Orange County NC Website
~: <br />The Hoard of County Commissioners met on Tuesday, June 7th, at ten o'clo cl <br />in the Commissioner's room. LSembers present Chal rman R. J. N. Hobbs, <br />Commissioners Bia Efland, Edwin Lanier, Rvight Ray and Henry ltia lk er. Members <br />absent none. <br />6tinu tes o_° the meetings held on Map 2nd, May 12th, May 18th and ?day 26th <br />were read by the clerk and approved by the Hoard. <br />Cnrl Smith, Cheirmsn of the Chanel Ai11 School Hoard, presented the <br />1955-56 Chapel Hill Sc~~o~ budget to the Hon rd. A petition bearing 1200 <br />si anatures reques ting /M rCV enty cent tnx levy be voted Tor the Chanel Fill <br />area to be used for school nurpos es was also nresen tad. Rev. Charles <br />Hubbard and Collier Cobb, Jr. sooke on behalf of said twenty cent tax levy. <br />IIpon motion of Comr. Rsy, seconded by Comr. ~'falker and unanimously Passed, <br />it was ordered that e refund of X23.50 be ms de to L•arl Euga ne Rams ey <br />because of taxes erroneously toll act from him. <br />Upon motion of Comr. Efland, socond ed by Comr, Rag and unanimosuly Wes sad; <br />it was ordered that Emery Derny, ¢ttorney. be paid X299. 33 for the <br />dellnqu ant taxes collected due to his Work, this being in accordance with <br />the contract en to red into by Orange County and Mr. Denny. <br />Paul Carr, Supt. of County Sc1-.oola, pres en tad the 1955-55 school budget. <br />Upon motion of Comr. Efland, seconded by Comr..=,ay and unanimously <br />passed, the following resolution wns adont ed and a ter tl £f ed cony of said <br />resolution was ordered turned over to the ~!ayor of Hillsboro: <br />"The Hoard of County Commissioners has reed end considered the <br />Hillsboro iderchent's As sociatl on June 1, 1955, statement to the Honorable <br />Ben Johnston, idayor of Hillsboro, co nc erni na the telephone sendce 1n and <br />around Hillsboro. <br />Vfe, therefore, strongly ur_ae th et the State IItili ty Commission make <br />and Snvestlga ti on of this si tus ti on to the end that the citizens of Orange <br />County be given relief from this sltuatd on and be provided better service." <br />Bernice Ward, represente ti ve of the Industrial Committee ri CLepel <br />Bill and Carrboro, expressed to the Board the desire of sn ld Industrial <br />Committee to take some immediate positive act ien on the matter of getting <br />an electronic plants to locate in the Chapel P.ill~•Carrboro area. <br />Upon motion of Comr: Lanier, seconded by Comr. Ray and unanimously <br />passed, the contract be tw eon Orange County end `•1rs. Paye Hulet, Court <br />Recorder, was signed by Chairman Hobbs. <br />Mrs. Parker, Suot. of 1'lelfare, presented one blind aid grant for <br />Earry Gentry and the grant of Slancy Thomas for termination. <br />IIpor, motion of Comr. Lanle r, seconded by Comr. Ray, it was ordered <br />that Sam Gatt is be auth orized to collect 19$5 tax from those nersons <br />desiring to nay,~at the foll.owing rates: county wide 70¢, special <br />school 20~ and special fire 10}/. Comrs. Aobbs, Lanier, '•Yelker and Ray <br />voted in the affirmative and Comr. Efland voted Sn the ne ¢a ti ve. <br />There being no further business the Board ad,j ourn ed with plans to <br />meet at 7:30 o. m, on Monday, June 13th. <br />R. J. ~'.. Hobbs <br />Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes <br />Clerk <br />