Minutes - 19570104
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19570104
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Eflnutes of the Board of Conmissionera ~5 <br />January ~ 1957. .d. <br />..,, The Hanrd of Commissioners of Orange County met at the City Ha11. do Chapel H111 on the night of <br />Pnidsyr Jenuary~k, 1957r et 7:30 o'clock P. Et. for the purpose oT holding a public hearing ne pre- <br />sezihed by law relating to the proposed Chanel 8111-Carrbor'o Recreation District, <br />Gfembers present: Commissioners D. M. Rnyr H, 5, 74alkery Clau3 T. Pope and Donald Stanford, <br />Lfembers absent: Chairman R. J, Ei. Hobbs, <br />I¢ the absence of Chairmen Hobbs, Commissioner Any was designated as Acting Chairman far this <br />meeting, <br />"'~ At the outset of the hearing, Acting Chairman Rny announced the purpose of the meeting was to <br />'',comply wSth the special ast passed in the 1955 legislature relative to the formation of a Recreation <br />I District by affording the public an opportunity to make themselves heard on the aue stion of Whether <br />~', ar not this district should be created, <br />The first speaker from the floor Wes the Reverend Charles S, Rubbaxdr Chairman at the State <br />Recreation Commission. The Rev. Hubbard spo!ce an the need for a recreation program in the community <br />end gave somemhnt of an outline es to how this program Would be carried out, Rev, Hubbard was followed <br />by iArs, Pinltez Spearman Who spoke in favor of the proposal before the Board of Commlosioners and the <br />public. ldre, Spearman also comc:e nded the "Say-cee s" highly Tor their work on this program. <br />tin. Grady Pritchard naked someone to answer for him two questions, 1st - Is this an important enoug <br />need to the community to Justiip a tax lery7 and 2nd - How will the integration issue effect this <br />proposel7 ' <br />Gtr, Ceorge Coxheed spoke to answer Atr, Pritchnrd's 1st euestion and said that it would ba almost <br />impossible to determine crFst the most important needs of any community were; howeverr he felt sure <br />that if tF.e needs of this community Here listed in order of their importance, recreation would be ono <br />of the moat significant needs, <br />Air, 'temp Jones touched briefly upon the t¢x limit aspect oT the proposed '~ilh <br />Dr. J, Sullivan Cibsonr Termer Atnyor of Carrboro. spoke end asked what territory pus included under <br />tF.e proposed Recreation District. He was then followed by Honorable R. H, Todd, 6Snyor oT Cax^rboror who <br />in his capacity as a private citizen only. asked thst the Cerrboro arse be excluded from this proposal <br />ns they Were already considering s special school supplement and he fenced the people oP his community <br />would feel they could not afford two special tax programs nt this tine, <br />Several other parsons took the floor to give the$ views on this program and thereafter n general <br />question an3 anser session was held. At the conclusion of tF.e Due stion and answer se ssionr the <br />Public Nearing was ad,j earned, <br />D, 61. Aap <br />Acting Chairmen <br />S. ti. Gettis <br />Acting Clerk <br />
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