Minutes - 19570729
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19570729
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(6 <br />Pfinut es of the Board of Cammiss inners <br />I•tanday, July 29, 1957 <br />The Hoard of Commissioners of Orange County met 1n the Courtroom of the Court- <br />house in Hillsboro, PI. C. on Monday, July 29, 1957, at 7:30 o'clock P. ht, po pass <br />the budget for the fiscal year 1957-1958. <br />Members present: Chairman R. J. Pt. Hobbs and Commissioners Claud T. Pone, <br />Donald Stanford and Henry S. !talker. <br />Members absent: Comma ssloner D. bt. Ray. <br />No Rro up or person appe eyed to protest the passage of the budget as proposed, <br />and as the app ointad time for pas sdRe of the budget was at hand, the following <br />appronriati ons resolution was introduced by Comni ssi oner Pone and received a second <br />from Commissioner Stanford; and thereafter unanimously approved: <br /> ~~A:~PROPRI A^_TO11S RESOLUTI OIi <br />Far County Band Purposes the sum of 5 !43,375.00 <br />For rr^arn Extension Purposes the sum of 21,677.00 <br />P•on General Fund Purposes the s um of 165,695.00 <br />For Public Health Purposes the sum of 25,000.00 <br />For Recorder's Court Purposes the svm or 7,520.00 <br />For School Current Expense the svm o£ 153,030.00 <br />For School Genital Outlay the sum of 163,5!}5.00 <br />For School Debt Service the sum of 133,So0.00 <br />For Public Fielfare Purpose the sum of 61,']67.00 <br />For Aid to Dependent Children 99,792.00 <br />For Aid to Permanently end Totally Disabled !{14, 6L.0.00 <br />For Old ARe Assistance 119,860.00 <br />The above appropriation for schools, as will be shown in detail by reference <br />to the School Budget Statements which have been filed by the Orange County Board of <br />Education and the Trustees of the Chanel fiill School Administrative Unit, and which <br />have been approved try tho Haard of Commissioners of Orange County, have been divided <br />in such a manner that the Chanel Hill Administrative Unit will receive in Current <br />Expense the sum of ~jl47,030.A0 and in Capital Outlay the sum of x58,811.00. <br />On all male persons betioeen the ages of 21 end SO years the svm of ~y2.00 <br />in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 195-34.1 (1) unless such person <br />is exempt as provided by law. Twenty five percent of tlx3 Proceeds of this <br />tse shall be deposited in the :9elfara Fund and sevonty five percent of this <br />tax shall be deposited in the School Current Expense rand. <br />On each open female dog sir. months of age or alder the svm of sit. 00 and <br />on each mole dog end e ach female doP, other then en open female of the <br />age of sis months or older the sum of ;;1.00, The proceeds of thls tax <br />shall be dap os lted in the General Fwd tc be used to defray the e:;p ease <br />of tho dog warden in accordance !with the provision of G.S. 67-30. <br />There is hereby levied in each marriage license issued a tas of :;7!4.00 in <br />¢ccordance with the provisions of G.S. 51 -20. The nroeeds of this tax <br />shall bs deposited in the General rand. <br />There is hereby levied n nrivlle„e license tax in the maximum amoznt <br />permitted by Schedule B of the Revenue Act, being article 2 of Clsanter 10$ <br />of the General Statutes and by any other Section of the General Statutes <br />on esch business, trade, occupation or profession which counties are <br />authorized to tax under Schedule B of the Revenue Act and other sections <br />of the General Statutes." <br />After nes sage of the preceedinR epnronri ati ons resolution, the follorrinR tax <br />.nR resolution was introduced by Commissioner Pone and received e second from <br />s si oner Ffallser; and thereafter unanimously approved: <br />"RESOLUTIOPI L%YYIIlG 1957 TA:L <br />For County Bond Purposes the sum of 14.79 cents per ';1100.00 Property Valuation. <br />Por Form Extension Purposes tha sum of 2.31 cents-nor 7100.00 Proparty Valuation. <br />For General rend Purnos es the sum of 10.61} cents per :;100.00 Property Veluati on. <br />For Public Health Purp os os the sum of 3.00 cents per x100.00 Property Valuation. <br />Por School Current expense Purposes the sum of 8.95 cents perx100.00 Property <br />Valuation. <br />For School Capital Outlay B:cp erase Purposes the sum of 18.93 cents per ~,r100.00 <br />Property Valuet ion. <br />For School Dabt Service Purposes the sum of 15.65 cents per q""100.00 Property <br />Valuation. <br />Por General >ielf are Furooses the sum of x.11 cents per :;700.00 Property Valuation. <br />For Aid to Dependent Children Purposes the sum of .85 cents per ti100.00 Property <br />Valuation. <br />For Aid to the Permanently & Totally Disabled Purn as es the sum of .85 pants per <br />x100.00 Property Valuation. <br />Por Old ARe Assistance Purn oses the sum of 1.92 cents per .;j100.00 Property VeluatL <br />The above Ad Valorem tax levies amount to the sum of 72.00 cents nor Sr100.00 <br />of Property Valuation. <br />
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