Orange County NC Website
1`39' <br />6iinutes of the Boazd of County Corcnissi oners <br />td arch 16, 1959 <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in mjourned session on ttomay: Itarch 16: 1959r <br />at ton orclock a.m, in the Commtlssioners~ room in Hillsboro, N. C.+ as a Eoard of Eoualization and <br />Rwiev, <br />tdembers present: Chairman A. J. LL Eobbs+ Commissioners Clsrence Jon¢s. Donald WcDme. <br />Donald Stanford and Henry 17alker. <br />Nembers absent: None <br />Lucius Cheshir e~ Assistant Cleriz of Court administered the oath to each member. <br />Dutch Compton appeared before the Doazd and protested the valuation on his duplex apartment <br />located in the subdivision immvn as L'ountair. Viers gstates, The Tar. Supervisor Was directed to <br />inspect this house, even though: the time for appeal h¢d atremy empires and report his finding at <br />the nest Ecazd meeting. <br />No further complantants appearedr so a recess until the first ISOnday in April ras tairen. <br />Chairman Hobbs immediately recorrvenod the Hoard ns the Hoard oT County Commissioners. <br />The question of inventory assessment }vas brought before the Hoard by the Tax Supervisor. <br />Commissioner balker moved that the TaY Supervisor be instructed to assess mercantile inventory at lad <br />of nholecale cost for 1959 tax purposes and thereafter. This motion nos seconded by Cormissionez <br />G!cDade, Chairman Hobbs called for a vote and there mere Sour ayes and no Hayes, <br />Carl Uavisx Tax Co?].ector' axui Tax Supervisor made a report concerning the test method of <br />replacing the Tax Collector upon hia resignation. They further recoeuzended that a Tax <br />Appraiser be. appointed to do the outside vrork being preseptly done tY Lir. Davis. This report Has <br />discussed by the Hoard. Commis Doer Stanford moved that 4:rs. Ortense Dickinson be appointed <br />Tax Collector. This motion received a second Tzpni Coaaais sinner Janes. Uoon a vote there }vere 4 <br />ayes and no Hayes. <br />Commis si ~~er Stanford move the Tax Supervisor to authorized to hire a Tax Appraiser. This <br />motion ves seconded by Coamissioner Yalker. Upon a vote there vere 4 ryes and no naves, <br />Tom Yates of Chapel E{ill ao~ared relative to the County appointing a Plumbing Inspector and <br />mooting a minimum standazd code for olumbing work. Letters supporting his position from the <br />Town E!anagcrs of Carrbor'o and Chapel Hill vere sutsvitted, The Hoard agreed to take this matter <br />under advisement. <br />K. E. Cole appeared and filed with the Board n Written request for a tar. refund of 534.82. <br />the Tax Supervisor v+as directed to make this refund to }Ss. Cole. <br />A letter' from D. D. Caxrvll+ Chairman of the County A.H.C. Hoard Has read. This Was a <br />letter of resignation and a request Tzom Dr. Cazroll that R. J. Hmith, Sr. be made Chairman of <br />the County A, H.C, Boazd~ and that he be made a member of said Hoard. A copy of this letter ryas <br />authorized to be sent to the Hoard of Pducati on and the matter W'as held over until the first <br />Etonday in April When the Uvo 9oards could meet in .joint session. <br />T}ere being no further' business this meeting rras adjourned. <br />P., J. D, Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />S. M, Gattis <br />Acting Clerk <br />