Orange County NC Website
Hinutes oi' the Eoard oL County Commissioners <br />~~~ June 1, 1959 <br />The Orange County Hoaz~d oi' Commissioners met in regular session on S:onday, June 1, 1959, at <br />ten o'clock, a.m, is the Cov^'vissloners' room at the courthouse in Pilsborq J9, C. <br />tSembers present: Chairman R. J. ;t. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald ElcDade, <br />Donald itani'ord and Henry pialker. <br />Lfembers absent: Nona <br />E(inutes of the prwious meeting were read by the Clerk, there was ono correction in <br />the wording concerning the hiring of Jsek Childress and his }rife. <br />h. H. Grahem tendez'ed his resignation as Assistant Judge of Orange County Recorder's Court, <br />as Judge Phipps will resume his duties on Licnday, June 1, 1959. <br />Ltrs. Cluence Jones informed the Board of the progrees made ¢j the Orange County Historial <br />Liuseum. She requested that the price of the book published by Orange County during it's bi-centennial <br />celebration entitled "Orange County 1752-1952" be reduced Srom 55.00 to $3.G0 for the cloth , <br />bound cony and from $3•'00 to 52.00 for the paper beun3 cory. No action eras taken on this request <br />as the Eoard vtanted to refer to minutes that }vere recorded at the time the hoops were given to <br />the Liusoum Conti.ttee. yrs. Jones also presented the budget request for the t.:useum. <br />The Register of Deeds was authorized to turn wer tp the museum the old seal of her office. <br />'the follmving Department Oifici._ls presented xeoorts for the month of Elay, 1959. <br />Frantt rrdderick, Delinqu_nt Tae Collector <br />Shenmsn Shelton, P.egro Fazm h,;ent - <br />B. nf, Lynch, Cler!t of Court <br />Ca she Eogga, County Do, }Yarden <br />Jesse Tzovrbridgo, Hame Demonstration A,;ent <br />Jane Parker, YfolSare Supt. and C, D. "BUCId' Knight, Sherriff. <br />A. H. Grahaoy County Attorney, r_por'Led that the PJorth Cazolina General Statutes pertaining <br />to the apppintment of constables by the Doard of Commis sippers authorized the Epazd to eke such <br />appointments. <br />The Board reviewed the petition submitted at last months meeting requested that E{ugh L{. }yilson <br />of Hingham Topmship be appointed constable for that. township. They then referred the petition <br />to the Sh_rr iff's Department calling attention to the conditions which. the petitions set Torth <br />east in that community and ask that the Sherriff ma:<e the request for the appointment oe said <br />constable if he so desired. 21p further action wzs taken. <br />Chairman Hobbs read the following resolution from the Orange County Board of Pducation. ' <br />Hillsboro, N, 0. <br />June 1, 1959 <br />RESOLUTIOIJ St7ZUES IIIJG TH3 EOAI?D On COIi!:.IGSIOfLRS OF ORA?L'E COUITY 10 CALL A:1 ELECIIOF; IN TfiB l4?iITR <br />CROSS DISTRICT TO DGTW9:fINC 47H:iIHr'Gt OH NOT 'CHSB DISTa2iCT SR.4LL BlxO;!E A ?AR'I OF THE CNAPFJ, RILL <br />CITY ADEtINISTRAI'N6 UMT <br />D6 IT RRHOLP~: <br />Section h that the Board of Commissioners of O: ange County be requested to cell an election <br />in the petite Cross District to deterruine the Trill of the people or. the issue of }vhethez or not this <br />district shall become a n. +-t of the Chapel $;11 CitJ Administaative Unit. <br />Section II, That the distrlct in }Thick the election shall be held shall be composed of the - <br />1'ollm+inC area: <br />De ginning at a concrete monument on the Orange and Alamance County line which point is established <br />by a line running due west 212 Teet tx om the intersection of the center line of the i:ebane Oaks <br />fiighway and the county road tdtat leads to Oak Grwe Baptist Church, runccng thence south 35'- 35' <br />east 8, 1D4 feet crossing aforesaid 5lebane Oaks Highvray to the intersection of the center line of Lhe <br />county road that leads westwardly from Teer to said iSebane Oaks Highway and the county road that <br />leads to the Orange Grwe Highway; thence south b3:* 50' east 15,470 feet to the intersection of the <br />center line of the Orange Grwe Highway and the county road that leads eastwardly from Teer to said <br />Orange Grwe Hash,ray; thence north 74:, 10' east B,d70 £eet to the intersection of the center line <br />of the road at Dodson's Crossroads; thence north 69c 15' east 8,915 feet to a point in the center of <br />the }rest side of the loop road, said point being 1,584 feet north of the first inter sec ;.ion going - <br />cast from Dodson's Crossroads; thence along the center of said road in a southteesterly direction <br />1,584 feet t.o the intersection of said road (N. C, secondary road $'512) with the paved road that <br />leads from -odson's Crossroads southeastv;ardly to Calvander (N, C. secordz=;' X51-1.); thence duo <br />south along the Bingham and Chapel Hill Tmmship line crossing @. C. secondary road „'S6 at Hethel <br />Church, crossing N. 0. highway a54 ,just west of Bates Store, crossing Antioch Road at its inter- <br />section with N. C. secondazy road /r'S163o and crossing Janes Ferry Hoad 1.25 miles northeasterly <br />from its intersection with the Orange and Chatha_n County line, a total distance of 39,17/ feat to a <br />point on said Orange and Chatham County line; thence in a westerly direction along the Chatham <br />County line to the Alamance Count,}- line; thence in a northerly direction along the flamarce County <br />line to the point or place of bcyinning. ' <br />All bearings referred to true mex idia_n as calculated tram scaled values and distances computed Srom <br />scaled values from ?forth Cuolina Stets Highway and Public piorks Cor,.missi on stop of ox ange County <br />as revised June 30, 1957, by Hobert .1. Jones, Eegistered Surveyor, <br />