<br />ldinutes of the Board of County Commissioners
<br />April 6, 1959
<br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in regulaz session on 'donday, 6(arch 2, 1959, at
<br />ten o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, t7, C.
<br />Llembers present: Chairman R, J, M, Hobbs, Commissioners Claz~ence Janes, Donald E(eDade,
<br />Donald Stanford and Harry 'ifallcer,
<br />tdembers abssrt: gone
<br />Etinutes of the previous meetings were read by the Clerk and approved by the Hoard.
<br />Coh H, L. Robb, of Chanel Hill requested that the late listing penalty now charged against
<br />his property be removed, as he was out of the country during the time designated for tax
<br />listing purposes, This reoue st vas referred for further can^^=ideration.
<br />Thomas L, Kate of ELland eppeazed betore the Boazd and protested the action of the previous
<br />night taken by the Orange Covnty Sherrltf's Deoartment in the handling oT an insane P:egro man
<br />living is the Efland community. The Board decided to discuss this matter further with the new
<br />Sherrill upon his appointment.
<br />Upon motion o: Com;nissionar Jones, seconde3 by Conmdssioner 1!cDade, and unanimously passed,
<br />C. D. Knight eras appointed to Till the unexpired term of Odell H. Clayton, as Sherriff of Orange
<br />County.
<br />Tho Hoard then took time fro¢ their meeting to attend a brief tleaorial Service for Ode11 H.
<br />Clzyrton. This service was held in the courtroom. '
<br />The following Department Officials presented reports for the month of Harsh, 19$9.
<br />Jesse Trmrbrldge, Homs Demonstration Agent
<br />Hrank Frederick, Delinquent Tax Collector
<br />Sherman Shelton, ilogro Dann Agent
<br />Don Lfatheston, Harm Agent
<br />Jane Parker, i'7elfare Suot.
<br />0. D. Knight, Sherriff
<br />E, g. Lynch, C1ezk of Court, and Dr. 0. David Garvin, Disttict Health Officer, presented
<br />a tentative budget request for 1959-19E0.
<br />Upon lotion of Ccmmissioner Stanford Siiss Trowbridge, Nome Demonstration Agent, was granted
<br />permission to zttend summer school.
<br />Upon motion of Commisaoner Yfalkor, seconded by Commissioner .lopes, and unanimously adopted
<br />the Le¢orandum oT Understanding betweon the Hoard of County Commissioners of Orange County and
<br />the tlorth Carolina State College Extension Scrvico ore sented by Don `latheston, County Farm Agent,
<br />was referred ror Tur they study.
<br />Upon motion of Co~mSs si oner Stanford, seconded by Commissioner LcDade, and unanimously adopted,
<br />the recorn:endation for a County Agricultural Bxtensi on Advisory 6oatd presented by Don Etathaston
<br />was unanimously endorsed.
<br />Sane Parker, 1'ielfare Suot., requested that the Board transfer $1,000.00 from the Hoard dome
<br />for fdults to the General Assistance Fund.
<br />Upon aotion of Cocmissioner 17alker, seconded by Co.^rmissioner tleDade, and unanimously passod,
<br />the County lccountant rras authorized to transfer tr om the Adult Hoard Home Tund to the GenhYal
<br />Assistance Fund amounts totaling $1,000.00.
<br />L'r. Stowart, E:cecutive Vice President in charge of the Planning of the Reach Triangle, appeared
<br />beToro the Hoard and submitted a er oposed act,wld.ch is to be presented to the Legislature,, creating
<br />a Planning Co:rmission to study the possible impact that the Re seazcl[ Triangle might have on the
<br />wake, Dttr--ham and Orange County area. 1'nis commussion would have recommerdary powers only,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stantord, seconded lrj Commissioner L!cDade, and unanimously adopted,
<br />it was ordered thzt a copy of the above stated act be sent to our tepres_ntatives in Raleigh along
<br />with the Board's endorsement of said net.
<br />This Board adjourned for lunch and with plans to meet in joint session with the Orange County
<br />Hoard oL Education in the office or the CoW[ty A, H.C. Boazd at 2:15 p.a.
<br />The Orange County Hoard of Coamissioners and the Orange County Board of Education met in joint
<br />session at 2:15 P•m, on the above date in tho olTico of the Covnty A,B,C. Hoard.
<br />Coa:S slippers present were: Dr. R, J. 3i. Hobbs, Chzirmaq Donald RcDade, Dorald Stanford,
<br />Remy Ylalker and C. D. Jones, Boaz~d of ~lucatt on me,nbers present were: C. w, Stanford, Chairman,
<br />J. E, Hawkins, E. Ross Porter, Gordon B. Cleveland and Charles H, w,11<er, Jr,
<br />Dr. R. J. Gt, Hobbs, Chairman, County Board of Commissioners, presided aver the ,joint
<br />session, This meeting was caIled to order by Chairman Hobbs at 2:15 p,a.
<br />Dr, D, D. Carroll's letter oT resignation as Chairman of the A, H.C. Boazd was road.
<br />School Hoazd Memher, P, Ross Porter, moved this resignation be acceded with reg[~ot and that
<br />R. J. Smith, Sr. be elected to fill Dr. Cazro11's unexpired term as Chairman of the County A.B.C.
<br />Board. aotion seconded by Commissioner Janes, Chairman ifoUbs called Tor a voice vote. Voting
<br />Aye 9, voting No 0. 9[e motion was declared carried.
<br />It rras agreed that R. J. Smith's term of office now mould become the 3 year term and that
<br />Dr, Car roll's term would be for two years,
<br />