Cinutes of the 'ward ®L Ccunty Comvds sionezs ~~~~~
<br />U.ay 4, 1959
<br />The Orange County Eoazd of Commissi oners met in regular session on Mor~3ay, May 4, 1959, at
<br />ten o'clock a.m, in tha Comvnissi opens' room at the courthouse in kullsbor o, [v. C.
<br />Members m~esent: Chairman R. J. S. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald WrDade,
<br />Donald Stanford and Henry 1Ve11cer.
<br />Members absent: done
<br />Linutes of the previous meetings were read by the Clerk and approved by the Board.
<br />The following Department Officials presented reports far the month of April, 19$9•
<br />Catherine Miller, Asst, Pane Demonstration Agent
<br />Cashe Eoggs, Dog harden
<br />Snerma. Shelton, Negro F2rm Agent
<br />C. D, Hnight, Soerritf
<br />E. &. Lynch, Clerk of Court and Jana Parker, 17elTare Sunt.
<br />' Upon motion of Commi ssicner'Vialicer, seconded by Covmissioner 6cDade, and unanimously adopted
<br />the Sheriff ras authorized to hire Jack C. Childress as Jailer of Orange County at a salary of
<br />yE, B00.00 per year. 'fie duties of this office shall be as follo+rs:
<br />1. Jailor
<br />'. H. Caretalrer of bounds: (a) jail (b) old courthouse (c) agricultural building
<br />A. N. Graham, County Attoz~noy, informed the Hoard that the County A,E.C. Board had passed a
<br />resolution reouesting that the monthly compensation for the County A.D.C. Eoud Chairman be increased
<br />Sr om 5100.00 to 3200.00 per month Iron 'r ebruazy 19. 1959, until July 31, 5959: and that $50.00 each
<br />month thereafter' until Decevioer' 31, 1959• Tnis reeve st was refsrred unril a joint meeting with the
<br />County Deard of Education could be arranged.
<br />There }vere two ro2d petitions presented to the Eoazd and the Clerk was requested to mail
<br />same on to the State Highrraq CommSssion.
<br />1. Road located in Bingham Tmmship runs from Hrry. ii87 north to hiillsbozo-Orange Grove
<br />road //57 and lmomn 2s old Hillsboro-Pittsboro Road.
<br />2. Road located in Chapel. Hill Tmmship runs from old //Ob to Greensboro Street and is
<br />kno;m as Cheek Street ~ctension.
<br />The Orange County Hoard of Cormnis sionerc and the Orango County Eeard of Education met in joint
<br />session oa the abuse date at 2 p.m. in the Commissioner e' Room in Hillsboro with the following
<br />members present: Commissioners Chairman, Dr. R. J. ;r. Hobbs, Cor„nassioners Donald Stanford, Donald
<br />'eDadc, Henry S, Ylalker, and 0. D, Jones. Eoazd of Education Chairman, C. 15. Stanford, John E.
<br />[iawkins, P. Ross Porter, Gordon B, Clevelend and Chzrles M. 1'ialker, Jr.
<br />Dr. R, J. 3i, Aobbs, Ch2ir•man, Orange County Board of Conmissioners, Presided,
<br />Dr. Hobbs stated that an oral request had been Lrou~ht to him by County Ihtorney, A. H, Graham
<br />flan the A.B.C. Doard. This rcouest ras to the effect that the joint boazds approve an increased from
<br />,'$100.00 to $200.W per month compensation allowance for the Chairman of the 6. B.C, Board from February
<br />15> 1959 through July 1959.
<br />After discussion, School Doard Member P. Ross Porter moved that the rcouest be denied. Motion
<br />as seconded by Donald Stanford.
<br />Chairman Aobbs c211ed for a voice vote on the motion. Voting Lye-9, voting No. 0. Chairman
<br />Hobbs declared the motion carried.
<br />There being no further business, the joint boards meeting adjourned at 3 p•m.
<br />Upon motion of Commisstioner Jones, seconded by Covmissioner }'faiker, and unanimously adopted
<br />The Clerk ryas instructed to place in the minutes oi' the flay meeting a copy of the resolution
<br />accented at the Menorial Service for the late Eherriff, Odell H. Clayton.
<br />Judge L. J. Phipps: Yfe Here saddened last creek when we learned that our Sheriff, Odell H.
<br />Clayton, had passed array. Yie have set 2side this time as a memorial to him, 1 would like to
<br />ecagniza Bonner Bowyer Sor a Sex words.
<br />Bonner D, Saryer: If your' Honor Please, I:embers of the Sheriff's Force, Lar. Eb1'oreement Officers,
<br />he family of Sheriff C123'ton and other folks who ue assembled, it is r:ith a great deal of regret that
<br />'t becomes my honor to participate in this Memorial Service for Sheriff Clayton.
<br />Sheriff Clayton w2s a native oS Orange County, born and raised here, and al.l through his Life
<br />e served the people of this county in the various capacities which he was called to serve from the
<br />live oL his boyhood until his death,
<br />Ode11 Clayton ras the type of citizen that 2ny county can iLt-2Sford to lose. He was a
<br />Frr istian gentleman. He was raised that rray, He ryas married that ray and he lived that way.
<br />He was elected sherizS of this county by overvrheLaing majority, and in his can2city as the chief
<br />aw enforcing oTficor of this county, he did as he al::ays did, an ercelleat job, Ne ras through in
<br />is investigation. He was fair to the defendents, He was fair to the ofi'icers, and he considered
<br />t as much a part oS his official duty to see that an innocent man was cleared of a chsrge With which
<br />