Orange County NC Website
" 104 <br />Minutes of the Hoard of Commissioners <br />May 1<., 1958 <br />The Hord of Commisnionere met on wedne may, May 14, 1958, at 8 o'clock P, M. to begin study of <br />the 1958-1959 budget, with all members prosant, <br />To. reflect the increased allotment in the O,A.A, and A,P.T.D. category of the Plelfare program <br />allowed by the State and Federal Government, it was moved by Cammiseioner Y7elker and seconded by <br />Commissioner Stanford that the Pte lfare O.A.A. budget be amended to shrnr the additional allotment h^om t, <br />~ of $3,552.00 and nn nppropri¢tion increase of $3,552.00, and 1n the A.P.T,D. program, ¢ similar <br />allotment increase~of $1,920.00 and an eporopriation increase of $1,920.00. <br />from the state <br />Chairman Hobbs enlled for a vote end there Here 4 ayes and 0 noes. <br />The Mceunt¢nt presented the audit contract for the fiscal year 1957-1958 orooosed by Pl. M. Ruse <br />and Company of Aaleigh, N. C. The contract called for a payment of $1.250,00 to audit the General <br />County Ftrnds and n payment of $250,00 to audit the tax collector's settlement. <br />IInon motion made by Commiseiorsr Ray, seconded by Commis sinner EicDnde and unanimously nnprwed, <br />it mss ordered that these contracts be signed by the Chairman and the County Accountant and accepted <br />by the County. <br />The Accountant vme authorized to purchase between 70 and 100 tons of crushed stone from Mello <br />Teer Construction Cwtoagy at $1.65 oar ton to out on the Hem narking lot behind the County Caurt- <br />hausa. Hs tree also authorized to hire someone to bring this atone Trw the quarry to the parking <br />lot, spread it, and pack St, taking the best nosslble bid on this work, <br />llpon motlon duly made, seconded, and passed, the Board decided to meet again ¢t 10 o'clock A. M. <br />oa Mey 22, 1958, to cunvnss returns oT the Soeclel School iderger Election, and for further budget <br />discussion. <br />There being no 11u^ther urgent business, the attention of the Hoard was directed upon the 1958-1959 <br />budget For the remaim7er of the evening, and the meeting ad,{~~rned nt 10:30 P. M. <br />R, J, AS. Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />S. 1i. G¢ttis <br />Aoting Clerk <br />Minutes at the Hoard of Cwnty Commissioners <br />Spocinl Meeting, May 22, 1956 <br />The Boatel met in the Commissioners' Roan at 10 o'clock A. Et„ with the following members <br />present: Ch¢irra^ Hobbs, Commiesionez EicDnde, Commissioner Ray, Commissioner St¢nfoni and Ce~mois- <br />sioner Stalker. <br />Absent: None, <br />The Chairman recognized Mrs. L. R. Sturdivant, Registrar of the C¢aboro Precinct No. 1 in <br />Special School Election. 1Srs, Sturdivsat presented to the Board official return oS the election <br />held on Tae eigv, Ssy 20, 19$8, showing number of registered voters es 1330. Number of votes <br />Tor enlargement of Chanel riill City Administrative Unit 490 votes. Number of votes against 'enlarge- <br />went of Chanel Hill City Administratiae Unit 723 votes. <br />The Chairman next recognized Lirs. Thomas Y. Teer, Registrar oT Ylhite Cross Precinct 170, 2 in <br />Special School Election, Elrs, Teer filed original return shoring total number of voters registered <br />306. Number oT votes Tor enlargement of Chapel Hill City Administrative Unit 75. Number oT votes <br />against enlargement Chnoel Hill City Administrative Unit 193. <br />Tha Bmrd of Commissioners ¢sting na a Board oT Elections then totalled the votes cast in the <br />special election held on May 20, 1958 and found the rnsult to be that there rare 565 votes for the <br />enlargement of the Chapel Hill City Administrative Unit ¢ai 916 votes ¢gninst the enlargement of the <br />Chapel Hill City Administrative Unit. <br />Upon the ae returns the Board hereby certifies that the enlargement of the Chanel Hill City Ad- <br />ministrative Unit was defeated in said election, <br />It is further ordered that a copy of these mlm:tee be ilunished t¢ the Orange County Board of <br />education and also a Copp furnished to the Chapel Nill City Administrative Unit. <br />In view of the orwisions oT the statutes providing for special elections for the pumose of ' <br />enlarging city adminiatrativn units the costs incident to the special election held on ISfly 20, 1955, <br />x111 be paid by the Chacel Hill City Administrative Unit, The County Accountant is requested to <br />fortmzd to the Secretary of the City Administrative Unit bill received For printing in the amount <br />oP 3134.20, bill received for election books in the amount of $30, ~, hills received from Mrs. L, R, <br />Sturdivant is the amount of $91.96, Ashmell B. Hax-axd in the amount of $10,00, Bruce H. Riggabae <br />in the amount of $10.00, Nra. Thanes Y. Teer in the amount of $91.H6, Elzs. F.Tfde Eubanks in the <br />amount at $10,00, Mies Ruth Andrews in th_ amount of $10,008 also ¢n ellovmnce of $20.00 to the two <br />oarsans who served ¢e Assistant to the election officials at Precinct tin. 1 on the day oT elections <br />also statement of A. H, Gr sham, County Attorney, in the amount oT $100.00 for legal services rendet~d <br />in connection with the preparation and holding of said election. <br />