Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> <br />Orange County Animal Services <br />1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />919-942-PETS (7387) <br /> <br />ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (ASAB) <br /> <br />6:30 to 8:30 p.m. <br />Wednesday, August 15, 2018 <br /> <br /> <br />Meeting Summary <br /> <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureane Hoffman (Chair), Molly Mullin (Vice-Chair), Edmund Tiryakian, Beth Grooms, <br />Susan Elmore, Heather Payne, Evelyn Daniel <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Diane Obeid <br />STAFF PRESENT: Bob Marotto (Animal Services Director), Andi Morgan (Asst. Animal Services Director) <br />GUESTS PRESENT: Anne Marie Tosco (Orange Co attorney); Lee Picket (small animal veterinarian and applicant <br />for ASAB membership) <br />_____________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Call to order: 6:35pm <br /> <br />Review and adoption of the Agenda: The agenda was approved with a change in the order of presentation to <br />allow Anne Marie Tosco, Orange Co attorney, to present first. <br /> <br />Summary of June 20, 2018 meeting: approved <br /> <br />Review of public participation guidelines: Not reviewed <br /> <br />General Public Comments on items not on the agenda: None <br /> <br />Animal Services Advisory Board Updates: <br />Amanda Schwoerke volunteered and was voted new Secretary of the ASAB <br />Old Business: <br /> Unified Animal Ordinance Amendments—Anne Marie Tosco, Staff Attorney, Orange County and Bob <br />Marotto <br />A copy of the Unified Animal Ordinance with suggested updates/changes was distributed. Ms Tosco <br />presented the changes. Beth suggested a change on pg 22 to remove “neutering” (top of page) since <br />studies do not support neutering having a significant effect on aggressiveness of dogs. With the one <br />suggestion, changes were endorsed by unanimous vote of the ASAB. Maureane or Molly will present to the <br />BOCC, probably in October. <br />New Business: <br />Dr. Lee Picket (small animal veterinarian) applied to serve on the ASAB. ASAB invited her to attend. She <br />outlined her previous experience in shelter medicine and discussed her desire to serve on the ASAB. The <br />board unanimously voted to recommend Dr. Picket to the BOCC for membership on the ASAB <br /> <br />