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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />January 29, 1998 <br />Board of Health Minutes <br />Transcription completed by Patsy L. Bateman 1 January <br />29, 1998 <br />ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance the quality of life, promote the health, <br />and preserve the environment for all people in the Orange County Community. <br /> <br />THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH MET ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1998 AT THE GOVERNMENT <br />SERVICES BUILDING, HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA. <br /> <br />BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS PRESENT: Timothy Ives, Brenda Crowder-Gaines, Melvin Hurston, Beverly Foster, <br />Barbara Chavious, Barry Adler, Jonathan Klein, Margaret Brown, Ronald Cammarata, Richard Marinshaw <br /> <br />BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS ABSENT: Janet Southerland <br /> <br />STAFF PRESENT: Rosemary Summers, Interim Health Director; Elaine Holmes, Personnel Director; Eileen Kugler, <br />Personal Health Services Division Director; Cornelia Ramsey, Health Education Supervisor; Patsy Bateman, <br />Administrative Assistant. <br /> <br />1. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS <br />Dr. Ives called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Rosemary Summers introduced the staff and guests present. <br /> <br />2. APPROVE AGENDA OF JANUARY 29, 1998 <br />The January 29, 1998 agenda was amended, adding 6.6 Work Activities and 6.7 Health Check Program Update <br /> and was approved. <br /> <br />The motion to amend the agenda of January 29, 1998 was made by Beverly Foster, seconded by Barbara <br />Chavious and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 25, 1997 AND DECEMBER 18, 1997 <br />Corrections were made to the November 25, 1997 minutes and approved. There were no corrections for the <br />December 18, 1997 minutes. <br /> <br />The motion to approve the minutes of November 25, 1997 and December 18, 1997 was made by Jonathan <br />Klein, seconded by Beverly Foster and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />3. CLOSED SESSION: PERSONNEL MATTER (Authority G.S. Section 143-318.11 (a) (6)) <br /> <br />The motion to move into a closed session regarding personnel matter (Authority G.S. Section 143-318.11 (a) <br />(6) was made by Timothy Ives, seconded by Beverly Foster and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />4. JOB DESCRIPTION FOR HEALTH DIRECTOR, PRESENTED BY BRENDA CROWDER-GAINES <br />The job description for the Health Director was included in the agenda packet. The description contains the qualities <br />we would like in a Health Director. Comments received from individuals at other meetings have been incorporated <br />into the job description. <br /> <br />The motion to approve the job description for the Health Director was made by Jonathan Klein, seconded by <br />Margaret Brown and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> SEARCH COMMITTEE PROCESS, PRESENTED BY BRENDA CROWDER-GAINES <br />There is a pool of 53 applicants and personnel is in the process of reviewing those applications. The Committee <br />would like staff to be informed on a regular basis about the process of searching for a Health Director. <br /> <br />5. RECEIVE: HOME VISITING PROPOSAL, PRESENTED BY EILEEN KUGLER <br />The legislature made available funding for six intensive home visiting demonstration projects. Twenty-four counties <br />have been invited, including Orange County. This will range between $100,000 - $150,000 per year for two years <br />and the funding will come through the Health Department. The proposal abstract was included in the Board packet <br />for this meeting. <br /> <br />APPROVE: POTENTIAL CONTRACT WITH UNC FOR TEENS IN POWER GRANT PROPOSAL, PRESENTED BY <br />EILEEN KUGLER <br />The Community Based Public Health (CBPH) Consortium through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is <br />applying for a grant from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation which would support, through contracts with the <br />university, activities in all four CBPH counties. Orange County’s part would include $25,000 each year for two years <br />for the Teens in Power Program. (Prior to the Board of Health meeting, the amount was $50,000 each year for two