1'inutes of the Eoard of Commissioners '.).7
<br />Febru^:y lS, 14$7
<br />The Bcard of Covrty Cormissioners of 0*enge Cotanty, IJor th Cnx cline, met in s!x_cinl session an
<br />February 1S, 1457, et 7:30 o'clock P, :., r_t its relntlnr' meeting place in the Orange County Courthouse,
<br />flil.lsbor o, IL C., end the follcrr_rg r..erbers mere ore se nt: D. !:S. Rny, Claude Pooe, Donsld it. Stanford
<br />and P.enry S, ileL4sr,
<br />Absent: R. d. i4 Hobbs, Cbairr..an, and D. I7, Eay men duly elected acting Cheismnn.
<br />Donald 1'.. Staffcrd roved that the foLcming resolution be adopted:
<br />'r'!~fLt1AS, aha Eoard of Commissionar s, ectirg pursuant to Chapter 443 of the 1955 Session Lens of
<br />:I Crth Cnrolins, duly adapted on Februer7 4, 1957, ¢ resolution ozder irg e special elec ti cn to be i:e ]d
<br />in necordnnce r;i th said act in the territory consti tcting the Chapel rii 11-Cerrboro Recreation District
<br />oe Orange County, and
<br />5i?-?P.-:AS, the County 5osrd of "sections has divided `.ke preoosed district snto tmo oo?line prr:cincts
<br />desczbed in the notice of election !:e re innfter set ror th and ites de te: mi red tF.at the voters in each
<br />such voting precinct sbnll vote at the re seective nollir.F, niece obit:^. the County Eoard oP ?lections
<br />hss de siā¬nated theref or7 HO'il, IF~'n~FOn ,
<br />E°, IT. R?SOLV?fD b7 the Eosrd of Conmis sionezs oT the County of Orenre es `ollons:
<br />(1) I7otaithstnnding anything contrined in said ze solution .=.d ~Oted by the Eoard of Conr..issioners
<br />on Febzur_zy 4, 1957, said election shall M held nt the po?].iag nlncee prnscribed by tF.e County Eoard
<br />of Esetions,
<br />(2) The Clerk of the Eoard of ComrSssioners is Y.ereby authorized erd directed to nubli sh notice
<br />of such spat inl election in substentiat ly the follominE fora:
<br />OF ORA;!G^ CO1P.7TS, t?OicTH CnP.OLT''fA,
<br />A stecisl election mill be held on April 2, 1957, in the ¢r ee in Orange Co:'. my hereinafter des-
<br />criced end de sighted es the C!teael Fill-Carr bore Recreeti on District of Orange County for the purpose
<br />of submittinE to tY.e qualified voters residing in s¢id area the follcming too sue stions, viz.:
<br />(1) SF.AI~L tae Eoard of Commissioners of Orange County law en annual tax: of not ,:ore
<br />than 10¢ on each j10G of nsse ssed valunt ion of taxable prorerty v:i thin tloe Distrdet
<br />fcr the ourcose of providing, conducting end nainthi ring n surervised recreation
<br />s;/stem in said, districtR
<br />(2) S'r,A1L the Eomrd of Commissionezs of Orenga County issue bonds of Chapel Hill-Cerrboro
<br />Rvcreetion District of Orange County in the amount of 'j250,000, nrd low n tn;; en sll
<br />te:^:blo nr war ty ri thin the Di strict for the ca}^nent tke re of, for the pug ~OSe cf ac-
<br />naixirg, imnx Dying and equipping Lrds or 'ovildings er both fcr Der ks, nLy;,roands,
<br />rec~eetion centers end other rncres tion fscilit ie s7
<br />Etch ballot px ovided for the use or voters in voting on the levy of such annual tax sF.nll Mar
<br />the ;:orris "POR DISTRICT ?CC~;ATIO:? Th%" and. "AGA I}:SI DIETEiCI 3°.CIO:ATIO?7 TAY" and shell contain sousres
<br />opposite the arfirrstive zrrl negative fexais, in one of `.e!tich sousres the voter rsy maY.e a cress (X)
<br />nark.
<br />Fach ballot orovidsd for the use of voters is votinF on tY.e issusnce of such bonds end tte levy
<br />o_" e te>; far their ony^s nt shsll bens the cords "r 03 the Lswnce of tt;o hundred fifty thousand dollars
<br />("250,000) Recreetien Ecnds end the L=v;.rirg oT a euffic_ent te:a for t!te neyinsnt thereof" end ~'AG5 r>!gm
<br />the is<uence of t:;o head red fifty thousand dollars (^250,000) Eecreetion Sends arc the levy+ng of a
<br />euf Liciert ten for the cry-nsnt therecf", end shall conteie soueres anoosite the nffirnntive nrd nsf-tive
<br />Torzns, in on: of nhic'r. sousres the utter may make n cross (X) ror k,
<br />the votezs of said District residing in Precinct i~ie, 1 hereihfter d<sen_bed, shall vote nt a
<br />votieg piste in the Temn Fell in tee Tonn of Chapel Hill, Nort'n. Carol+ne. The voters of se id District
<br />residing in Precinct IIo. 2 hereinafter described, sF.ell vote at e votieg place in the {?oolien Gymnasium
<br />in the Tonn of Chapel 'riL, ilarth Carolins,
<br />Precinct i:o. 1 stall include ell the to x'atcry r;it!tin said District lying i:orth of a line running
<br />from the point o_` intersection of Frsn:=.l.in Street mi'.'h the Tlestern boundsry line of said Aecrention
<br />District nt the F,nstern Tm`m Limits of the Torn of C¢z'rbaro,ihence in an ?esterly direction along the
<br />canter of Franklin Street to the ,junction nlth U. 5, Fighrsy ro, 15-SO7A, and continuing along; tF.e
<br />center oL B. S, Highmny ilc. 15-501.4 to the paint of intersection ;ritb U. S Fighmey l5-SOl, and con-
<br />tinuing thence 3e str_rly along the. center of said U. S, 9lginony 15-50i to tF.e :iestarn boztnde:y line of
<br />Durhrn County, being the ~astarr. Eoundnry of said Recreation District.
<br />Precinct so. 2 shall inclcde all '.:,e territory 'within said District lying South of the lira
<br />horn inceforo descr; cad.
<br />A rem re gistreti on of the Qualified voters in said Rroxention Distz ict for said election has teen
<br />ordered by the Ecard of Commissioners of Oz saga County, Thn Registrar fox each voting oreci net rill
<br />lc ec his hocks open for nom re=lstrntion of voters frog 9 o'cloc!c, A.Li, until sunset on each day,
<br />e::ceot Eundeys end ho lidnys, i`or the period beginning an Saturday, the 9th day of Liar ch, 1957, and
<br />ending on Satvzdey, the 23rd day of Itsrch, 1957, ceing the secen3 Saturday before such election, On
<br />eec!: Satuxdny curing such registration ceriod encb !Mgistrar mill keep .his reEistrnt_en book peen nt
<br />tcs oollins place astebLshsd for his voting precinct,
<br />