Minutes - 19540607
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19540607
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~^ <br />L_: <br /> <br />The 2oerd of Commissioners for the County of Orange met in regular se ssio: <br />on Lloadey, June 7, 195t~ at 10 o'clock A. s:. in the State Highway-:'atrol Offic <br />in Hillsboro; N. C. ~ ~- <br />'rSembers present: Cheirmen H. 0. Forrest end Commissioners Sim L. ~i lend <br />and H. J. int. Ao bbs. <br />Clambers =.b sent: Nose <br />The minutes of the niay meetings mere reed and approved. <br />L1r.Sydney Green, Cheirmen of the Confederate L9emorial Librery Hosrd, <br />enpeered end requested .x".2,000 for the Hillsboro Librery 1954-55 budget. <br />The 1953-54 eonronrie ti on vies iS1,900. <br />tdr. J. F. r:ernodle end tSr. Sydney Groan talke3 to the Hosrd :ri th refer- <br />ence to getting the Stets P.ighway Commission to take over e road in :t'e st <br /> born running from Hrown's Garage to Pleat Hill School. Chairmen Forrest <br />informed them that he end ?Hr. Guntsr, District Fngineer> had been over that <br />section rri th reference to e roa3 and that the ingineer would not consf der <br />any road extent the extension of Idergerst Laae. <br />Tir. Don S. `.dathoson, County Agent, me de e fine report on the 19S1~. Hural <br />Proryress Prosrem and the gsneral farming co nditi.ons Sn the county. <br />p. Hume Clavtor, County Dog `-~erden, reported that 2,1,67 dory had been <br />ve cciaa tad to date. This figure includes dogs veccins tad by veterinariena. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Sfl¢nd, seconded by Cormmissioner Y. obb s, <br />Floyd Ten gue rrea gr¢ntetr ne rmission to oeddle in Or¢n^,e County r;i thout e <br />peddler's liconse, due to his bei n5 e disabled ve ter en. <br />Cheirmen Forrest read~e letter from the Stets Hon rd of Public welfare, <br />announcing the e.~p ointms nt of Lirs. 3. 3. Hughes of Ceder Gaove to the Orange <br />County Hosrd of ?ublic '~~elfere for e three year term beginning April 1, 1954. <br />The 3o¢rd of lducetion enpeered end presented their 1951-55 budget reeuea <br />Diiss Annie Strowd, Superintendent of Public 'l/elfere, appeared and dis- <br />cussed her budget request for 1954-55• <br />Lr. iVilliam '?. Riser, District Forester, ep neared sad presented his <br />1954-55 budget, eskinB Orange County for en annroprictio^ of X1,715.00. <br />Upon motion duly made end seconded the above reo uest for .•"4,715.00 visa <br />unanimously approved. <br />It rr¢s brought to the ett,enti on of the Boerd that the primary held on <br />i'=.y 29th caused e dsf icit in the ='lection Fund end that e second primery would <br />ba held on June 26th. <br />Now, therefore, upon motion of Commissioner °_`L nd, seconded by CommiB-" <br />sinner Hobbs, it r,es ordered that the de ri_c it of t~iey 29th end the cost of the <br />June 26th primery be paid from tho ems rgen cy Pund. <br />Upon motion duly mode and seconded ell County 3mployees were gran tad ''.. <br />July 5 es s holiday. '',. <br />There being no further business, upon motion, adjourned to meet June <br />15, 1954 at 7:30 o'clock ?.!.1. <br />J. C. Levis <br />lerl{'~ to aoard <br />~. D. 1'O_TrB 9t <br />Cheirme~oe^d. <br />The Hoed convened immediately as a Hoard of 'naual izetion and Hevi eiv. <br />Tho re bei ag no business to comp before this 3oe rd, upon motion, edj ov <br />to meet Jvne 16, 1954, et 7:30 o'clock P. '.'.. <br />_ J. 3. Levis <br />Cleric to aoard <br />H. 0. Forrest <br />Charimea of aoard. <br />
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