Minutes of the 9oard of Covrty Commissioners ~~, 1'
<br />June 9, 1959
<br />The Orange County Board of Cosmissioners met in zdjourned session on Monday, June 8, 1959,
<br />at eight o'clock p.m. in the Commissioners' loom at the courthouse in Hillsborq I7. C,
<br />Members present: Chairman ft, J. Et. Hobbs, Cormissioners Clarence Jones, Donald McDade,
<br />Donald Stanford and Henry 'rlaL<er.
<br />Member's absent: alone
<br />The Poard oL Trustees of the Chapel Nill City Administrative Unit presented their
<br />budget recuest. '~, Johnson, Superintend of that Unit, made a detailed presentztion of the
<br />budget. Pais ~,ras followed Uy statements from the School Trustees. A group of approximately
<br />100 persons from the Chapel H111 area were present to lend their support to the budget requests.
<br />After a lengthy discussion this meeting was adjourned at 11 p.m, to meet again on Thursday,
<br />June 11, 1959, at 8 o'clock p.m. in the Commissioners Room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, i!. 0.
<br />R. J. 61, Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />S, M. Gattis
<br />Acting Clerk
<br />Minutes of the Hoard of County Comissioners
<br />June ll, 1959
<br />The Orange County Loard oL Commissioners met in adjourned session on Thursday, June 11, 1959,
<br />at eight o'clock p.m. in the Commissioners' Roam at the courthouse in iillsboro, ^.1, C,
<br />Members present: Chairman R. J. ii. Hobbs, Co¢missi ~~ers Clarence Jones, Donald McDade,
<br />Donald Stanford and Henry Walker.
<br />yembers absent: Plone
<br />Don Matheson, County Farm .lgent, ::as present to discuss his proposed Uudget.
<br />Chairman Nobbs read the folioa~ing letter from the School Finance Study Conmit tee.
<br />June ll, 1959
<br />Dz. R, J, AL Hobbs, Chairman
<br />Poard of County Comais sippers
<br />Orange County
<br />Chapel Hill, 2forth Car ollna
<br />Deaz~ Dr. Hobbs:
<br />In meeting ttitF. the Orange County School Advisory Cormdt tee on February 6, 19$9, you
<br />instructed the comsittee (1) to study the immediate aed long term needs of the schools, and
<br />(2) to make recommendations to the Hoard of County Commissioners as to hoe these needs may be
<br />financed, Since that date the committee has s: ork ed 1om and hazd, meeting seven times to study
<br />budgets and i:eaz reports.
<br />Tne flop sunerirterdents and the county accountant have boom Very helpful to the committee.
<br />Mr. Cars and Dr'. Johnston have presented and explained the present budgets and anticipated
<br />future needs of the fro school systems. A4. Gattis has assisted the comrittee to gain an
<br />understanding of Orange County's present financial condition.
<br />Your comcdttse in cooperation with the Orango County sd Chapel Hill Hoards of Hducation
<br />has secured the assistance of the University of North Cazolina's School of Pducation in planning
<br />our stssdies of Orange County's school needs, Pesch superintendent has initiated a school census,
<br />This informanion will pr wide necessary date for the projection of school population figures
<br />aad the determination of future school needs. The tlata collected is non Ueing tabulated,
<br />The State Department of Public Instruction's Division of School Planning vri11 tegin on
<br />Juno 15th an evaluation of existing bulldi.ngs and i'acilitles in relation to present and future
<br />use. four committee is also considering the necessity of a complete testing nrogra~n and a
<br />study of existing curriculwa as a Dart of our study of ice present and future needs of the schools,
<br />It is hoped that tUe studles referred to above Trill provide sutticient information to permit
<br />the preeaz'ation of a ten-year plan for meeting the current evpense and capital outlay needs
<br />of Orange County. .'le hone to be able to present such a plan for your copsideration early next year-
<br />Until the x•esults of the school census and the valuation of existing buildings are available,
<br />the commnittee will have little additional information not now available, t8 the existing bonds
<br />of education or to the board of county comr..issioners. For this reason, we feel that we should
<br />rat make any sneciflc r'ecorwerdati+ns until our studies vrt11 permit the prepazati cn of a long-
<br />r'ange plan for meeting the school needs of the county,
<br />Ho'never, because the Hoard of County Commissioners must act rithin the next few vreeks to
<br />adopt a budget for the ne:a school year, re would like to shave this conculsion zith you: Your'
<br />