Orange County NC Website
574 <br />Friday, January 1f}, 1955. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Oranae County met in the Commissioners <br />Room of the courthouse on F!^iday, Jan, 14, 1955, at 7:30 n.m. with all members <br />1n attendance. Mr. A. H. Graham and IAr, Paul Ranson, county attorneys, were also <br />ores ant to gl ve advise concerning proposed legislation to be presented to the <br />Legislature at this session. <br />The following resolution was Snt roduc fed by Commisal oner Lanier and <br />seconded by Commissioner 'llelke r: <br />"He St resolved that the Board of County Commissioners of Orange <br />County endorse the Sta to Assoc la tion of County Comnissl one rs eight Stems of <br />prod os ed legislation, ezcen tiny item number seven, and that it recommend <br />to tiep. John iV. Umstead and Sene for Ralph Scott that they support the said <br />items of legislation excepting item number seven. <br />1. Providing for sta gee red terms for county Commisslone ra. <br />2. Allowing the Hoard to designate its Cleric, <br />3, Requiring ell Board meetings to be open to the publle. <br />4. Allowing the Poa rd to ourchase liability and acc ldent Snsuranc e. <br />5. Requiring Justice of the Peace to use pre-numbered warrants <br />and receipts and to be aud3 fed at least annually. <br />6. Change County Boe rd of Public Vtelfare term of office from <br />Apr31 1 to July 1. <br />7, To waive the requirement that Supt. of Public Jtelfara or :4elfare <br />Board Chairman sign checks for adminlstrativs ezpens e. <br />B. Creating a pooled Fund Plan for hoanitalization of public <br />ass is fence recipients." <br />A general discussion of the method of dls tri button of the iValfara <br />De oartment Equalization Fund was held. The Board was of the oplni on that the <br />pres ant method is very unfair and requea fed Idr. Graham to confer with Dr, <br />Winston regarding a more "qul tab le method of distribution, h1r. Graham is to <br />report the results of his dlsucss ion with Dr. wins ton as soon as pr¢ctlcal. <br />Chairman Hobbs read a letter from Mr. Guest concerning taz relief for <br />research labortori es constructed is the Orange, Durham and l4aka County area, The <br />Board, though very interested in construction of labrotorl os of this type <br />felt i.t could grant no t¢z relief at this time for privately owned labrotorias. <br />The Board also asked Chai rnan Hobbs to find out if similar proposals had been <br />made to the Durham and tYake County Boards and what their reactions to such proposal <br />ml ght be. <br />The nrooosal of Dr. U. D. Forbus of Duke Unl varsity concernln¢ the eoronor <br />system Sn North Carolina v: as discussed. Reall zing that the General Assembly <br />will discuss thle act at length and will hear much expert testimony regarding <br />said act the Board Ss requesting that Rap, IIms teed and Senator Scott give this <br />act serious cons Sdera tS,on before casting their votes. <br />Chai rn Hobbs read the following letter from Mr. Gran Childress, Chel rman <br />of the Jaycee Recreation Commute of Chapel Hill: <br />"January 8, 1955 <br />Dear Si.r: <br />The Jaycee Recreation Committee of Chapel H111 is requesting Renresentati ve <br />John IIms teed to present a 6111 to the 1955 Ge nerd Assembly. This bill would grant <br />the Board of County Commissioners the authority to establish a recreation dls trlet <br />in our county anon the petition of a ranresenta ti ve group of voters, <br />Since this 6111 does not determine the exact boundaries of the area to ba <br />included, this matter will have to be decided by petition. :4e would hone that it <br />will include Chanel Hill, Carrboro, and any nearby interested areas, but that can <br />only bs decided after enactment of the law. <br />Because an enabling act is a necessary legal step before we can plan with <br />assurance, ne have proceeded and take this ouoortuni ty to request time before <br />your Board to discuss this fully as soon as it has been enacted. <br />Copl es of the proposed act are beine sent to the attorney reP res entine each <br />Hoard concerned. <br />Binc eraly, <br />copies to: /s/ Gran Childress <br />1. John W. Ums teed Chairman, Jayc ae Recreation Commi ttea <br />2. Lech member of the County Commissioners <br />3. Each member of the Heard of Aldermen - Chapel Rill <br />4. Each mamb ar of the Hoard of Aldermen - Carrboro <br />5. Each member of the Recreation Commissi on <br />6. Attorneys re pres enting each of the above Hoards." <br />~i <br />i <br />~~ <br />1 <br />I.J <br />