Hinutes of the Hoard of County Commissioners ~~
<br />6:arch 2, 1959
<br />The Orange County Hoard of Commdssl oners met in regular session on Honday, Harch 2, 1959, at
<br />ten o~clock a, a. in the Cortmissioners~ room nt the courthouse in liillsborq N, C.
<br />He:abers present: Chairman R, J. H. Hobbs, Commissioners Clarence Jones, Donald HcDade,
<br />Donald Stanford and Henry Stalker.
<br />Lfembers absent: None
<br />tdinutes sere read by the Clerk and approved by the Hoard.
<br />Sara Laws Lancaster of Vanceborq N. C,, was present in connection with the request made in
<br />her behalf by H. G. Coleman, Sr., at the last Commissioners meeting concerning the old desk
<br />used try het Sather, John Laws, While he was Register of Deeds. Hrs. Lancaster informed the Hoard
<br />that she would like to have permission to remove the desk Sor the purpose of restoring it and
<br />then the desk could ba returned to the County museum as a gift from her family,
<br />Upon motion of Cocmissioner lYalker and unanimously adootedg Hrs. Lancaster was given
<br />the desk for the purpose oS having it restored, with the undex'standing that said desk s:ould
<br />be placed in the County museem.
<br />The following Department 01'f icials presented reports fat tho month of February, 1959•
<br />Jesse Troxbridge, Home Demonstration Agent
<br />Sherman dhelton, Negro Pazm Agent
<br />Frank Frederick, Delinquent Tax Collector
<br />E, H. Lynch, Clerk of Court
<br />- 1'lalter Yirenn, Veteran's Service Otficer
<br />Jane Pazker, Vielfaze Hupt. and the Sheriff rs Office.
<br />A road petition was submitted by James H. Field of kiillsborq JJ. C., for maintenance
<br />of a road located in the subdivision known as Timber'crest. Said s'oad is known as
<br />Timberly Drive.
<br />- R. J. Smith, Sr. wanted clariSicati on oT the amount to be o-add to the A. B.C, Boazd me;nbers.
<br />Cov~issi ~~ers Jones said it'was his intent that A,H.D, Hoard members be paid $10.00 pez diem and
<br />all necessary travel expense rather than $10.00 per diem and travel allorance to znd from each
<br />meeting.
<br />Toe Sollmring resolution was adopted:
<br />V1H6[tBAS, the voters of Orange County expressed themselves in favor of an alcholic control system
<br />Sor Orange County in a county-wide alectl on held on February 3, 19599 and
<br />}'lHFRGhH, the Hpazd oT County Conmissioners, in conjunction with the Hoard of Education and
<br />representative from the Health Denaz'tment, has duly appointed the Orange County hlcholic Control
<br />Board, consisting of Dr, D. D, Carroll, Ch irman, d. J, :With and G, H, Lomo as members of said
<br />Hoard, and
<br />'tIHHR f S, said Alcholic Control Hoard is without funds to set uo AHC stores in Orange County and
<br />it will be note wary for said Ppar1 to receive necessary Surds before actually beginning operation}
<br />and
<br />YtHGHFJ:S, Orange County nms has certain unencumbered funds which are invested at a lmv rate oS
<br />interest in the School Debt Service Fund, and
<br />}'RJGRBAS, after a full discussion by member's of the Poard oS County Coranissi oners, and it being
<br />the unatimous opinion of said Hoard that it pill be to the best intezest of Orange County to
<br />pr wide the County Alcholic Board Mth adequate Surds with :ehich to start operations:
<br />NO}y~ T!{[12LTOR:, Upon option of Cosvmissioner Jones, seconded by Commission WeDade, and
<br />unanimously adopted, it is ordered that the County Accountant make available to the Orange County
<br />Alcholic Control Board fwds from the School Debt Service account to an amount not ere oeding Tlmnty
<br />Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for the purchase of equipment, furniture, supplies, et ceterap this
<br />advance or 1oar. being made to the Orange County Alchoholic Control Hoard upon the express under-
<br />standitg and agreement. that said advance is to be repaid by the said Alchoholic Control Hoard out
<br />of the first profits that may accrue frgm Its operation.
<br />llpon motion of Commissioner Stazi'ord, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and unanimously adopted,
<br />the County Accountant was authorized when necessary to convert certificate of doposit Awned by the
<br />School -ebt Service Fund, which aro on account with the Building and Loan Associations in this
<br />area, into cash.
<br />Upon motion pS Commissioner Jones, seconded by Cormmissioner }'~tlker, A, H. Graham County
<br />Attorney, :ras appointed as Assistant Recozdez~s Court Judge for the Orange County Court during the
<br />leave of absence of Judge L. J. Phipps.
<br />Lfrs. Clarence Janes spoke on behalf" of the Museum Comvittee requesting the Laws desk be
<br />given to the Museum. Hrs, Jones was told of Hr s, Lancaster's offer to restore the dodo She
<br />accepted this gift and expressed her appreciation to the Hoard and to L'rs. Lancaster.
<br />H• tY. Viebster of Cheeks Tormship appeaz•ed and requested a reduction in his tax value. This
<br />matter ryas referred to the Tax Supervisor.
<br />The County Attozney reported that under the IJ. 0. Statutes the County Boazd oS Commissioners
<br />had no authority to authorized the vae pf poison. The Clerls was instruected to rrsite John Cate,
<br />of Rt. 1, Cbapel Hill, iJ, C., concerning this report.
<br />