Orange County NC Website
Efinutes of the Hosr3 of Commissioners 1)J <br />Aoril 1, 1957 <br />The Hoazd of Commissioners for the County of Orange mot nt 10 o'clock A. tfi. on Idonday, April 1, (I <br />1957 in the Commissioners' Room nt the Courthouse in Millsboro, ' <br />E!embers present.: Cemmissioners D. Ei. Ray, Claude T. Pope, Donald E:. Stanford and Henry S, Plelker. ' <br />E!emlv_rs absent: Chairman A. Y G, Hobhs. <br />In the absence of Chnirnsn 'Hobbs, Commissioner Ray nos elected Acting Cheirntan, <br />The minutes for the meetings held on Lerch 4th and 16th, 1957, Here reed by the Clerk and nonrwed <br />ou the Board. <br />tlrs. Clarence Jones appeared, Hating as sookesnnn for the Hillsboro Garden Cluh. She requested the <br />the courtroms in the old courthouse Ce turned over to the Cordon Club for their use in establishing <br />historical museum. Bhe also stated that the Club mould reed financial assistance for this oroject. <br />After a discussion concerning the ultimate aim of the museum and the Tinanciel re snonsibillty the County <br />Would bear each year, the Hoard informed E:rs, Jones that the Garden Club mould to notified of the action <br />taken an this m¢ttc_x'. .. <br />Ttte following department officials presented reports for the month of Etarch, 1957: <br />Jessie Tronbridge - Home Demonstration Agent; <br />Odell Clayton - Sheriff? <br />Frank F.inddry - Dellnquent Tex Collector; <br />Edwin Lynch - Clerk Superior Couzt; <br />Nnlter f4renn - Veteran's Service Officer; and <br />Frances Cruciani - Acting i'IeSare Superintendent. _ <br />The Rev. C. H. Aseknrd appeared end spoke on behalf of the North Ornngs L[inisterisl Association, <br />Which Association is snecificnlly interested in the banning of Sunday racing in Orange County, Rev. <br />Anckard reouested the ?osrd to error se, by motion and vote, the pronased legislation Canning Sunday <br />racing in Orange County: No action Wes taken on this mattexy but Rev. Rackard m¢s informed that the <br />2oezd's decisions ttould Ce made knorm to the Association at a ester time. <br />Road petitions Here presented b;, the folloning persons: <br />Hume Clsytor~ for Scores F. Ple lls; <br />Je cse T. Cols; <br />C, C, Oakley; and <br />S, .1. ToLzr, <br />A letter ms recd Eton Evelyn H, Patterson, Secz etar9 for the Rillsboro Parent'Teachers Associetim <br />enclosing a resolution adopted by that Association es follans: <br />"Upon motion of Horner D. Ssryer, duly seconded by J. T, Hivins, the fallowing Resolution tors adopted: <br />Si.+'~'I'v AS, the Schools in the Orange County School District do not F.ave adequate an3 desirable <br />facilities and the situation cannot be corrected Without a supplement school tar., iu, IT RR SOLVED: <br />That the Parent Teachers Association go on record as favoring the enlling of nn electlon by the <br />County Board of Education, and the County Commissioners of orange County Cwnty, Fforth Carolina, sub- <br />mitting to tF.e Voters the eue scion of levying s fifteen cent (154`) sunolement an each X100,00 valunti on <br />or tenable property. L';' IT FURT:~'RP. 'r3 SOLVED that the Secretary of the E1Lsboro Parent Teachers Asso- <br />ciation fbr;rnrd a cony of this Res. solution to the Orange County Hasrd of Education. <br />This the 19th, day of February, 1957 J' <br />A letter Eton E`r s. Peariine '9. Clan': of Cnrrboro, datv_d h!arch 29, 1957, requesting that her proper' <br />be re-appraised and her tax valuation Srnrered, mess rend, Ho action cos taken on this reouest. <br />After a discussion on the proposed legislation concerning Sunday racing in Orange County, a motion <br />mess made by Conmissionar Nelker, secotded trj Commissioner Pope, and unanimously adopted that ttv Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners endorse the proposed legislation to ban Sunday racing in Orengs County <br />and reoue sted the proposed legislation becoro affective .7une 1, 1957. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner 7lalke:, seconded by Cammisaionex Pooe, $250.00 Has appropriated from <br />the Cenazel Emergency Fund to purchase gln ss shonceses £or the Historical A!usevm, <br />A motion pea made by Commissioner Welker, seconded by Commissioner Pope, and mtnnimousl;! nnssed, <br />that the Courtroom in the old courthouse Ce turned over to the Hillsboro Garden Club to ba used ns n <br />Historical iduseum, provided that oth_r County Departments could continue to have access to use the <br />couz•troem for public meetings. <br />Upon motion pt Commissioner NalYer, seconded by Cocnissianer Pones and unanimously approved, the <br />Hoard rescinds its action t¢kea on February 6, 1956 end •7une 4, 1956 pertaining to the eh?argement oT <br />the menbership tp the Board of Education of Orange County, Had the limitation of not more than two <br />rembars from any ore tormshia for the Hoard of Education end the Hoard of County Ccmmissiocers, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Welker, seconded by Commissioner Pope, and unanimously adopted, the <br />County Acca:ntnnt rtes euthaazed to ~negotiete With i'lechovia Hank and Trust Camnnny for the renenal of <br />$2$0,000,00 School Building Hord anticipation notes due June 12, 1957. <br />Upon motion of Commissionnr Stanford, seconded by Conmissioner Pope end unanimously passed, L!r. <br />Paul Ranson, County Attorney, ;r¢s authorized to negotiate for the sale of $1,000,000.00 School Building <br />Hopis, <br />