Orange County NC Website
6finutes of the Board of Ca~mnissioners <br />lJarch 4, 1957 <br />6'L <br />I _________._ __. <br />The Orange County Ho¢r3 of Commissioners met on Alordny, 6lnrch 4> 1957, at SO o'clock A, tA., in <br />the Commissioners' Room at the Courthouse in Hillsboro, <br />M1tembers present: Commissioner's Dwight :d. Any, Claude T, Pope and Donald id, Stanford. <br />tAembers absent: Chair man R, S. M, Hobbs and Commissioner Heazy S. Walker. <br />In the abse nca oT Ch¢iraan Hobbs, Commissioner Aey was appointed dating Chairman. <br />The minutes for the meetings held on FeM'uary 4th, 12th anal 18th, 1957 Ware read by the Clerk <br />and approved by the Bonxd. <br />The following department officials pre seated reports For the month of February, 1957: <br />Katherina Pritchard - Assistant Home Demonstration Agent; <br />F, ;;, ISlnch - Clerk Superior Court; <br />Frank Maddxy - Delinquent Tax Collector; - <br />Odell Clayton - Sheriff; <br />Frances Crucieni - Acting Superlntendant or Welfare; and <br />0, David Garvin - Dl strict P.ealth Officer <br />I Road petitions veers pre ee nted by l~ul~ L, Conners and H. E, Wi?kin son. The Honxd a <br />greed to inspect <br />these roads on their next road inspection taus, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Papa, seconded by Commissioner Stanford, the Clerk nes requested to <br />notil}~ Orange County's repre santatlves to proceed with the introduction of a bill in the General <br />Assembly which Would increase the membership of the Orange County Board of Rducntion from thre¢ (3) <br />to flue (5) members, ¢rd Which Would limit the representation on said Hoard of F.duc¢tion to not more <br />than two repre sentativee from nmy one township. A motion to this effect Gras approved by this board <br />'', at their mew ring halrl an Fobrusry 6, 19$6, See Pdnute Docl+nt 6, nt pogo Z <br />i Mr, Don F.fath=son made a report on the Cape Fear BesSn project and the problem of re^planting <br />trees on cut-over lands now gro;ring up in hardpocds. <br />' Dr. Charles E. IDaddry, repre sentetive of the north Orange I+liniaterlsl Ass ccintion, apce¢red erd <br />requested the Comnissioners to enpx owe sours legislation to prohibit Sunday racing in Orange County, <br />tlo action rms t¢ksn on this mstter, <br />The CLrk was ¢uthorized to insert in Minut¢ Docket 6, et page 7, n motion made at the February 6, <br />1956 meeting which had been omitted Prom the minutes, <br />Sheritt Clayton requested $556.25 to purch¢se summer uniforms for the men in his depsrtment, llpon <br />motion of Comnissionez Pope, seconded by Commissioner Stanford and unanlmous~y pn ssed, it was ordered <br />that $556.25 be t¢kea from the Gsnnr¢1 Emergency Fund for the rnunose of purchasing summer uniforms <br />for the Sheriff's Departure nt. <br />Sheriff Clayton was authorized to buy a new electric stove for the kitchen of th=_ jell, <br />Tha County Account¢nt nes ¢uthorized to pay to the Ch¢pel Hi11 City ddministretive Unit $20,000.00 <br />es part of their sh¢re of the $2,OOD,000,00 School Bond. This Se to reimburse the Chanel Hill City <br />Administrativ=. Unit for funds previously spent an school construction that ;ms mx igin¢lly planned to <br />come from the bond issue. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pone, seconded by Commissioner Stanford and unanimously approved, it ' <br />ass ordered that Acting Chairman Aay sign the nee lasso between Orange County and TF.e United States of <br />dmerica inerensing the area lensed to the United States of America from .23 of an Were to .26 oT nn <br />¢c re. <br />Tho Clerk Was requested to write to the State Highw¢y 8 Public ilorks Car„mission asking for the <br />remaining road mileage for Orange Ccunty for the fisc¢1 year 1956-1957. <br />A letter from the Museum C¢nmittee of the Hillsboro Garden Club was read by Acting Chairman Asy, <br />inviting the Hoard to attend an wen Garden Club meeting on ;larch 7, 1957, at erhich meeting the pro- <br />posed Orange County Nistoiical G`.useum project Would be discussed. <br />Upon motion of Commissionaz Pope, seconded by Commissiennr Stanford, the following resolution <br />tuns unanimously adopted: <br />"S' IT AuSOLVF:D by the Hoard of County Commissioners of Orange County that this board does hereby <br />go on recor3 in itrl.l support of the proposed legislation L'ar the increase of State aid to Counties <br />for the Dep¢z•tment of Public Health.' <br />It is hereby ordere3 that e certified copy of the above resolution be sent to the Hon, John fl, <br />Umstaad and the Hon. Edwin S. Lanier, Orange County's Rsprasent¢tives in the General Assembly, requestia <br />them to support this measure. ~ <br />Dr, 0. David Garvin, District Health Ofticer, and the Board agreed to recognize live virus vecci- <br />nstiws for eqy lag upon a certificate of innoculation submitted to the County Dog Harden, <br />Ueon motion of Commission=r Poce, socon3ed by Commission=r Stanford, S. E1. Gettis Nas authorized <br />to strike from the t¢x books double tax 13stings an the property of Hesele Ingram TTi111ams for the <br />years 19.7 through 1955. <br />There being no furthor buaine ss, anon motion, adjmu-nod. <br />Betty Jun= Hayes D. G. Any I' <br />Clerk Acting Chairman <br />