Orange County NC Website
AGENDA <br />Commission for the Environment <br />December 12, 2016 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />Orange County Solid Waste Administration Building <br />1207 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill <br />Time Item Title <br />7:30 I. Call to Order <br />7:32 II. Additions or Changes to Agenda <br />7:35 III. Approval of Minutes — November 14, 2016 <br />The CFE will consider approval of minutes from the last meeting. (Attachment 1) <br />7:40 IV. CFE Annual Report and Work Plan 2016 -17 <br />The CFE will consider approval of its 2016 -17 annual report and work plan, which was <br />developed in November. The report to the BOCC is due on December 16. (Attachment 2) <br />7:45 V. Planning for Climate Change <br />Jeanette O'Connor will provide an overview of the Town of Carrboro's climate action plan, which <br />is being considered for implementation by the Board of Aldermen. (Attachments 3 -4) <br />Carrboro Community Climate Action Plan (Nov 2016) <br />https:// Carrboro. legistar. com/ LegislationDetail .aspx ?ID= 2882400&GUID= 9581AE32- <br />5 EE5- 437A- 82AD- F8CF21 FB4022&Options= &Search= <br />8:15 VI. CFE News Articles <br />The CFE will also consider a draft news article on Climate Change revised since the November <br />meeting, and a draft follow -up article (Part 2) also on Climate Change. (Attachments 5 -6) <br />8:30 VII. Election of Officers <br />CFE members are scheduled to elect a new Chair and Vice -Chair for the upcoming year <br />in accordance with the CFE policies and procedures. (Attachment 7) <br />8:45 VIII. Updates and Information Items <br />Staff and /or CFE members will provide updates on the following items: <br />➢ CFE Calendar for 2017 (Attachment 8) <br />➢ CFE memo re UDO flexible minor subdivision (Attachment 9) <br />➢ Climate Change Indicators in the US, 2016 (Attachment 10) <br />➢ COP22 Marrakech Action Proclamation (Attachment 11) <br />➢ NC Industrial Hemp Commission begins work (Attachment 12) <br />➢ The environmental meaning of President Trump (Attachment 13) <br />➢ Any other new information from CFE members and staff <br />9:15 IV. Adjourn <br />Nextmeeting., January 11 (Hillsborough) <br />