Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> <br />Orange County Animal Services <br />1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />919-942-PETS (7387) <br /> <br />ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (ASAB) <br /> <br />6:30 to 8:30 p.m. <br />Wednesday, January 18, 2017 <br /> <br />Meeting Summary <br /> <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Maureane Hoffman (Chair), Molly Mullin (Vice-Chair), Edmund Tiryakian, Judy Miller, Beth <br />Grooms, Susan Elmore, DeWana Anderson, Michael Stewart, Warren Potter, Victoria Hudson <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Aviva Scully, Michelle Walker <br />STAFF PRESENT: Bob Marotto (Animal Services Director), Andi Morgan (Asst Animal Services Director), Jasmine <br />Johnson (Veterinary Health Care Manager) <br />_____________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Call to order: 6:30pm <br /> <br />Review and adoption of the Agenda: Agenda item for discussion with County Manager and agenda item was <br />added. Judy Miller made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Beth Grooms. The motion carried without <br />dissent. <br /> <br />Summary of November 16, 2016 meeting: Warren Potter made a motion to approve the Summary; seconded by <br />Beth Grooms. The motion carried without dissent. <br /> <br />General Public Comments on items not on the agenda: None. <br /> <br />Introduction of Andi Morgan as the Assistant Animal Services Director: A new organization chart was shared that <br />describes her new span of control and areas of responsibility. The organization re-classified at least five jobs, <br />revised position descriptions and compensation, and changed recruitment methods under the advisement of OC <br />Human Resources. <br /> <br />Animal Services Advisory Board: <br />(A) Policies and Procedures: Edmund Tiryakian presented a summary of changes to the existing manual of <br />procedures for the ASAB (attached). These proposed edits include editing obsolete language, adding <br />definitions, and removing redundancy. Michael Stewart made a motion to accept the revisions; make <br />additional revisions and return to the ASAB; and forward the changes to the County Attorney; <br />seconded by Judy Miller. Motion carried without dissent. <br />Old Business: <br />(A) Public Art Participation: Bob Marotto reported that selection of the artist is pending the end of the <br />application period by January 31st with the proposed installation by the end of June. The Orange County Arts <br />Commission suggested the ASAB and OCAS staff host a reception when the art is complete. No dates or <br />party concept were decided. Susan Elmore made a motion to support the efforts for a reception; Michael <br />Stewart seconded. Motion carried without dissent. <br />(B) Update of the Pets of the Homeless Task Force: Judy Miller reported the first information meeting will be <br />held January 27th with over twenty agencies representing local animal services stakeholders expected. <br /> <br />New Business: