Orange County NC Website
Affordable Housing Advisory Board <br />Minutes of Tuesday, February 10, 2015 <br />Members Present: Diane Beecham, JonZella Bailey - Pridham, Noah Oswald and Arthur <br />Sprinczeles <br />Excused Absence: Patsy Barbee <br />Unexcused Absence: Nannie Richmond, Tammy Jacobs, Andrew Shannon, Vanessa Soleil, and <br />Sully Jaffer <br />Staff Present: James Davis and Audrey Spencer - Horsley <br />Welcome /Introduction <br />The members introduced themselves and welcomed Audrey Spencer - Horsley. <br />Approval of Minutes <br />The minutes of November 18, 2014, December 9, 2014 and January 13, 2015 were not approved <br />due to the lack of a quorum. <br />Department Report /County Report <br />James Davis informed the members that the BOCC raised an issue about advisory board <br />attendance. While the BOCC did not specify which boards experience poor attendance, James <br />stated that the Clerk of the BOCC has requested him to submit the attendance record of all board <br />members scheduled for reappointment. JonZella Bailey- Pridham presented the issue of how to <br />improve attendance. Arthur Sprinczeles recommended that all members receive an email <br />expressing the importance of attendance. Audrey Spencer - Horsley suggested that a letter <br />expressing the importance of attendance should come from the board chair, stating that poor <br />attendance will result in a recommendation of termination from the board. The board can then <br />operate with a smaller membership, thus requiring fewer attendees for a quorum. <br />James will send the attendance log for FY2013 -14 and FY2014 -15 to all members. To further <br />address this issue, minutes will henceforth designate whether a member's absence is excused or <br />unexcused. In the continuation of this topic, members discussed whether it would be beneficial <br />to consider meeting every other month, meeting on a different day of the month or meeting at a <br />different time of the day. <br />Audrey inquired about the work of the board, specifically the purpose of the bus tour. Arthur <br />and JonZella explained that the bus tour provides an opportunity for the members to see the low- <br />income housing choices in Orange County. <br />JonZella asked whether the Housing Choice Voucher holders residing in GSC units have been <br />relocated. James stated that all voucher holders have moved or are otherwise no longer using a <br />voucher at GSC properties with the exception of one (1) tenant. <br />