Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> <br />Orange County Animal Services <br />1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />919-942-PETS (7387) <br /> <br />ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (ASAB) <br /> <br />6:30 to 8:30 p.m. <br />Wednesday, September 21, 2016 <br /> <br />Meeting Summary <br /> <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Warren Porter (Chair), Maureane Hoffman (Vice-Chair), Michael Stewart, Michelle Walker, <br />Molly Mullin, Beth Grooms, Victoria Hudson, DeWana Anderson, Aviva Scully <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Edmund Tiryakian, Susan Elmore, Judy Miller <br />STAFF PRESENT: Bob Marotto (Animal Services Director) <br />GUEST PRESENT: Bonnie Hammersley (Orange County Manager); Jean Austin, Animal Services Hearing Panel Pool; <br />Cathy Munnier; Animal Services Hearing Panel Pool. <br />_____________________________________________________________________________________ <br />Meeting called to order buy Chair Porter at 6:35 p.m. <br /> <br />Review and adoption of the Agenda: Agenda item #8 was tabled and agenda order changed to accommodate <br />attendees’ schedule. Michael Stewart made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Beth Grooms. The <br />motion carried without dissent. <br /> <br />Summary of August 18, 2016 meeting: Michael Stewart made a motion to approve the Summary as edited; <br />seconded by Beth Grooms. The motion carried without dissent. <br /> <br />General Public Comments on items not on the agenda: None. <br /> <br />Discussion with Bonnie Hammersley, Orange County Manager: <br />After attending five appeal hearings, there were suggestions to make the hearing more formal: name cards, <br />the arrangement of the room, sound system, etc. The appeal committees are doing well with the open <br />meetings. She hopes that her attendance is perceived as the County Manager’s office’s support for the <br />process. There is only one committee vacancy at this time. There is proposed, coordinated training coming <br />up. In support of tonight’s decision-making on appeals board policy/ procedure, she is sensitive to the <br />perception of the word, “vicious.” <br />Animal Services Advisory Board: <br />(A) “Vicious animal” wording: <br />Jean Austin, a current member of the Dangerous Dog Appeal Committee, requested changing the <br />wording of policy, procedure, and notification that replaces the word, “vicious,” to a descriptor that is <br />less emotionally charged. Victoria Hudson made motion to ask staff to research how a change to the <br />verbiage is possible, to research the wording in other NC jurisdictions, and to develop a rationale to be <br />presented to the BOCC for changing “vicious” in a way that preserves the intent of public safety; <br />seconded Maureane. In discussion, Michelle Walker wants a label that communicates the “risk.” <br />Motion carried without dissent. <br />(B) Update on Animal Services Hearing Panel Pool: <br />The Orange County Attorney has developed a procedure for committee members. A new FAQ <br />document has been drafted to assist appellants prepare for an effective appeal hearing.