<br />Minutes oC the Board of Commissioners 531
<br />Tuesday, April 20, 1.951}
<br />The Board of Commissioners for the County or Orange, North Cnroline,
<br />met at the Covrthous e, Sn Hillsboro, the usual place of meeting, in ed,~ourned
<br />reeular session et 2:30 o'clock P. M., April 20, 1954•
<br />~~-, There were preeent: R. 0. Forrest, Chairmen, and Commissioner R. J, fii.
<br />~ Hobbs.
<br />_ Abeent: Sim L. Efland, Commiesi onar.
<br />The Board of Education pros anted the following rea elution:
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Begird of Education of Orange County:
<br />Section 1. That The Board of Education has determined end found as a
<br />fact that adacuate school improvements era not now available Sn Orange County
<br />to comply wi tb the conetitut ionel requirements for the maintenance of schools
<br />in Orange County six months In each year, that St 1s necessary, Sn order to
<br />maintain such air montha~ school term, to erect and equip ¢n additional schoo:
<br />building in Rilleboro, and that it fe estimated that the cum of fi65,000 will
<br />be needed, with other available funds, to provide such school building.
<br />Section 2. That the Board of Commissioners _`or the County of Orange is
<br />hereby requested to talcs all neces snry steps, by the issuance of bonds or
<br />otherveise, so that such school building may be provided.
<br />Section 3. That e' copy of this resolution be certified to said Board
<br />of Commissioners.
<br />IIpon motion duly seconded, the foregoing resolution was pa seed by the
<br />following vote:
<br />Ayes: C. 47, Stanford, Harry P. Breeze and Clarence D. Sons a.
<br />Noes: Nona.
<br />I Commissioner Robhe introduced the following bond order which was read:
<br />i`
<br />PJHEAEAS, on April 20, 1954, The Board of Education of Orange County
<br />passed a resolution finding that St is nacess ary, in order to comply with the
<br />conetitutionel requirement for the maintenance of schools in Orange Covnty
<br />six months in each year to erect and eculp an additional school building in
<br />Rilleboro and that it Se estimated that the sum of S6$, 000 will be needed,
<br />with other available funds, to provide such school building; and
<br />VlSiEREAS, said resolution recues is the Hoard of Commissioners to take all
<br />necessary steps, by the iss uence of bonds or otherwise, so that such school
<br />building may be provided; and
<br />VYHEREAS, the Board of Commi ssiono ra has careShlly examined the fncte and
<br />has determined and does he raby find as a fact that said statements of said
<br />resolution are true and that St has become the duty of said Board of Commis-
<br />sioners, acting ae an administratlva agent of the State in providing a State
<br />system of public school e, to order the issuance of bonds of the County of
<br />Orange sn that said ach ool building may bs provided in order to maintain the
<br />-- six months' school term in the County of Orange as required by the Conati tutu
<br />now, therefore,
<br />BE IT OR':ERED 9ND RESOLVED by the Hoard of Commi esioners far the County
<br />of Orange;
<br />1. That, pursuant to The County Finaace act, as amended, bonds of Orange
<br />County, North Caroline, shall be issued Sn en aggrsgate principal amount not
<br />exceeding X65, 000 for the purpose of providing funds, with other available
<br />fUnda, for erecting and aqui pping an additional school building in Hillsboro
<br />Sa order to maintain the six months school term in Orange County es required
<br />by the Constitution.
<br />C 2. That e tax sufficient to pay the principal of and the intsreet on
<br />Bald bonds when due shall ba aanually levied and collected.
<br />3. That a statement of the County debt has been filed with the clerk en<
<br />is open to publ lc inspection. ',
<br />(~. That this order shell take effect th.l rty days after the first public
<br />anon thereof after final passage, unless in the meantime n petiti on for its
<br />submission to tho voters ie filed under said Act, and that Sn such event it
<br />sh¢11 tako effect when approved by the voters of the County at en election ea
<br />provided 1n said Act.
<br />