Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />~„ <br />Minutes of the Board of Commissioners <br />Mond av, Februe ry 7, 1955• <br /> <br /> The Hoard of County Commissioners met on February ], 1955, Sn the <br /> Commi ssl prig rs' Room, members present Cha itm an R. J. M. Bobbs, Co.,uai ssione rs Sim <br /> L. Efland, Edvdn Lanier, Dwi Eht Ray and Henry iYelke r, members ¢ts ant none. <br /> Minutes of the two meetings held on Jaeua ry 3rd and Janue ry 14th, 1955, were <br />~ read by the clerk and approved 6y the Board. <br />~- A delegation headed by Rev. J. R. '!anley and Hubert Robinson appeared <br /> and requested the board to provide fU nds cal th which to build a "gymtorlum" <br /> far Lincoln School. Rev. ifanley stated several reasons for said request but <br /> emphasized the most urge^t of these was the fact that Lincoln School would loose <br /> its accredited standing if this "ggmtorium" was not orovid ed. <br /> Hume Cl¢ytor, County Dog :Yard en, presented his annual report. There were <br />- 1188 dogs impounded, 109 shot, 126 placed Sn homes, 1007 gassed, 2032 <br /> vaccinated and 73B vaccination certificates received from ve terinarlans. There <br /> were no cases of rabies reported in the county for the n¢at your. Mr. Claytor <br /> stated that the program was now self aupporting, <br /> IIpon motion by Commisa loner Ef land, seconded ty Commissioner 'iJalker, and <br /> unanimously pass ad, St was ordered that the fol local ng fee sch edvle be <br /> ¢ vacclnatl on at <br />accepted for use in the Dog Clinic: clinic orl ce 75Q Per do <br />- ~ <br />pound $1.00 oar dog after April 30th, v¢ccln¢ti on at house 1.50 oar dog. <br /> Fmory Denny, the attorney which hsa been employed bg the county to collect <br />_ delinquent taxes, rep or tad that letters tc delinquent taz payers were Sn the <br /> process of being mailed and in said letter he had stated that Snt crest on said <br /> delinquent taxes would be computed as of February 1, 1955• <br /> Hy the request of the, Hoard, Gran Childress appeared to explain the <br /> Jaycees oropos ed recre¢ti on dls tr ict for the Ch sp el Hill area. <br /> Chairman Robbs informed the Eoard that he had written to the Hoard <br /> Chairmen of Durham and Wake Counties concerning the matter of granting t¢x <br /> exemption to ezn erminental laboratories, ha stated that the Durham Bosrd was <br /> oppoa ed to said taz ezemo ti on and that the Wake Board Chairman expressed no <br /> opinion. The Orange County Board agreed to take no further action on the <br /> matter at this tLme, <br /> ifr. Lynch, Clerk of Court, reoor tad on court fines anal cost. <br />'-' A. A. A. Will Sams and Sohn P. Ee llard eopearod and requested that the <br /> county make some provision for bonding Sts employees. No action was taken on <br /> this matter, <br /> IIpon motion of Con¢ni ssi oner Etla nd, seconded by Commissioner Ray and <br /> unanimously Hass ed, St was ordered that the Board accept the basement offici es <br /> of the new courthouse aub,j act to the completion of items on the check list. <br /> Three aid to the blind grant were pres anted 6y 1drs, Jane Parker and <br /> accented by the Board. They were: increases for Frdward g Edward :YOOd s, <br /> new applicant Tor ¢id lla Johnson and re,j ec ti on by Nora Atkins. <br /> idra. Parker asked for permission to hold the He lfara Board meetings Sn <br /> the CommSssl one rs' Room. This request was granted. <br /> Walter Ylrenn, Director of C1 vii Defense, and Lucius Hro:m, Director of <br /> the Ground Observers Coro reoues tad the Hoard to supply the money Headed to <br /> build and equipt ¢n observation Host for Nills bozo, the approximate cost of <br /> sold post would be w500.00 for the first year. The Board was asked also to <br /> bear the ezpens es each month of heating, li gh tSng and tel eohone bill for the <br /> post. Mr. 'Hrenn and Mr. Hrown were requested to make a thorough investigation <br />' Snto the cost of bulldi ng en observation post ¢nd squinting same and then to <br /> report tack to the Hoard when their plans were comple ta. <br /> Tha snnual report of the County Forester was read by Chairman Hobbs. <br /> Letter from Mr. Hurtoa informing the Hoar3 of the district meeting to be <br /> held on Feb. 16, 7955. in Graham, N, C., was read. <br /> Mr. Gatos was requested to write Mrs. Hugo Gld uz and ask Y,er to appear <br /> before the Board Sn tdarch at which time it will wit as a Poard of Equalization <br /> <br /> <br />C & Review, in connection with her request for a tax reduction and Mr. Claude <br />Best was also advised to appear ¢t said meeting Sn connection with his request <br /> for a i"aduc tton Sn his tax valuation. <br /> Persons having road petitions before the Eoard were ad pis ed in the <br /> following manner: <br /> irti llerd Whitley-get a new neti ti on sitm ed by all persons living on the <br /> proposed road. <br /> Rev. 'H, tt. lYhi to-get a netiti on signed 6y 25 persona & return same. <br /> 'rtrs. Mar¢aret Bennett t''/111 Sams-fill out paw petition. <br />