<br />minutes of the Anvil 6th meeting continued
<br />43• Jahn H. Thomoson, }ib, S1. Hddie Len Terr, ~0 59. Alvin Hynum, C, H,
<br />46. Lucille Ifoleman, H'o. S2. Alta F, Idoore, C.H. 60. Jahn W, ?ox, C.H.
<br />4S• idrs. Alfred F, Linde, 0.H, S3• Huck. Harnett, C,R. 61. Clyde H, Carroll, 0.R.
<br />46, T. 0. Hutlar, B. 54, "mss Virda Leno Thrift, Ck. E2. Emi7.y M. Womble, C.E.
<br />47• Ethel 3. Clarke, hb. SS. Elizabeth 0, Huggins, C, H, 63, J. G. Toddy, Jr „ C, H,
<br />48. Jim+y R• Cook, C.N. 56. LYnest ,1. Tor at n, ktb. E4, Helena Clark, C,H,
<br />49. W, R, Sloan, C.H. 57. Rebecca iSells, C,H. bS• Ida H. 7conard, C, H.
<br />50. Mary Wi]liams Yfall, C,E, SB. L. 17oodr~ow Viagner, Gno,
<br />Thers being no further business this meeting was zdjourned.
<br />A.. J, M, Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />Hefty June Hayes
<br />Clerk
<br />Minutes oL the Hoard of County Cormissioners
<br />April 27, 1959
<br />Tho Orange County Poard of CoaaSssioner's met in spocial called session on Monday, April 27,
<br />1959, at ten o'clock: a.m. in the Comrmissioners+ rooa at the courthouse in Ni ll sboro, N. 0.
<br />Members present: Chairman R, J. M, Hobbs, Commissioner's Clarence Jones, Donald M, Stanford and '
<br />Henry S, V/aL4er.
<br />Members absent: Commissioner Donald McDado
<br />T, A, Eurton, L. H. GLnter, -~---=ingran and 0. 2. lYalters of the State HigM;ay Department
<br />aoneared to present the secondary road priority plan for the coming two year period. After
<br />a detailed exnlaination of the plan by Mr. Horton an3 llr. Ingram a cow of the point system
<br />rating ivas filed rrlth the Hoard giving the nett priority ratings of all roads in the county.
<br />Mr. Eur ton then advised tho Board that once tho legislature had set a definite budget for
<br />the Highway Department he would then come before the Board and advise then of the orogram
<br />his Department would be able to carry out,
<br />Sher'ritf C, D. knight reported that the Jailer was about to resign and he was having
<br />difficulty securing a replacerent, He recomaended that the Hord authorize him to hire
<br />a Jailer who would not have to serve in the capzcity oL Deputy Sherriff. The Hoard took this
<br />matter under advisemnnt and directed Sherriff Knight to see if he could tins a suitable person
<br />to fill this position.
<br />Commissioner Ylalker moved that Mrs. Ortense Dickson, Tar, Collector, be 'fir ected to 3eposit
<br />her colloctions :ri.th the Durham Bank @ Trust Company of Hillsboro, ?1, C. This motion received a
<br />second from Commissioner Stanford. Chairman Hobbs called for a vote and there veers 3 ayes -
<br />and O noes. Chai.zman Fiobbs declazed this notion as passed.
<br />Commissioner Stanford moved that the reefing be adjourned. Commissioner l'lalker seconded
<br />this motion.
<br />R. J. M. Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />M. Gatos
<br />ang Clerk
<br />