Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> <br />Orange County Animal Services <br />1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />919-942-PETS (7387) <br /> <br />ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (ASAB) <br /> <br />6:30 to 8:00 p.m. <br />Wednesday, March 17, 2016 <br /> <br />Meeting Summary <br /> <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Warren Porter (Chair), Judy Miller, Caroline Green, Maureane Hoffman (Vice-Chair), Michael <br />Stewart, Beth Grooms, Dewana Anderson <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Susan Elmore, Aviva Scully, Michelle Walker, Molly Mullins <br />STAFF PRESENT: Bob Marotto (Animal Services Director), Drew Brinkley, Jasmine Johnson <br />_____________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Agenda: Warren calls the meeting to order at 6:33pm. Beth moves to accept the agenda as is; Caroline seconds. All <br />vote in favor. <br /> <br />Summary of February 17, 2015 meeting: Judy moves to accept the minutes as is; Mike seconds. All vote in favor. <br /> <br />General Public Comments on items not on the agenda: None. <br /> <br />ASAB Affairs <br />(A) Follow-up with Bonnie Hammersley, County Manager <br />• Bonnie wants to make sure the ASAB has a good relationship with the BOCC, and will work to <br />accomplish that. Mike asks whether the BOCC had any reaction to our letter; Bonnie said they were <br />concerned and she’ll be attending ASAB meetings regularly as a result. Judy asks whether there’s a way <br />to measure the effectiveness of the new Potentially Dangerous Dog Appeal process versus the old. <br />Bonnie says that should be based on how such data was collected previously, and should be decided by <br />the ASD director. There’s discussion about how the new process will work, and ultimately we concluded <br />that this will be a learning process, but ASD staff will be in charge of selecting the three officers of the <br />hearing panel. Warren thanks Bonnie for her concern and participation. <br /> <br />(B) Potentially Dangerous Dog Appeal progress <br />• Bob gives an update; four applications have been received from the public, and the three members of <br />the ASAB that have volunteered have also had their appointments requested. For the time being, ASAB <br />will handle any incoming PDDA requests. <br /> <br />Old Business <br />(A) Animal Welfare Grants Program Honoring Pat Sanford <br />• A donation of $5000 will be made by the Friend of Orange County Animal Shelter, assuming that it will be <br />used to fund animal welfare grants honoring the work of Pat Sanford, Founder and Inaugural ED of the APS <br />of Orange County. Bob would like to form a task force to determine how to proceed; Judy volunteers, and <br />Warren will talk with Susan, Michelle, Aviva and Molly to see whether they are interested. <br /> <br />(B) Free-Roaming Cat Initiative <br />• Bob and Maureane give an update on the free-roaming cat initiative. Conversations are ongoing with the <br />relevant parties, including IAR. There’s an effort to seek fostering homes for the offspring of feral cats. They