Orange County NC Website
x;33 <br />Ltinutea of the Hoard oT County Commissioners <br />January 13, 1959 <br />The Or once County Hoazd of Comaissi oners met in adjourned session with the County Board <br />of Education and the Trustees of the Chapel Mill Admt.nistrative Unit, on Tuesday, January 13, <br />1959 at 8 p.m. ir. the Commissioner's room at the cow'tF.ouse in Hillsboro, id, C. <br />Elembcrs present: Chaisman P., J. iJ. Nobbs, Cormissioners Clarence Jones, Donald 1`.eDade, <br />Donald Stanford and Henry 17ailmr', <br />Lembers absent: done <br />This meetiar eras held for the purpose of dlscussing h zr to conoose the membership of a <br />committee to study school financing and other needs throughout the county. <br />Ross Porter of the Hoard of Education moved this committee be composed of five (5) <br />membars one (1) chosen from each of the folloriny boards: Covnty Hoard of Commissioners, <br />County Hoard of Education and Hoard oT Tr ust.ees of the Chapel Hill Administrative Unit, Citizens <br />Co~mnittee for the Imor wement of County School System? Citizens Committee 1'or the Improvement <br />oT the Chapel Hi11 Administrative Unit. <br />This motion died for lack oi' a second, <br />4.ost of the Tifteen persons mesent erpr es sed their views as to how Co compose this <br />committee. <br />Crey Culbreth of the Chapel Hill ddministrative Unit moved this committee be composed <br />of fifteen (15) persons selected bg the Hoard of County Co~wiissioners from a list of names <br />suggested in the letter to the Boazd of County Commissioners i'rom the County Doard of <br />Education concerning this subject. Said letter ras dated December o1' 195d. fur'. Culbreth's <br />motion was seconded by Ross Porter. - <br />Aftex considerable discussion of the motion on the floor' Chairman Hobbs called for a <br />vote and their were 14 ayes and 0 pages. <br />The ,joint meeting etas adjourned. <br />Continuing in this session the Hoazd of Commissioners were presented 2 two (2) yeaz <br />contract for the employment of 4.r s, Fay F:ulet as Court Reporter at a salary of $100.OD <br />per creek plus expense estimated to run at $30.00 to aL0.00 per week. Conmdssioner Stanford <br />~'. moved for the contract to be accepted. Gomnris sinner YbDade seconded this motion. Chairman <br />', Hobbs called for a vote, There rere L ayes and 0 nyes, <br />Tne zesignation of Hi11 Richmond as Delinquent Tar, Collector was received and accepted. <br />the County Accountant end the Tar. Collector recommended Frank Frederick be appointed for <br />the position of Detinquent Tax Collector. Corunissioner Stanford moved that Yr. S'rederick <br />be appointed, Commissioner !ucDade seconded the motion, Chairman 'robbs called for a vote and <br />their sere Cr ayes and 0 nycs, <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeti~; pas adjourned. <br />R, J. !i, Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />S. H, Cattis <br />Acting Clerk <br />Rinutes oT the Houd of County Coranissioners <br />Sa~uary 22, 1y59 <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met on Thursday, January 22, 1959, at the Commissioner's <br />room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, t7. C. <br />yembers present: Chatx mzn R. J, m. Hobbs, Commissioners C1azence Jones, Donald iSC-ade, Donald <br />Stanford and Henry 1'ialker. <br />a.embers absent: [done <br />the purpose of this meeting mas to discuss the selection of membership for the Commissiener 's <br />School Advlsory Committee, <br />' ISter considerable dlscussion of tho names submitted by the County Hoard of Fducati on and <br />'the Chapel Ettll Administrative Unit this meeting was adj oux•ned, <br />R. J, li, Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />S, L4, Gattis <br />Acting, Clerk <br />