Les Hynum, G.H.
<br />48. Jesse 3echrist, H. 59. May }7, Camiehael, C.H. 71. William. M. Albright, H.
<br />The Board of Commissioners adjourned and lmmediately reco~ened ae a Board of Equalization and
<br />Heviex. Thera ass ao business presented to the Hoard eo the Hoard of Equalization and
<br />Raviea raceeaed until 3 p,m. on Monday, August 3, 1959•
<br />Thera being no further bnalneas the Board adJourned to meet again on Mondq, July 13, 1959,
<br />at ten o~clock a.m.
<br />B. J. M. Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />Hetty June Hayes
<br />Clerk
<br />~~~ ~ Minutes of the Board of County Commieaioaera
<br />July 13, 1959
<br />Tha Orange Cousrty Hoard of Commdealonere met 1n adJom~aed session on Monday, Jnly 13, 1959, at
<br />tBn O~C10Ck a.m.
<br />Members present: :'~+si *m^^ B. J. Y. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald McDade, Donald
<br />Stanford and Henry Walker.
<br />Members absents Noae
<br />T. A. Hurtan, L. H. Ouster and C, I. Walters, representatives of the State Hldhaw Commiealon,
<br />xere present. The purpose of this meeting ass to approve the 3econdard Read Plan for the coming
<br />fiscal year. After a lenghty discussion of this plan Commissioner Walker moved that said plan be
<br />accepted, Gommiaeionar McDade seconded the motion, end Chairman Hobbs called for a vote. There xm~e
<br />4 gyea and 0 nayae.
<br />F. L. Fuller of Durham presented a road petition to the Board. This petitlon lacked the
<br />signature of txo property mmere. T. A. Burton suggested this petition be approved and mailed to
<br />the State Highway Ccmmisaian. in 1ta present form. Upon motion of Comml.esioaer Stanford, seconded
<br />by Commissioner Jones,-the.Clerk xas requested to forxard the Fuller patltion to the Highway
<br />Commiseion. Chairman Hobbs called for a vote and theta sere 4 ayes and 0 Hayes.
<br />0. D. Garvin, Distriot Health Officer, came before the Hoard to request they appropriate
<br />111uui to buy polio vaccine for all persons bataeea the ages of 6 thru 20 oho ere unable to p¢y a
<br />pt~sician for such vaccine. The Hoard ass in eympatpy xith this request but that Dr. Garvin
<br />flret try to secure theto funds from the local March of Dimes Orgaalaatlon.
<br />The agb3ect of insurance on County property ass brwght to the attention of the Hoard by
<br />the County Accountant. After a discnsalon 1t xas moved by Coamiesioner Walker end eanoaded by
<br />Commissioner Jones that the total ooverage be lnorensed by, :M1lA0,000.00.
<br />Mrs. Georgia Navina, County Librarian, appeared to discuss the 1lbrary budget. She
<br />presented the folloxing names for appointment to the Library Boani.
<br />Name EXpiration of term
<br />Mrs. Richard Hond 6/30/61
<br />O. Paul Carr 6/30/62
<br />Dan S. Yattheson 6/30/62
<br />-- c. E. Yaddry 6/30/62
<br />sam Dettie 6/30/62
<br />A discussion of the school budget ensued. The Hoard agreed to meat with Mr. Johnson and the
<br />members of the Chapel Hill City Administrative Unit on Wed., July 1$th at B p.m. and to talk with
<br />the County School Hoard at 9 p•m. on the same date.
<br />There being no further bnalnees this meeting adJourned to meet again oa July 15Th,
<br />8. J. M. Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />5. M. Gattie
<br />Acting Clerk
<br />