Minutes - 19550307
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19550307
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-. <br />51i <br />fdarch 7, 1955 <br />The Board of County CommSSSioner met on tde rch 7, 1955 ir• the Commissi oner's~ <br />room, members present Chairman R. J. G1. Hobbs, Commissioners SSm EIIand, <br />Edwin Lanier, Dwight Ray and henry '17a1ker, members absent none. E1lnut es of <br />the Februe ry meeting were read by the Cle rte end approved by the Board. <br />i- Don S, "Hathes to n, County Agent, tenor tad that Dr, Rogers, the veteri.ani an I <br />employed by the County to test cattle for Hangs disease, had comaleted his <br />t_. vro r~+' and of the 1120 herds tested only one reaction was found which makes the <br />percentage of infection Sn the county negative and favorably compared with <br />.. _ other coon ti os tested. <br />Ed Harnas, as slstant County Agent, explained t?;e contest which is being <br />held in the rural communti es through out the county Sn connection with the <br />"Efficiency Pro cram for 1955•" <br />?Hillard "~h itl ey ?resented a letter from C. A. ideDougl,e, Pri nclpai of <br />Lincoln Hizh School in Chapel 6111, in se13 letter the principal stated that <br />if the toed nti llard 19h1 tl ey ryes requ estine vras bul It that it would save the <br />school bus 7 miles net day and a total of 1260 miles per year. <br />Road po ti ti ons oreae rated to the Hoe rd were: <br />Orange Cross Road Church lenzth of road 1/2 :Hiles - look at, <br />Thomas Fearri n. ton 3/4 :nl le - look at <br />tHrs. Brewer - lacked three simatur es <br />Brese~~ed <br />tArs. Jane Parker/the ind Brent of Fannie Durham for ace apt en ce and <br />a Brent for $nma Hlack which was being rejected by sold Emma Hlack. M1trs. <br />Parker inform ed the Boe rd that the funds used for the aid to dap ant children <br />was Batt Sng low and that some nrovi si ons vre re going to he ve to be made in <br />order to carry this progr6m thru June 30th, <br />The Hoard was invited by 1Hrs. Pe rk er to meet tvi th the Se lfare Board on <br />`•!e rch 10th to hear tlr. Arthur Altmeye r, former di nee for of the Federal Social <br />Security Administration, and to discuss with tdr. Altme yen va rlous questions <br />and problems of the Public '9elf¢re Program. <br />J. 7l. Howard of Raleigh requested that the tnxss nn his property ir. <br />_ Hingham Township be lowered. idr, 9o~.vard eras advised to anaear before the <br />i Eoard on 6i¢rch 21st at which time his complaint could be reviewed. <br />i <br />U A letter was read from Paull Pann er, Deo t, Service Officer of the <br />Ve teren's Administration exnressing his greti tude for the 'highly of ficSent <br />service" rendered to his department by i7al ter G. rYrenn, Oran ee County's <br />Service Officer. <br />There were nine yeti ii ons presented in oppos ltlon to the prcPos ed A.B.C. <br />elec ti cn, <br />d letter from Samss L. Godfrey, ?resident of the Chanel 6111 E.S.A. <br />was reed. in said letter ;.1r. Godfrey stated "at its e,ene ral meets n¢ on February <br />10 the Parent-Teechv rs' Aasn. of Chapel Rill passed a motion to request the <br />C oivmissione rs of this county to authorize an else tior. in whic*. the vo tc rs of <br />the county v:ou13 have an ooportunlty to any rove or die enprove a county system <br />of AHC stores, This action sprang from the grave concern felt by the <br />Association over the nrobl em of propor financial support far the schools end <br />the conviction that this problem seemed 1S)cely to become worse rather then <br />butter in the tilt ore, It wy old be cur desire that should the eiction sue eed <br />the profits from the stores be used for the benefit of the schools. niay I <br />tea oast for the Parent-Teachers' Assn, thst you bring this Dues tl on of an <br />election to the attention of your colleazues on the Board of County Commissione <br />It 1s our hope that the Eoard will give to this rs tter the carefhl ettentlon <br />•.vh ich its imn_ortance deserves." <br />and unanimous ly yes sad <br />IIoon motion of Commissioner Len ier, seconded by Commissioner Ray,/1t was <br />ordered that the petition dated February 25, 1955, from the Chapel 6i11 <br />Parent-Teachers' Assn. asking the County Commissioners to call a county <br />election on the establishment of AHC stores within Orange County be denied. <br />tAr. Edwin Lynch, Clerk of Court, reported on the court tines and <br />court cost for t'n.e month of r^ebrua ry. <br />Faye <br />nit. Lynch informed the Hoard that Krs./RUl et had agreed to assume the <br />court reporters position in. Orange County if the County would agree to pay <br />her ,°x100 per week plus $30.00 per week for expenses, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Etland, seco rd ed by Commissioner Lanier, <br />end uaeni mously passed, it was ordered that !dr. Lynch en ga ee idrs. Sul et <br />and that ho and the wunty attorney draw a co ntrset setting forth the <br />condl floras stated above. <br />Eft. cam Gattis requested Permission to purchase from the Deo t,. of 3lo for <br />Vehicles a photostat list of the re gis to red err o•wna rs in Orange County, <br />This list is to be used to oh eck the registered cars against those cars <br />
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