Liinutes of the Hoard of Commissioners 1~9
<br />January 6, 1950
<br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissiomrs met on ;Jonday, January 6, 1958, at ben o'clock a.m.
<br />L{embers present: Chairman R. J. H, Hobbs, Commissioners Donald L[eDade, bright i,i. 4~',
<br />Stanford and Aenry 'ilallcer.
<br />JTembers absent: iJone
<br />The minutes of the December meeting rrere read and approved.
<br />The fcllmring road petions were presented:
<br />Robert 'ifalker Road in Cedar Grove Township;
<br />i'1illslns Drive in Chanel hill Tocroship
<br />John Cousins Rnad in Cheeks Tawmship
<br />Yang Street in Yleet Hillsboro, fI. C.
<br />The Clerk was requested to mail these petition to Ltr. T. A, Burton, Seventh Division Engineer, at
<br />Gr4ensboro, tf, C.
<br />The following Department officials presented reports for the month of December, 1957.
<br />Frank Lladdry, Delinquent Tax Collector
<br />Jeesie Trowbridge, Nome Demo strati on Arent,
<br />E. Li. Lynch, Clerk oT Court
<br />Cashe Eogga, -og Tfarden
<br />Odell Clayton, Sheriff
<br />Jane Parker Fielfare Supt.
<br />Don Liatheson, County Farm Agent,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pa;/, seconde3 by Cowmissioner Stanford, and unanimously
<br />passed, the annual audits for the Crereral County Purls and the Tax Collectors Eettlement submitted
<br />by the S7. M. Russ Company of Raheigh, N. C, was approved 1'pr the fiscal year of 1956 and 1957.
<br />L. H. Gunter, District Engineer, and T. A, Buxton Sevonth Divl stop Engineer,, appeared before
<br />the Eoard to explain the new priority rating 1'or paving county rods,
<br />2nsnector
<br />Frank L;orrow, ELectrical~i of the Southern part of the County, and Tom Aose, Town
<br />,Ianagar of Chapel Hi11, requested that the Hoard approve and pass ap electrical ordinance Tor
<br />the County. Upon motion of Commissioner Aay, seconded by Commissioner Htanford, and unanimously
<br />passed the following electrical ordinance was passed effective February 1, 1950.
<br />Title - An Ordinance for safeguarding life and property by regulating and providing for the
<br />installation and inspection of electric wiring, devices, anpllances and equipment, creating the 'office
<br />oT Electrical Inspector and prescribing his authority and duties.
<br />The Eoard of Commissioners of Orange County Ordains as follows:
<br />Section 1. Electrical Inspector - Anpoinbnent and Duties.
<br />There is hereby created the office of County IIectxical Inspector, whose duty shall be to
<br />brce all State and local laws gweratng electrical installations and materials, to issue permits
<br />and to make inspections of all new electrical installations and such other inspections as may be
<br />scribed by the County Comnissi,oners. Said inspector shall be appointed and his compensatt oti fixed
<br />the County Commissioners in their discretion. The Inspector, under the governing body, shall
<br />plate and deterrine the placing oT wires or other appliances for electric light, heat or' power in
<br />County of Orange, and to cause all such wires or appliances to be so placed, constructed and grounded
<br />not to cause fires or accidents endangering life or property. The Easpector shall keep such records
<br />make such reports as the County Conmtissioners direct. The board may, if it deems advisable, appoint
<br />e than on_ electrical inspector for Orange County.
<br />Section 2. Authority Granted To County Llectrical Inspector.
<br />The Electrical Inspector shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter am premise
<br />the discharge of his official duties, or for the purpose of making arq inspection, reinspection or
<br />t of the installation of electric wising, devices, appliances and equipment contained therein,
<br />shall Gave the authority to cut or disconnect any rite is cases of emergency r3rere necessary for
<br />ety to life .and property. Said electrical inspector is hereW authorized to disconnect, or order
<br />discontinuance of electrical service to any electric viring, devices, appliances or equipment
<br />nd to be dangerous to life or property because it is defective oz defectively installed until such
<br />ing, devices, appliances an3 equipment and their installation have been made safe and approved by
<br />3 electrical inspector.
<br />Section ,3. Permits and Inspections.
<br />(1) No electric wiring, devices, appliances or equipment shall be installed Within or on arty
<br />, structure or premise, nor shall arq~ alteration or addition be made in any such existing
<br />devices, anpllances or equipsent without first securing a Hermit and having an inspection
<br />Wade by the County Electrical Inspector, except as stated in the following pazagranhs a. and b.
<br />a. tfo permit or inspection shall be required for repair work, such as replacement of lamps
<br />the connecting of portable devices to suitable receptacles iThich have been permanently installed.
<br />b. No permit or inspection shall be repaired for the installation, construction, maintenance
<br />repair of telephone, telegraph, or si;;nal systems by public utilities.
<br />(2) Application or call for inspection and permit will not be accepted by the Inspector
<br />