Orange County NC Website
523 <br />Minu tas of the Board of Commissioners <br />Mednesday, March 17, 1954• <br />The Hord of Bcualization and RevAew w¢s called to order by Mr. <br />_ R. 0. Forrest, chairman oS said board, fitembers pr¢sont: Chairman <br />R. 0. Forrest and Commisaione rs BSm L. Efland and R. J. M. Nobbs. <br />Absent: None <br />Comnlai nts were heard from fifteen persons and the board advised <br />each complainant that they would take their case into consideration and <br />go out and view the property if necessary and than let the complainant <br />know what disoositi on they would make of thou case later. <br />Thera being no further business, upon motl on, adJourn ed to <br />meet Monday 22, 1.954. <br />5. M. Gattls <br />________________________ <br />Acting Clerk to Board <br />R. 0. Forrest <br />Chaff nnan of Boardu <br />C <br />