Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: April 12, 2005 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~- G <br />SUBJECT: Resolution Expressing Orange County's Position on Legislative Items <br />DEPARTMENT: Ccunty Manager PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />County Attorney <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Resolution with Exhibits <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />.John Link, ext.. 2300 <br />Geof Gledhill, County Attorney, 732-2196 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough <br />Chapel Hill <br />Durham <br />Mebane <br />732-8181 <br />968-4501 <br />688-7331 <br />336-227-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To consider approval of a resolution expressing Orange County's positions on two <br />legislative items. <br />BACKGROUND: The BOCC held a public hearing on March 1, 2005 on potential items for <br />inclusion in Orange County's legislative agenda package for the 2005 North Carolina General <br />Assembly Session. After the public hearing, the Board reviewed and approved three <br />resolutions (with associated materials) that requested Orange County's legislative delegation <br />introduce certain bills and that expressed Orange County's positions on various legislative <br />issues. It was noted at that time that the work of the Legislative Issues Task Force had been <br />based on the current information available and that new issues may arise in the ensuing months <br />necessitating additional BOCC review. <br />Since that time, staff has identified two issues on which the Board may wish to express its <br />positions. Those items are detailed in the attached draft resolution and are as follows: <br />1) House Bill 900 -Enhance On-Site Wastewater System Approvals, which seeks to <br />remove domestic wastewater system evaluation responsibility from local <br />governments, place that authority in the private sector, and leave local <br />governments with the liability if privately-approved wastewater systems fail.. <br />2) Senate Bill 508 and House Bill 648, both entitled "Exempt Builder's Inventory", <br />which seek to exclude from taxation any increase in value of property attributable <br />to the subdivision of or other improvements made to property by a builder as long <br />as the builder continues to hold the property for sale. <br />