Orange County NC Website
`:'. sautes of the -e card pf Ccnr:.i ssicners <br />?ebrvery 4, 1957 <br />The Hon rd of Count;/ Commissioners of Orange County, ilcrth Cerplie¢, met in reguler session on <br />5ebrusry 4, 1957, et 10:00 o'clce c: A, !:.. at its reguler moos i.=._r, nLce in the Orr_n~e Count_ Courthouse, <br />liillvbor a, 1. C. and ti:e following r..embazs Here ore sent: D, '.f, Sap, Csude Pop=, Donald :'., Stanford <br />and Henry S. 17alker. <br />Absent: R, d. ,'!, Hobbs, Cheirnan, and A F;. my ns du1±~ eleoted acting Ccairmen, <br />The minutes for tl:e meetings held en .ianuery 7th. end 25th, 1957, ::ere read and approved. <br />The reouest of Iera~:~:ec¢ of k:ebsne for assistance vas referred to tea ;'le lfare Deanrtmen t, <br />Hiieriif Hclmen of -?e~son County reovested ti:et ti:e Coar:SSSioners reconsider the road petition <br />that he had sui:mitted previously, T*.e Cler l: ens re pus sled to out t!+.e reed n~tition bac;: in fire <br />folder for xe-inspection, <br />Dan }J¢theson reported that ell o+ tee n=abets of the Industrir_1 end A^riculturnl Cos ~+~ i <br />_.s_on cad <br />teen notified of ti:aH reeppointment to said Con issicn. .:'r. Ceth~son moor t.=,d *.net he )me:^ of <br />several rambezc who could be unable to serve. Uoen motion of Ccmmissionsr i!alker, seconded Ly <br />Commissioner Pone and unanimously ps ssed, iS_.::[etheson Has ¢u thox ized to arcoint Her sons to fill the <br />vacancies as they ocour on s¢id Commission, <br />Been notion of Coc is sionnr flelher, seconded by Cormissioner ?oce and unaai s.cusly Dossed, Cr, <br />S, i:i, Gattis nos avthor iced to ta::e F250 ,CO Fr em the °.mergency Fun3 for the nut ~OSe of roofine the <br />Agr_vulture Euild ing. <br />The following doper t:rent Feeds submi t`..ed reports for the r..onth of Januan•, 1957: <br />3tiss .7e sale r. cn•'o*idge - .H~se Demonst+_atian Agent <br />LL . Prank ;.:eddr,7 - Delinquent Tax Collector <br />':!alter Tre nn - veteran's Service Offices' <br />L!r. S, ii, Lvnc:^. - Clex Y. o" Court <br />Odell Clayton - Sheriff <br />Cccmiss'_onrsr 17e14:er submitted tY.e lie L`are Deoaztne nt report for the month of J¢nuary, 1957, <br />t!r, Iulc, I~, Conners of Chscel 5111, proposed that the State buLd a rood tanning from the Chepal <br />H111 Hy-yass to tY.e Ch_nel :ill-Durban load in the vicinity of sloe Hills. , Conners o-:;ns nrooer ty <br />thzovgh which this read could pass end is willinf to give riP,ht-of-xay: `.!r, Connors vas advised to <br />atten;i the District 6lceting to '.:e held in Grei-^_r.: cn n~bruarv 20, 1952 1)o on motion of Cp,-.pis sionor <br />Star3ord, sec o.'ded by Co¢n+.issiorer ?ore a.d ur~nimousl7 cassad, the Cler!: Has remze st=d to ~azite 40 <br />i.:r. L, H. Gunter, District .:rcin~er, eoncernir:; !.ir. Connar's nropesnL Y,o cthez' action Tres tnD.en <br />by the Hoard on tl!is totter, <br />the following road petitions -ere ore sorted end the Heard agreed to inspect sane: <br />A ro¢d in Ccenks To;rnshin, ruP.ninF' 4or.. the Old Hillsboro to !:iebnne Hc¢d (Di_*t) to the Home of <br />Quy Peazrincton end Imonn as the aillard P~, Hannan-}!. L. Cervaz-Peaa ington iiond, length of rend: <br />Aonroximntely 600 ;;cr3 s. Petition ore stinted by Qua 9eerr ington, <br />A road in Chapel Hill ?ormship, running 4on t!:e end of tf:e haze' sun lace on HiLere st Street to <br />a deed end, eed kno~:m as }iiL crest Street ^.xtensicn.. Iwngth oL toed: .1 of e mile. Petition ors- <br />sented ep Algie Y Johnson. <br />Uoan motion of Coss:irsionez Stanford, sec ocded by Comr..i ssicner ?ape and unanimous lv passed, the <br />Hrgt stet of Deeds r,¢s given pe^is sion to have a ssn o; Orenre County perms nnntly affixed to the <br />sail in 'ter of `ice, <br />Upon notion of Comniss'_onex Stanford, sec ordsd w Comnissionar l7n, it r:as ore=red th.t the <br />da scr sots on npneering in the CF.epsl 'r.ill-Car: bore 3ecreation District 7e solution be modified to <br />exclude n_11 of tk:e Torm of Carrboro from the sooosed Chsoel Hill-C¢rrbo:'o Recx cats on District. <br />Donn ld EL Stenfoxd roved that the following rr solution be edonted: <br />'i ~2H"'A 5, a petition de scribi~:g s cent=_in anon within the Cpunty of O-nnEe, designated in such <br />oe tition as "Cl:eoel hill-C¢rrooro Secreetion District of Orange County" n¢s, on December 3, 1956, <br />filed ci#: the Hoexd of Cammi ssioners of Orange County, pursuant to Chsptar 493 of the 1955 Session <br />IEVS of Borth C¢rolinn, !: rc the Sparc of Commissioners hrs escerteined seid petits on is sired <br />by et le eat 15,`= of the resident freeholders living within the once described in said ce titian, and <br />ilH~~.~?AS, seid petition xecuests the Eoaxd of Commissioners to do one pr both. of the folloning <br />things: <br />(1) Levy an ¢nnual tar. of not more then tan cents (1DC) pn each one hundred dollars <br />("u'100.00) of assn sled valustlon of t::^.e taxable prener ty within t!:e district for <br />'. he ovr nose of prcvidin€, conducting and naintelninC-. a suoerviaed recreetion <br />tam in seid district. <br />(2) issue hands v` the unit in behalf o` the recreation district in tee amount of <br />5250,000,00 and to levy a tax on ell taxable or'oper ty nithin the district for <br />the payment thereoL, for the purpose of acouirin€, imps ovine and eeuipnirg ler_'s <br />or builds n=s or both for car's, o~oyr-r oun9 s, recreation centers and pt}.,r recreetion <br />facilities, <br />and <br />