<br />Minutes oT the Hoard of County Commissioners
<br />July ], 1958
<br />The Orange County Hoard of Conmissioners met in regular session on Monday, July 7,
<br />1958, at 10 oblock a.m. in the Commtssionersr room ¢t the courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C.
<br />Members present: Chairman R. J. M. Aobbs, Commissioners Donald McDade, Donald
<br />Stanford, Dwight 7iay and Henry Walker.
<br />Members absent: Nona
<br />Toe minutes of the ten meetings held during the month of June were read by the "
<br />Cler)c and approved.
<br />'fie following denaztment officials presented reports for the month of Lfay, 1958.
<br />Katherine Pritchard, Asst. Hie Demonstration Agent
<br />Cache Eoggs, County Dog Warden
<br />Prank Maddry, Delinquent Tax Collector
<br />Walter Wrenn, 4eteran rs Service Officer
<br />E. M, Lynch, Clerk of Court and
<br />Sane Parker, We7Yare Supt.
<br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by C®missioner McDade, and unandmously
<br />pawed, .l. D. Foel¢r, Old Lystra Aoad, Chapel Hill, N. C„ was appointed to the Planning
<br />Poard of Chapel Hill for a five (5) y¢ar tenure.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by Commissioner Ray, and unanimously
<br />passed, it was ordered that Mrs. Grace Sutorius bo issued a County license Tor her
<br />domestic employment agency in Chapel Hd11, N. 0. Tne fee for said license was set at
<br />ten dollars ($10.00).
<br />Chainsan Hobbs read a latter frog Joseph M. Johnston, Superintendent of the Chanel
<br />Hill Schools, said letter requested the Hoard of Cortmisstoners to set the supplemental
<br />tax rate for the Chapel Hill School District for the present tax year at the present permissible
<br />73mit of 20¢ per $100.00 of valuation.
<br />Them was considerable discussion o£ this proposal. Dpon motion of Coomtissioner
<br />Ray, seconded by Commissioner Stanford, and unanimously passed, it was ordered that
<br />the present supplemental tax rate Tor the Chapel Nill School District of 15¢ per
<br />$100.00 0£ valuation be retained.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Aay, seconded by Commissioner }Volker, it was moved that
<br />the budget ba set to call Tor no more than a 02¢ tax rate. Commissioner Stanford called
<br />Tor a discussion upon this motion 1n view of the Tact that this tax rate would necessitate
<br />a drastic cut 1n the Chanel H111 School IInit Capital Outlay appropriation. After the
<br />discussion Chairman called for a vote on the motion and there were four ayes and 0 Hayes.
<br />It was moved by Commissioner Ray, seconded try Commissioner Walker, sinc¢ the board. in
<br />previous session had set all other annropriations but the School Capital Outlay Funds that
<br />the County Accountant bs authorised to make a per capital division of the School .Capital Outlay
<br />Funds and to set ns the total School Capital Outlay budget the sum of $7.00,000.00.
<br />Commissioner Stanford object to this method pf dlstributien of Capital Outlay funds as
<br />the needs aT the Chapel H111 City Admiaistrativp Unit was so great and so urgent. Ho
<br />voiced the opinion that Capital Outlay Funds should be divided on a need basic in
<br />this and all future budgets. As there rms no further discussion Chairman Hobbs called
<br />for a vote on the motion and there mere 4 ayes and 0 aayes.
<br />A road petition was presented by Charlie Dlackwood for a road located in Chapel Hi11
<br />Tovmship }xbich runs trau Farrington Rnad to State Gravel Pit ¢rmt State Patrol Prance
<br />range, knrnm as Clearwater Lake Road.
<br />}lowazd Y/. Evans appeared and requested that ¢ free psddlere license be issued to him
<br />as provided for in section 105-53 of the G.S. of North Carolina. In support of his request
<br />Mr, Evans presented documentary prooT attestit}•* to his disabi7.ity.
<br />Upon motion of Conodssioner Hay, seconded by Commissioner 1'falker, and unanimously
<br />passed, the Clerk to the Hoard was remuested to write a latter certifying to the fact
<br />of the issuance of said peddlers license as provided under 105-53 of the G.S. of Ttorth
<br />Carolina.
<br />Mr. Ben F. Wilson of Rt. 2, Mebane, N. C. appeared and requested to the Hoard to ~~
<br />adopt a resolution concerning the abandonment of a crossing from the Een Wilson road
<br />across U. S, Highway 70.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford, seconded by Commissioner Rap, the follmri.ng
<br />resolution was unanimously adopted:
<br />Y/FlEREAS, it has comp to the attention of this Hoard that present plans of the
<br />State Highway Commission call for the abandonment of any type crossing for traffic on
<br />the Pen Y7ilson road across U. S, Highway 70, and to deny access from the Hen lYilsbn
<br />road to U. S. Highway 70 at the point that the two highways intersect and, ~
<br />WHERc'+.5, this is a thi.pkly settled farming community and the abandonment of the
<br />crossing across U. S. Highway 70 mould impose a hardship on the residents oT
<br />the community,
<br />