Minutes - 19580807
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19580807
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lr'3'~ fSinutes of the Hoard of bounty Comaiss inners <br />August 7, 1950 <br />Tho Poard met in the Commissioner's Room at 10 o'clock a.r.'. in accordance with time set for <br />said meeting at prior meeting of said Hoard. The follmring members were present: Chairman Hobbs, <br />Commissioner SfcOade, Commissioner Aay, Commissioner Htartord and Conmisci.oner Yialker. <br />.absent: None. <br />fie Chairman recognized Hrs. Lillian C. Hogan, Registrar of the Carrboro Preci net in Hoeclal <br />Election which ;vas held on Tuesdayr .August 5, 1950. firs. Nogan then presented to the Hoard <br />official return of the election so held on 1lresday, August 5, 1958, showing number of registered <br />voters as 1049. Number of votes cast FOR c7JLARAL7rZ'UT CHA.FBL HILL CITY iiD!dINISTRATIVG UMT 7hb <br />', votes. Tlumber of votes AGAZHBT C4Lh1Cf?iEI;T CfiAPFS~ HILL CITY ADYPiISTF~tTNi OT!IT 303 votes. <br />'', (Note: Three ballots were recorded as "spoiled".) <br />''. The Board of Commissioners acting as a Hoard of Election anon the above return hereby <br />certifies that the enlargement of the Chanel H111 City Administrative Unit was carried in said <br />election. <br />It is further ordered that a copy oL these minutes 6e furnished to the Orange County <br />board of Education, and also a copy Lurnished to the Chapel Fii11 City zdministrative Unit. <br />7n view of the pr wisi ons of the statututea providing tar special elections for purpose <br />of enlarging city administrative units the casts incident to the special election held on August 5, <br />1958, gill be peid by the Chanel Hi11 City Administrative Unit. The County Accountant is <br />requested to forward to the Secretary of the City Administrative Unit bill. received for <br />printing and advertising 1n the amount of $721.$0, hill received from firs. Lillian G. Nogan in <br />the amount of $06.40, and bills received frwn Bruce Riggsbee in the amount of $10.00 and Y7i1sy <br />Franklin in the amount of $10.00. Ito statement for legal servicos has been received, but same <br />;x111 be forwarded to the Chanel Et1ll City Administrative Unit at a later date. <br />Chairman Hobbs read a letter from Sr. Jahn T. Crapping, Attorney at Law, from Chanel Hill, <br />concerning the air conditioning of the offices in the courthouse. The Orange County Par <br />Association oTSered "0300.00 tmvard the air conditioning project. <br />Upon motion of Comnissioner Ray, seconded bl' Commissioner G!cDade, and unanimously passed, <br />the County Accountant ;vas authorized to take bids on eleven (11) window units. Tnis motion <br />included the providion that funds Tor the purchase and installation of the units be taken <br />from the old 1927 Surplus Account. <br />Tpe Accountant was directed to begin Cormulation plans to have the ,jail plumbing installed, <br />The Board anprwed the installation of a sign in front of the old couzthouse ty the <br />Orange County Ctuseum. <br />There being no further 6usinesa the meeting eras adjourned. <br />R, J, M. Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />5, Ct, Cattis <br />Acting C1ezk <br />
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