Orange County NC Website
~2 <br />Etlnutes of the 9osrd of Commiasiorers <br />January 7: 1957 <br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, met on mondnyr January 7, 1956, at 10 o'clock <br />A, LS, in the Ccmmi ssionrs's' Roan ¢t the Courthouse in Hillsboror N, C, <br />1.'ember's present: Commissioners Dwight ti, Ray, Claude Pope, Donn ld Stanford end Henry TTalker. <br />G.embers absent: Chairman B. J. Ef. Hobbs <br />In the absence of Chairman Hobber Commissioner Hny Wns elected to serve ns Acting Chairman. <br />She minutes for the meetings held on December' 3rd, December 11th, 1956 sari Jeaunry 3rd 1957 were <br />rend and approved. <br />Don Afathe ran. County Farm Agent: intr~uced Cyrus Green, who is a new Assistant County AF.entr <br />recently eooointed to Work :rith Etr, L'stheson and ESr. BdW1n Horne s. <br />Reoorts sere given by the following depaztmsnt officials: <br />Don lA¢the sons County Farm Agent and Bd 2er'ns s, Assistant County Farm Agent; <br />Hiss Jessie Trowbridge, Hame Demonstration Agent and t?iss Catharine Pritchett, Assistant Hom= <br />Demonstration Agent? ' <br />Ca she Hoggs~ County Dog Plnrdenp <br />FranY. !.'sddryr Delinquent Tax Collector; and <br />F.. Ei, Lynch, Clerk of Court. <br />The iielf¢re Re ~Ort was presented by Commissioner 0nL4er, and the Elegro Farm Agent and Home <br />Demonstration Agent's annual reports were acknowledged. <br />Eir, Tom Rose, To:m moan€er of Chanel Hill, requested that the Beard ¢dopt n resolution which <br />Would permit all of the eligible lair enforcement officers of the County oP Orange to vote on a <br />referendum to detezmine Whether or' not the I~aw Hnforcement Officers' Benefit ¢nd Retirement randy ns <br />it noolies to eligible law enforcement officers of this governmental unity shell be coordinated With <br />the Old-Age erH Survivors Insurance provisions or the Federal Soci¢1 Security Act, <br />Upon motion oT Conmissioner Y7nllcer) seconded by Commissioners the following re eolutlon Was <br />unanimously adopted: <br />^A resolution by tF.e Board of Cormvi of the County oT Orange to pr wide for a referendum <br />by the County's eli€ible law enforcement officers under oz'ovislons of Article 2 of Chapter 135 of the <br />General Statutes of North Cezolins and under nrovisions of the Governor's °xecutive Order of Decem- <br />ber 17s 1956. <br />Er IT ,li!D IT IS H^PFBY AF.:ALASD by the Hoard of County Commi ssianers of the County of Orange ae <br />follows: <br />Section 1, Thnt the Board of County Commissioners oT the County of Orange hereby npnlies to the <br />Agent de signnted in the Executive Ord err dated December 17, 1956: by the Governor of IJOrth C¢rolinas <br />to ho]d. on !!ay l5s 1957 a referendum to determine Whether or not the Law Enforcement Officers' <br />Benefit and P.etirement Fu:3, as it aonlies to eldgibla lsW enforcement officers of this governmental <br />unity shall be coonlinnted With the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance orovisions of the Federal Social <br />Security Act. Coverage under the Social Security Act will become effective on the 1 day of Januarys <br />1957, for all eligible law enforcement officers in service on the data that the agreement is executed <br />by the Secretary of Healths Educations and l'le lfexb. <br />Section 2, Thet the Board of County Commissioners oe the County of Orange egreess Sn considera- <br />tion of the acceptance of this ennlcations that it will designate nn election official to serve as <br />such without comnensetion under the supervision oT and in necordance with instrvetions of the Agent <br />of the Gwernoz and that it :;111 notif~ the eligible voters not less then 90 days orior to i:1ny 15, <br />1957, date of referendum, <br />Section 3. The Heard of County Commissioners of the County of Orange ha. reby agrees to joins for <br />the purpose oT this referendum and retirement system groan, the follordng political subdivisions: <br />The Toren oT Cnrrboros The Town of Chapel Hill and The Toim of Hillsboro." <br />Etr. 5. f. Gattis was authorized to proceed With the election concerning the referendum pertaining <br />to the inw Enforcement Retirement plan. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Nell.ers seconded tr3 Commissiorex' Stanford and unanimously edopteds <br />it Wns ordered that the law firm oS Graham G F.anson be Fnid $1 s650,00 for arofo ssiannl services <br />rendered, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Popes seconded by Commissioner Stanford and unanimously ndooteds it <br />Wns ordered that the law firm of Ltitchells Pershin€r Shetterly & Lfitche ll of Hew Yorks be onid <br />5594,12 for orofe sslonsl services rendered, <br />Comndssioner R°Y gave a summery of his trip to Fayettev111e pert=fining to the Caoe ?ear River <br />Basin Project. The Cie: Y. to £ae Hoard was requested to turn over to Don L3ethe soar Chairman of the <br />Industrial erd Agricultural Commission for Oran g' Countys sll of the literature and materiel concerning <br />this Project, <br />Acting Chnirrsn P.ay read c letter from Anthotry C. Coley Area Reel 3state i".ensger for the Corps <br />of Engineers requesting that Orange Connty ,join With the IJOrth Caroline Department of Conservation <br />nn3 Develeoment in signing s 10 year lease Which provides for the erection of e 120-Toot radio rely <br />touter on Cates mountain, <br />1 <br />Upon motion o£ Commissioner Pones seconded by Co::^mi ssioner Stariord and unanimous~v pn sseds it <br />