<br />There being no further Uusiness, the meeting ad,j ourned to meet ngein as a Board
<br />of Eeualiz ati on and Rsview on Merch 17, 1958.
<br />R. J. i•1, Hobbs
<br />Chairmen
<br />He tty June Hayes
<br />Clerk
<br />241nutes of the Board of Commissioners
<br />March 1'7, 1958
<br />The Board of County Commissioners convened ¢s a Board of Eeusllz ati on and Review
<br />at 10:30 o~clock A. Yi, on March 17, 1955, in the Commissi oners~ Room at the Courthouse
<br />in H111sbor o.
<br />f4embers present: Chairman R, J, !. Hobbs, Commissioners Dwight i3. Rag, Henry S.
<br />YI¢lker and Donald hl. Stanford.
<br />19embers absent: Conmdssioner Donnld Aicilade.
<br />The follo:oing ne rs ons annealed property valuation:
<br />t3, Ed Laws in Ceder Grove Tocanship;
<br />i4r. L. i. Beard for the w111iam iti, Harrell I7fg. Co. ir. Hillsboro Townshiu;
<br />Dr. H. 5. 4H ills of Tenny Circle in Chanel Hi 11 Toumshin; and
<br />hir. Zane, Tex Agent for Burlington iM1ills which owns the Carrboro Sdoolen I-ii 11s in
<br />Chapel Rill 'Po•,~mshlp.
<br />As there were no other anpe¢ls to he heard at this time, the Board adjourned and
<br />irunediste ly reconvened as a Hoard of County Co:nmissi oners.
<br />Ltr. G, Paul Carr, Superintendent of the County School System, eppe ared gad presents"
<br />a petition from the County School Board end the Chapel Hill City Admi nistr¢t ive Unit
<br />School Board requesting ¢ speciel election on the euesti on of adding to the area of
<br />the Chanel Ei11 City Aaministrative unit Sneci al School llistrict. This petition :ons
<br />referred to Ptessrs. Grahem and R¢nson, County Attorneys, for their onini on with the
<br />request they edvise the Board of the proper action for them tc take et their next
<br />meeting.
<br />It was moved 6p Commissioner Stanford and seconded by Cw*missi ones 3sy that the
<br />County invest $300,000.00 of the recentlg ace aired school bond issue nroc Beds in
<br />4;b II. B. Treasury Certificotes presently yielding 1.35io which come due August 1, 195x,
<br />end n200,000.00 of these proceeds in U, S. Tre ¢sury Convertible ?7 otes yielding 1,29
<br />due October 1, 1958.
<br />There being no further 'ousiness, the meeting ores adjourned.
<br />3, J, i. i:obbs
<br />Chairmen -~
<br />S. M. Gattis
<br />Acting Clerk
<br />PHnut es of the 3o and of Commissioners
<br />March 31, 1958
<br />The Board of Commissioners of Oran ce County mat in sne cial session et 10:30 o~clock
<br />A. t4. on ;4arch 31, 1958, in the Commissi onera~ Room of the Courthouse in Hillsboro,
<br />with all Board members present,
<br />The purpose of this spe ci el meeting ores to receive n petition presented by the
<br />County Board of Education and the Hoard ox' Education of the Chepel H111 Administrative
<br />Unit reeuesting the addition of Carrboro and Finite Cross school districts to the
<br />Chanel Rill Administrati ve Unit,
<br />tfr, A. ri, Graham, County Attorney, reported to the board his findings concerning
<br />the petition, and then read a description o_° the Brea to be an ne::ed into tae d.i strict.
<br />Thereafter, a cenerel discussion coo corning the boundaries of this district w¢s held,
<br />The Chairnaa of the Bo and then delegated to Commissioner Ray end Commissioner
<br />Stanford each the rosy onsib111ty of securing two ,judges arc one registrar to of__°ici ate
<br />in the proposed election.
<br />After it was determined thet se viral families which hove long been in the 4lhite
<br />Cross district were excluded from the area to "oe anne:ced to the Chapel Hill Adminis-
<br />trative Unit, the Chairmen of the County Hoard of Education reeues ted the netiti on
<br />be withdrarm in order that the boundaries might Ue re -dra:m to correct this situetion.
<br />