<br />L1lnu tea of the Board oP Comsll sa ioaere
<br />July 28, 1955
<br />59i
<br />r'
<br />The Board ofComm is si one rs of Orange County met Sn a special meetlr,g
<br />in the Bomm.*sstx.nwx*szxzmmxo8xkka courtroom of the Orange County courthouse
<br />on Thursday, July 28th, at 8 p,m. !dembers present Sha*amaax8xz3zxYxxRmhbaY
<br />Commissioners F•dwin Lanier, Dwight-Bay and Henry '.7e lker, IAemb era absent
<br />Commissioner Sim Bflard. and Ch¢S.rman R, J. 9`.. Hobbs.
<br />Tte meeting was opened and upon a motion of Co;nmissioner Aay, ee co nded
<br />by Commissioner 1'Jalk er, Commis loner teenier wes nominated as ectine Cheirman.
<br />This motion was pess ed.
<br />IIoon motion of Commissioner Ray and seconded by Commissioner 'Je iker
<br />vri th all members votinz in the affirmative the following sums are appropriated
<br />to the various funds for the fiscal yeer .Julq 1, 19-',$, ttreugh June 30, 19$5.
<br />For County Bond Purp uses the sum of $49,720.00
<br />For Farm Extension Puro os es the sum of 19,536,00
<br />For General rand Purposes the sun of 84,614.00
<br />For Public Aeelth Purposes the sum of 19,000,00
<br />For Recorder's Court Purposes the sum of 211,958.00
<br />tFOr S¢la ry Fund Purposes the sum of 52,957,00
<br />For School Current Exae use the sum of 133,190,00
<br />For School Cani tsl Outlay the sum of 1$1,965,00
<br />ror School Debt Service the sum of 5$,1;77,$0
<br />For Public :'Jelfere Purpose tha sum of 1F6, 733, 00
<br />ror Aid to Dependent Children 97,920.00
<br />For Aid to Pe rmnnen tip and Totally Dis¢bled 30,000,00
<br />For Old Age Asslstence 103,580,00
<br />~;
<br />The ebove appronriat ion to thh Sa la k•y rand of u$2, 967. 00 Ss derived from
<br />an unencumbered bal once of $9,590.70 and other revenue such as tees snd
<br />cormissions wi tt, an ap~ropr is ti on from the Recorder's Court fund of ;",11,587.00.
<br />This ann ropri ati on of q11, 697.00 is hereby specif ice lly transferred from the
<br />.Recorder's Court tend to the Salery Fund,
<br />The approrpietl on to the Gere ral Fund of ;,'A4,511}.00 is derived from
<br />ad velo rem taxes and other such fees and costs es are proper plus es ¢nnronri at
<br />of ~^,~., 756,00 from the Recorder's Court IV nd and this app ropri s tl on of w4,756,00
<br />is hereby specifically transferred from the Racorde r'e Court fund to the
<br />Ge nerel Fund.
<br />The e*_o ve epproarie ti on for schools, as will be shovm in detail by
<br />reference to the Sch eol Hud get Ste tements which have been filed by the Or enge
<br />County Eoard of Educe ti on end the Trustees of the Ch¢pel Fall School Admi nistr
<br />Unit, and wrict 1-s ve tee.^. approved by the Board of Commis acne rs of Orence
<br />County, have Caen dl sifted Sr. sect, e manner th¢t the Chanel Hill Aran inis trati ve
<br />Unit will receive in Current Exoen se the sum of iJ37,741t. 00 and in C¢pitel
<br />Outlay *_he sum of ri53, $93.00,
<br />Un on motion of Commissioner Nalkar, andseoondedby,Comnisaionar Ray, and
<br />members voting in the of firm ¢tive the folio vdng resolution leving taxes for
<br />the year 195$-19$5 is hereby adopted:
<br />On all mace persons between the ages of 21 and $0 pen rs the sum
<br />o_* ;;'2.00 in ac cordence with Lhe nrovisl ons of G. 5. ~19$-341 (1)
<br />unless such verso r. Ss exempt as nrovld ed by law, Twenty five
<br />percent of the proceeds of this taz shall be deposited in
<br />the "ieltere Fund and seventy five percent oP this tax shall
<br />be deposited in the School Current Expense r^und.
<br />On esch peen female dog six months of age or older tY.e sum of
<br />w2.00, and on each male dog end each female dog other than
<br />an open female of the a_ae of sir. months or older the sum of
<br />X1.00. The nroc eels of this tar. shall be deo osit ed in the
<br />General rand to be used to def rey the expense of the dog
<br />warden ir, accordance with the oroviaion of G.S. 67-30.
<br />There is hereby levied ir. each marriage license issued a tex
<br />of fi4,00 in acc or deuce Witt the provisl ons of G.S. $1-20.
<br />The proceeds of this tax shall be dep osied in the General
<br />rand.
<br />There Ss ha rebg levied e privilege license tex in tte meximum
<br />amount permitted by Schedule H o_* tY,e Revenue Act, being
<br />article 2 of Chanter 10$ of the General Statutes and by any
<br />other Sec flop of the Oene ral Statutes on each to sS nes s, trade,
<br />occupation or profession which counties ere authorized to
<br />fez under Schedule E of the Revenue Aat end ether sections
<br />of the General Statutes.
<br />For County Bond Purposes the sum of 6.893 per 8100, 00
<br />Props rty Valuation
<br />For Farm Ert ension Purn oses the sum of 2.6$2 Property Valuation
<br />For General n^und Purposes the sum of 4.713 Property Valunt ion
<br />For Public Health Purposes the sum of 2,478 Pron ertq Veluetl on
<br />For School Current Expense Purposes the sum of 9, 50'J Property
<br />Valuation
<br />