~~~ Minutes of the Board of Commissioners
<br />Monday, January 3, 1955
<br />The Hoard of County Commiss inners met on Monday, January 3. 1955r et 10
<br />'clock a. m. Sn the commisslonar's room. Members present Chai nnan R. J. M.
<br />obbs and Commisaione rs Sim L. Efland, Fdwin S. Lanier, Dwight M. Aay and
<br />eery S. Walker, members absent none.
<br />Tha minutes of meetings held on December 6, 1954, and December 16, 1954, ^l
<br />ere read by the Clerk and approved niter a few changes. ~
<br />Miss Ruth Thompson, Aome Demonstration Agent, and Miss Catherine Prl tchard, J
<br />ss is tent Aome Demons tra tlon Agent, appeared and presented the annual report
<br />or their department.
<br />hfr. Don Matheson, County Agent, and Mr. Ed Harnes, Aasi stant County Agent,
<br />resented their annual report. Mr. Lfathasop informed the Hoard that he and
<br />r. Barnes planned and "Effeciency Program Pop 1955" in order to strengthen
<br />he farm program now being carried on in the county.
<br />A letter dated December 16, 1954, from Dr. Oarvin, District Health Officer,
<br />o Mlss Sue Reyes, owner of the building Sn which the Aeal th Department offices
<br />ra now housed was read. In the letter Dr. Garvin stated 'I do not feel that
<br />he Real th Department is in any wag responsible for whet to ma apo ears to ba
<br />ormal wear end tear on synthetic rubber step treads over a nine_yeflr period
<br />f time. Regardless of the fact that we. are n part of the district health set
<br />p, each county assumes foil responsibility for op aratlon and maintenance of
<br />pace occupied by health departments. The agreement between you and Orange
<br />ounty with reference to space occupied bpb the Aealth Department was made some
<br />Sma prior to my coming to Orange County. The Board agreed that the county
<br />ould not be responsible for the above mentioned damages. -
<br />Dpon motion of Commissioner Efland, seconded by Commissioner Ray, and
<br />nanimous ly Passed Mr. Walter Wrenn of Aillebora was appointed Civil Defense
<br />Srec for of Orange County. Mr. Ga ttis was recues tad to advise the Civil -
<br />efensa Board in Raleigh of Mr. Wrenn's appointment.
<br />Two letters, ench dated December 31, 1954. from Mr. R. Etrgene Brown,
<br />Sractor of Public Assls tents of the Sta to Board of Public Welfare in Rnlelgh
<br />ere read. In said letters Gtr. Brown stated "We are making your county a
<br />pecial allotment of 6750.00 to apply on the cost of the office equioment
<br />isted in your letter of November 2. Your County auditor will receive a check
<br />or this amount within a short time. The expenditure of this money Ss to be
<br />sported on your monthly statement of eznendi tares as a point expense." ~ '.~
<br />We are making your county an allotment of 51,000 for county adminia tra ti on. -
<br />his means that we are adding 51,000 to the es time tad amount to be paid from
<br />ederal ¢nd State funds on the adminlstratl ve budget for 1954-55. This will
<br />educe the county's Dart from ill}, 376 to $13,376. This is done wl th the
<br />nders tending that the $1,000 the county saves on adminls tration will be
<br />ransfarrad to the county budgets for old a¢e assistance, aid to dependent
<br />hlldren, and aid to the pexmanantly and totally disabled as needed. The
<br />dditional $1,000 will be sent in January."
<br />A special meeting to disc ass legisl¢tl ve needs for the county was set
<br />n January 14th.
<br />Hherlff Oda11 Clayton and Clerk of Court, Edwin M. Lynch, appeared and
<br />aquas tad a salary increase.
<br />Sheriff Clayton requas tad an increase 1n the car nllowance of Deouty
<br />intents "Buck" Knight from 5720.00 to 61060.00 per year which is the amount
<br />llottad to the other deputies, this increase would amount to 6170.00 from the
<br />resent date until the time for the new budget. Sheriff Clayton stated that
<br />reviously Mr. Knight's car h¢d not been used regularly, but in order to give
<br />he people of the County the protection and service they desired it was
<br />ec es sary to have Deouty Knight operate his car as regularly as the other
<br />aputles. Upon motion of Commiss loner Lanier, seconded by Commissioner Ylelker,
<br />t was ordered that the increase of 6170.00 be given to Sheriff Clayton for
<br />eputy Knight. Those voting Sn the affirmative upon said motion were
<br />ommis slope rs Lanier, Ray and Walker. Those vo flog Sn the negative were
<br />ommissloners Efland and Robbs.
<br />Mr. Lynch, Clerk of Court, prey anted the list his office had prepared on
<br />he number of unpaid court fines and costa, Mr. Lynch stated that of the
<br />8,325.21 uncollected as of the last of November, 1954, twenty one (21) of
<br />hose cases constituted v4, 1.62. b0 of the above amount, this money being
<br />andled by the court for damage suits. j
<br />Commissioner Lanier suggested that by next month the Clerk's office -J
<br />ender an it emlzed list so that the Board would be able to determine how many or
<br />ow much had been added to or removed from the SSst submitted this month by
<br />ha Clerk. Mr. Lynch was requas tad to turn said list over to Solicitor
<br />eGrand and that immediate ac flop be taken to collect the money owing the county.
<br /> Mrs, Jane Parker, Supt, of the Welfare Department, submitted three blind
<br /> rants for terminatlan. Thera were grants for Preesan Rogers, John 'Hillis
<br /> tkinson and Paul Rae Castors. Opon motion of Commission Efland, seconded by
<br />
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