Orange County NC Website
F'i <br />V .~C! <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />Tuesday,: July 5. 1955 <br />The Board of County Commi asioners met at ten o'clock on Tuesday, July 5th, <br />in the Commissioner's room. Members present: Chairman R. S. IS. Hohbs, <br />Commiasionara Sim Efland, Edwin Lanier, Dwight Hay and Henx^y 1'lelker. Hembara <br />absent none. <br />i^. The minutes for meetings held on Tune 7th, 13th, 15th, 20th, 22nd, 27th, <br />~ 29th and July 1st ware read by the clerk and approved by the Board. <br />Bherriff C. C. Holeman of Person County presented a..road petition on <br />.2 mile of reed which rune from Orange Covnty line to Holeman Ferm. The <br />Board agreed to inspect said road. <br />Mr. Sam P. Lockhart, Br., of the New $ope community presented a <br />road petition, this petition was rejected. <br />Paul Carr, Supt. of County Schools, reaue sted four new classrooms at <br />Central and Cedar Grove Hohools. Mr. Carr stated that the approx cost of <br />these classrooms would be $40,000.00 each. No action w¢a taken on this matter. <br />The following motl on w¢e introduced by Commissioner Efland and received <br />¢ second from Cosmtissioaer Vtalker. <br />That we Snitiete promptly a job doacription and classification study <br />of all jobs for which the Commiss ionere are reepons ibis; that on the basis <br />of this study the jobs be grouped, with each group class ificetion having a <br />minimum and maximum salary bracket and salary increases specified. <br />IIpon a call for a vote on this motion there were 4 ayes and 0 nays. <br />The following motion+was introduced by Commissioner Lanier and <br />re oe 3ved a second by Commissioner Rag. <br />That the special school tax for Chapel Hill. be set for the coming year <br />at fifteen cents (15¢). <br />Attar fl short dis cues ion the motion wen put to a vote and there were <br />5 ayes and 0 net's. <br />The following motion was introduced by Commie sionor Lanier and received <br />¢ second by Commissioner Ray. <br />That the 1955 tax rate be net at 62¢ and that rre 15eue x'34,000.00 in <br />bonds that would ba divided between the County School IInit and the Chapel <br />Hill Administrative IInit on a equal basis (this supplementing each school <br />units capital outlet' reouest by $17,000.00.). <br />After much discussion there was a call vote. Commissioners Rey, Lanier <br />and Ptallcar voting in the affirmative and bommissianere Hobbs and Efland <br />abstaining. <br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Lanier, seconded by Commisai ~~er Efland, <br />and unanimously passed the following interim appropriation rea elution was <br />introduced. <br />The following interim appropriations resolution be made: <br />To General Fund $ 2.500.00 <br />To 'v7elfara Fonda 20,000.00 <br />To SaleryFUad 3,000.00 <br />To School Fonda 10,000.00 <br />To Recorder's Court Fund 500.00 <br />To Health Fund 1,800.00 <br />The County Accountant is authorized and directed to pay current ordinasg <br />ezpensee against the Sunda above listed not exceeding amounts of the <br />appropriations hereby made. Said appropriations resolution which will be <br />adopted not later than Suly 28, 1955. <br />R. J. td. Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />5. M. Gattie <br />Acting Clerk <br />