Orange County NC Website
~)~ <br />Pfinutes oP the Board of Commis si oners <br />February 3, 1958 <br />The Hoard of Co:rm:is si oners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, met in <br />regular session at the Courthouse in Hillsboro, North Carolina, the usual place of <br />meeting, at 10:00 o'clock A.I4., February 3, 19$8. <br />Pres eat: Chairmen R. J. i9. Hobbs, and Commissioners D. M. Ray, Henry Wa11~er, <br />Donald McDade and Donald St arS ord. <br />Absent: None. <br />Convnissioner Rag introduced the folloting resolution which was read: <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUAtICE OF <br />$1,000,000 SCHOOL BUILDING HOItDS, SERIES B <br />HE IT RESOLVED by the 3oard of Commissioners for the County of Orange: <br />Section 1. That the Hoard of Commissioners has determined and does hereby find <br />and declare that: <br />(a) An order author123ng ~x2, 000,000 school building bonds of the County of <br />Orange was finally passed on February 20, 1956, which order was approved by the vote <br />of a ma,)ority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at en election duly <br />called end held on March 27, 1956. <br />(b) On May b, 19$7 said Board passed e resolution fixing the data of said <br />bonds as Tune 1, 1957, and fixing other detei is and the form and manner of execution <br />of said w92,000,000 bonds, which resolutl on is entitled: "RESOLUTION FIXI*IG THE <br />DETAILS, AiID FOffid AND hL1NNER OF EXECU'fIOPt OF x2,000,000 SCROOL HIIILDI?7G H011D5, Ak1D <br />PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION TREREOF", and on June 3, 1957 said Board passed a <br />resolution amending the htay 6, 1957 resolution with reference to the manner of <br />execution of said bonds, said resolution Dossed on June 3, 19$7 being entitled: <br />"RESOLUTI OPI Ai•L-?7DING A RESOLIITI ON PASSED bt9Y 6, 19$7 ENTITLE: 'RESOLUTION FIXING <br />THE DETAILS, AND FORM AND i~iA?RJER OF EXECUTI OIP 0 x2,000,000 SCIi00L BUILDING BONDS, <br />A?ID PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATI Oti ThBREOF"', the resolution pesssd on 14ay 6, 1957, <br />as emended by the resolution passed on June 3, 19$7, being hereinafter referrod to <br />as the "Resolution". <br />(c) x1,000,000 of said bonds have heretofore been issued pursuant to said <br />Resolution and order and a resolution passed on May 6, 1957 entitled: "RESOLUTI017 <br />PROVIDING FOR THE ISSIIANCE OF 51,000,000 SCHOOL BUILDING B017DS, SERIES A" said <br />51,000,000 bonds consisting of 1,000 bonds oT the denomination of 51,000 each, <br />numbered 1 to 1,000, inclusive, designated "School Building Bonds, Series A", and <br />maturing annually, June 1, in numerical order, lotaest numbers first, 730,000 1958 <br />to 1965, 535,000 1966 to 1980, end x!}0,000 1981 to 1985, all inclusive, and x35,000 <br />1986, without option of prior payment. <br />(d) It is necessary that Orange County, acting as an adminietrati ve agent of <br />the State in providing a State system of public schools, issue at this time the <br />x1,000,000 unissued bonds authorized by said order. <br />Section 2. That said ,x'1,000,000 bonds shall be issued at this time, shell be <br />designated "School Building Bonds, Series B", and shall consist of 1,000 bonds ot~ <br />the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered 1 to 1,000, inclusive, and said bonds <br />shall mature annually, June 1, 1n numerical order, lowest numbers first, 3$,000 <br />1960 to 1969, jpla.0,000 1970 to 1980, and $35,000 1981 to 1986, all inclusive, without <br />option of prior payment. <br />Section 3• That the action of the County Attorney in applying to the Local <br />Government Commission to advertise and sell said a1, 000, 000 School Building Bonds, <br />Series B, and the action of the Local Gooe rnment Commission in asking for sealed <br />bids for said bonds (bg publishing a sale notice end printing and dis tributing <br />circulars) be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Cotmnisslaner ldalker, the foregoing <br />resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION PROM llIPJG FOR THE ISSUA?tCE OF x1,000,000 SCfi00L <br />BUILDING BO?i DS, SERIES B" was passed by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Commissioners R. J, Ff. Aobbs, D, hi. Ray, Henry Wallce r, Donald 14eDade end <br />Donald Stanford. <br />Noes: None. <br />I4embers of the Welfare Hoard presented graphs showingg the expenditures of the <br />41e1t are Department for the first six months of the 1957-$8 fls cal year. <br />The following road ne tltians were presented, and the Cle rlc was requested to <br />forward them to the State Highway Commission: <br />By Woody Sneed, a petition for n road in Little River formshi o, running from <br />Guess Road to 4foody Speed's. Length of road: 1.2 miles. <br />By Ytrs. Rosa i~tcGeo, 11}03 Pennsylvania Avenue, Durham, ?I. C., s ne tition for a <br />road in H111s boro Township, running from old Hinhway d6 dust below the prison camp <br />through to the Orange Grove Road, and located in the subdivi si.on known as Glendale <br />Heights. Length of road: approximately 2 miles. <br />