Orange County NC Website
!Sinutes of the Hoard of County Commissioners <br />Sanuary 5, 1959 <br />i~;i <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in reguler session on Efo[day, Janvazy S. 1959, <br />at ter. o'clock a,m, in the Commissioners' room at the courthsuse in Hillsboro, 9. C, <br />6lembers present: Chairman R.. J, L. NobUs, Commissioner Clazence Jones, Donald 9cDade, <br />Donald Stanford and Henry `walker. <br />4embers absent: none <br />The follovring Depaztmsnt Officials presented reports for the month of Docember, 1958: <br />Cashe Boggs, Dog 1Yazdcn <br />c. y. Lynch, Clerk. of Court <br />Jane Paz kez iielfaze Suot. <br />C. D, Knight, Doputy SherrifT and Don Watheson, Fazm Agent, Ed Haznes and Cyrus Green <br />Aaslstant Agent and Jessie Trovrbridge presented the annual reports for their respective <br />departments. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Stanford, and unanimously <br />adopted) it was agreed to have A. H. Graham, County Attorney, proceed with an enabling act to <br />permit the ap?ointment of an fssistant Clerk oT Court for the purpose of cownitting the insame, <br />the inebriant and to open safe deposit boxes. <br />Wr. C. fl, Sparrow of Rt. 1, Durham requested that his tax value be redacted because of the <br />Tact that the State HigMvay Commisslon has taken a goodly Hart of his property for right of way <br />purposes. The Hoard advised ;Sr, Spazrm: to wait until the highway oroject eras comoleted and then <br />the true value of his oroperty could be settled. <br />'Ihe County Accountant and the County Attorney reported on their imostigation of the value <br />of the machinery located in the Carrboro Plant of the Burlington Industries as of January 1, 1y58. <br />It was their recommendation that a machinery valuation of 5531,610.00 be set. The County <br />Accountant was directed to xecozt this action to Burlington Industries and authorized to accept <br />settlment of the 1956 taxes on this valuation. <br />Tne Covnty Attorney reoorted on his conference '.vith Dr. Vanderbilt concerning tho charges <br />to be made 1'or his actin, as County vcat Insoector, It eras agreed that the present system of <br />chazging an inspection See of fifty cents (50 ¢) per aaimal 6e continued, and the County Attorney <br />zecommonded that the Hoard set this as the official charge. <br />'' A letter from L'rs. Donald Btani'ord, President of the Junior service League, of Chapel !ii]1, <br />'~, U. 0. was read 6y Chairman Hobbs. Eirs. Stanford requested that the Hoard endorse legislation <br />''.. nr ohibiting the mai.rtenance of a swir,,.:dng pool rdthout 3 fence surrounding it. <br />' Upon motion oS Cownissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner 'dcDade, and unanimously adapted} <br />I the Board aporwed in spirit that. the requested legislation be made State vride but if same is not <br />acceotaUle on a State iride Uasis then same rd11 be made applicable to Orango County. <br />A letter from C. B. Hodson of Chapel Hill requestin; that tho late listing penalty againet his <br />home in Chapel Hill be released, Ives read by Chairman Hobbs. 'Dre Boazd denied this request, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner iYalkex~, secor3ed by Commissioner Jones, and unanimously adontedp <br />it 'was ordered that John ALlen Cates o1' Chapel Hill be refunded $33.69. This refundia made, dve <br />to the fact, thet the valuation.'onhis properties located on Franklin St., nasd5t. and Pine <br />Bluff Trail was reducte3 by the County Board of Goualization and Review for~the tax yea of 1957. <br />C. D. Knight, Deputy Sherriff, requested an additional allottment to purchase six pair of <br />pants tar tho deputies in the Sherrii'l's offico, Upon motion of Commissioner Nalker, seconded by <br />Commission iccDade, and unanimously adopted, it eras ordered that money be taken from the Emergency <br />Fund-to pay for the pants. <br />Chairman HoUbs read a letter from Joseph ffi. Johnston, Hecx'etazy Chapel 1ii11 City Board of <br />Education, petitioning the Board to consider the 1'or+mation and appointment of a committee <br />from the Citizens Committee for Chapel }fill Schools and the Citizens Commdttee ai' Orange County <br />plus other interested individuals to study school finance and to mafce recommendation thsreon. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ylalker, soconded by Commissioner ElcDade, and unanimously <br />adoptedq the County Hoard oT Education and the Trustees of the Chapel bill Administrative <br />Unit were invited to attend a joint meeting xdth the Hoard of County Commissioners on Tuesday, <br />January 13, 1959, at B p.m. in the Commissioner's room at the courthouse in Hillsboro, NH. C„ to <br />further discuss the composition of the proposed comuittae. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner V7alker', seconded by Commissioner Jones, and unanimously adopted? <br />Bi11 Richmond ass appointed as Delinquent Tax Collector fox Orange County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by Commaissioner Jones, and unanimously <br />adopted, a reduction of $710.00 rms gaoled to iugene Cheek of Hingham Tovrrship on his property <br />tax valuation. <br />The follmring names mere drawn to serve as jurors drsing the Janvary 19th term of Superior <br />Court. <br />1. Iso 0. Verritt, C, H, 8. Fichs3 Jamerson, Cdi. 15. Geo. Hicks, Jr,, 9b. <br />?. Donald Hicks, Cks. y. 17, L, Vipperman, Cks. 16. Chas, B. Poole, Cks. <br />3• Donald V. Haymen, 0.H, 10. Hazry L. Smith, 0.H. 17. Henry P, Lightman, C.H, <br />L. Curnie L. Daby, Cks, 11. Dudley J. Co~rlen, 0.H, 18. Jes. Heldman, Jr., C, E. <br />5. LazrY Sturdivant, C.H. 12. -aniel F. Cm:, C,H. 19• ;irs. Settle Cx :avrford, C..°.. <br />b. ;Jazy Rlrite Cooper, Hb. 13. Griffin Roundtree, 0.G. 20. C, Y., Stanford, B. <br />I. 7. B. A. Yor;<, Clcs. 14. Yi. Li. Lackley, C.H. 21. Anderson Hinson, hb. <br />