<br />June ]1, 1958, meeting continued
<br />"iT IS FUHTiisR ORDERED that before such removal is commenced, thirty days' notice be given
<br />the unknorm relatives of the deceased osrspns buried in said graves in said abandoned cemetery by
<br />means of a notice minted in one of fire nerrspaosrs published in Orange County, for a nexiod of not
<br />loss than thirty days prior to such remw+~, and i:hat said notice be signed in the name of this
<br />Hoard bS' the Chaia;aan thereof?
<br />"A;9 IT IS FURTHER OADERR7 that the cost and ea'nense ei' szi.d notice, together with all other
<br />costs 1n connection uith the removal of the graves from said abandoned cemetery, bs borne by the
<br />}forth Carolina State Higharay Coruniesion."
<br />The foregoing resolution and order ~:as seconded by Commissioner ';Talker, and being put to a vote,
<br />was unanimously carried.
<br />STATE OF NO?1'H Ci.AOindA
<br />courlT't or oR.o;acE
<br />IH T}U; Iiu1TI'ER OL TH.E RuiOVAi
<br />AFIER AE"uiJ02uiEiil Oe U}fri'r10Pid rgT],'CE
<br />I•IOtice is hereby liven to the udmo:m relatives of all merlons whose names and identities are
<br />cnorm buried in the Urimorn Ceanetery on the nr operty of Miss Sadie 0. Jones, being located on
<br />Highway zaending across the property of said ;;ins Sadie 0. Jones, that
<br />the llth day of June, )The Eoard oT County CommissionoYS of Orange County declared said
<br />tetery to be an aosndored cemetery and authorlsed the removal of the graves located therein. to a
<br />.table plot in some other cemetery, by the Tforth Carolina State High,.ay Commission, under the
<br />oervision of said Hoard of County Commissioners and the County Health Officer of Orange County,
<br />You are further notified that tF.c removal of said paves ;x111 be begun immediately of t.er this
<br />ice has been published for tirtz ty days in this nersnaner, and you rn11 take further notice that
<br />t are repuired to appear and show cause, if any you have, to the undersigned ~rithin thirty days
<br />the graves Gould not be rer••oved as harcinabwe sot out.
<br />This 12th day si' June, 1$58,
<br />HY /s/ R. J, i:. Hobbs, Chairman
<br />Aster further budget alscussions the board adjourned to meet again on Idonday, June 16, 1958,
<br />8 o'clock p.m.
<br />R, J. ''„i, Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />. M. Gatos
<br />ding Clerk
<br />Minutes of the Hoand of County Commissioners
<br />June 16, 195fi
<br />The Orange County Eoard o£ Coruaissioners met in special secsio¢ on tlonday, June lti, 1958, at 8
<br />te!: p,m. ir. the Couztroor„ at the Courthouse do Hillsborq Ii, C.
<br />L'embers nzesent: Chalzman R, J. t`., Hobbs, Commissioners Donald McDade, Donald State ord,
<br />;t Rag and Henry 17alker.
<br />Members absent: }lone
<br />A general budget discussion rras held during this meeting,
<br />The Hoard adjourned to mast again on Friday, June 20, 1958, at B o'r7.oc!: p,m,
<br />R, J.. 'x{, Hobbs
<br />Chairman
<br />L. Gatos
<br />;ing Clerk
<br />' G1lnutes of the Roard of County Cornissioncrs
<br />Suns 20, 1958
<br />1'he Orange County Eoard of Commissioners met in special session on nriday, Tune 20, 1958, at 8
<br />'clock p.m. in the Ceurtroom at the Couz thouse in Hillsboro, H. C.
<br />E!embers present: Chairman 3, J, .a. Hobbs, Commiss_oner's Donald !icDade, Donz?d Stanford,
<br />right Ray acd Henry Sfalker.
<br />t1 er.Uars absent: Ifone
<br />