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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 <br />Action Age~a <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT: Contract Renewal for Pharmacy Services for Health Department <br />DEPARTMENT: Health <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Renewal Contract <br />PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Rosemary Summers, 245-2411 <br />PURPOSE: To renew a contract for pharmacy services far the Health Department. <br />BACKGROUND: Far the past six years, the Health Department has contracted with an <br />individual pharmacist to provide pharmacy services for the department, This will be the fifth <br />year of contracting with the same pharmacist, The contract for FY 2006-2007 includes a 4% <br />increase over last year for a total of $11,235 per year or approximately $34 per hour for on-site <br />pharmacy services, Pharmacy services last year enabled the Health Department to provide <br />clinical services to over 5,000 patients seen in one of the department's clinical services, The <br />pharmacist also consults with the Health Department regarding public health preparedness <br />dispensing sites, <br />As noted above, this will be the fifth year the department will work with the same pharmacist, <br />The department went through an extensive search process four years ago, including pursuit of <br />potential minority providers, prior to contracting with the current provider for the department's <br />pharmacy services, Securing the current provider proved fortunate in light of the limited funding <br />available, The department continually pursues other potential providers (with an emphasis on <br />any potential minority providers) for this and other departmental services such as nursing. <br />However, the limited funding available and the other career opportunities available to potential <br />providers are issues the department faces on a regular basis, <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total cost of the contract is $11,235 for the fiscal year for <br />approximately 334 hours of on-site pharmacy services. The $11,235 is included in the Health <br />Department's requested budget for FY 2006-07. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the renewal <br />contract and authorize the Chair to sign, pending the approval of the 2006-2007 budget and any <br />further review by staff and the County Attorney review, <br />