Orange County NC Website
Minutes oT the Hoard of County Cormissioners <br />119 <br />August !a, 1958 <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in reb" session on Monday, AtL;ust L, 1958, <br />10 o'clock a,m. in the Commissioners' roam at the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman R. J. M. Hobbs, Commissioner -onald McDade, Donald Stanford, <br />fight Ray and Nenry 14alker, <br />Members absent: None <br />The minutes oC the meetings held dozing the month of July were read by the Clerk and <br />The following departments officials presented reports far the month of July, 1958: <br />(Cathryn Pritchard, Asst. Rome -emostratlon hgent <br />Cache Hogg s, Dog Warden <br />Dr. 0. David Garvin, District Health Officer <br />Jane Pazlrer, Yielfaze Supt. <br />Frank Maddry, Delinquent Tax Collector <br />E, M• Lgnch, Clerl: of Court. <br />Commissioner Donald Stanford exm~essed his dissatisfaction wer the passage of the 1958-1959 <br />budget, 1n that, it ices inadequate to meet the paramount needs of County expenses. On the basis <br />of this need he reouested that the Board consider calling for an MH.C. election. After <br />considerable discussion on'this.matter it was ageod to discuss the issue later 1n the meeting. <br />Mr, L, E. Beard, who had at a previous meting with the Eoazd Mad requested the Eoard to <br />appoint a committee to review his zeyuest Por a tax reduction on the machinery located in the <br />Hells-Vue plant of the William L. Farrell Company, The County Accountant was reouested to <br />refire Mr. Eeard and inform him of the decision of the Hoard not to appoint a committee for <br />the purpose of arbitrating the matter. Hr. Deard was reouested to prepare such evidence as he <br />might have concerning the value oT said machinery and to present such evidence to the Hoard <br />of Equalization and Review. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by Commissioner McDade, the follmring <br />resolution pas intz oducted: <br />VYFL3R&iS on Tuly 28, 1958, the Orange County Board of Commissioners did set the ad valorem <br />tax rate for 1958-1959 at 82¢ per hundred dollars of property valuation, the said tax rate being <br />a reduction of 15¢ below the requested appropriations, although an increase of 10¢ over the <br />1957-1958 tax rate; <br />lYHEREAS rho County of Orange is operating near the legal limit of its bonded indebtedness, and <br />25¢ of the 82¢ ta:-, rate is being expended to retire bonds and pay interestg <br />WHEREAH the greatest need For funds aze for school capital outlay this need has not been <br />met and cannot be met without substantial increase in the ad valorem tax rate? <br />4ExT;1LAS the people of Orange County have not voiced their opinion in 27 years on the subject; <br />HE IT HERE RESOLVED by the Orange County Eoard of Commissioners that an election be called, <br />as soon as legally feasible after the next general election, to determine the vote of the <br />electorate on having Alcoholic Beverage Control Htores in Orange County. .. <br />Chairman Hobbs called far a vote on said resolution: 'there were two ayes and 2 Hayes making <br />a time on said motion and resolution. Chairm I{obbs cast his vote in the negative to break the <br />tie and defeat the resolution. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner PfaL<er, seconded by Commissioner Ray, and unanimously passed, the <br />County Accountant was authorized to xrithdraia from the Pir st Federal Savirp;s and Loan Association <br />in Durham, IJ. C, ,°,6¢)OO.OU on certificates aad cash same. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by Commissioner Walker, and unanimously passed, <br />the Clork to the Eoard was requested to write a letter certifying to the fact of the issuance of <br />a free peddlers licsnse as provided under 105-53 of the G.S. of North Carolina to Charlie <br />• wards. Mr. Pdwaz~ds had presented docwaentary proof attesting to his disability ~. and reouested <br />thnt a license be issued to him. <br />JoM Manning, James R. F•arlow, L. J. Phipps and Y(. Harold Fdrrards appeazed before the Hoazd <br />epresettting the Orange County Bar Association. Mr. Phipps and Mr'. ilanning requested that the <br />Eoard consider qtr conditioning the courthouse. No action eras taken on this request. <br />There being no further business at this time the meeting adjourned to meet again on Thursday, <br />.ugust 7, 1958, 2t 10 o'clock a.m. 1n the Commis sion_rs' room Tor the purpose pf canvassing the <br />- ores Tor the Special Election which was being held on August 5, 1958. <br />R. J, M. Y.obbs <br />Chairman <br />June Fayes <br />