Orange County NC Website
~l`~ Ltinutes of the Boerd of Commissioners <br />tdonday, February 1, 1954 <br />A regular meeting of the Boerd of Commissioners for the County of Orange, <br />Siorth Ceroli ne, convened at the Courthouse, is Hillsboro, North Carol ins, the <br />regular place of meeting, et 10:00 o'clock, A. Id., on February 1, 1954. <br />Present: Chairmen P.. 0. Forrest, end Commissioners R. J, 1.1. Hobbs end <br />Sim L. Efland. <br />Absent: None <br />C om~'.ssioner Hobbs introduced the to llowina resolution r+hich mas read: <br />RESOLUTION AI,~PIDNG A. RES OLUTIOT.I PA S53D <br />J^?HJ.4RY 4, 195. ?<TITITLED: "RESOLUTION <br />BRO'II DING FOR TPB ISSUANCE OF ?80,000 <br />COURTHOIISE BOND AIdTICIPATIOii NOTES" <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange: <br />Section 1. That the resolution passed on Jenuery 4, 1954 entitled: <br />"RESOLUTI OSi PROVrDING F03 T.`E ISSUANCE OP $80,000 COIIRTHOUBE BOND ANTICrpATION <br />NOTES" be end the same is hereby emended by striking out the word "manual" <br />before the words "signe twee of seid Hetistar of D-.e ds end ex officio Clerk" <br />near the beginning o^ Section 3 of seid resolution and in the witnessing clews <br />or the note form set forth in seid Section 3, and inserting in lieu thereof <br />the word "fees !mile", so that the Snterest coupons to be attacned to the notes <br />authorized by seid rem olutlon shell be executed with the facsimile signature <br />of the Register of Deeds and ez officio Clerk of the Board of Comma ssionars <br />instead of vrith his manual signature. <br />Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect upon its passage. <br />Commissioner Hobbs moved the passage of the foregoinrt resolution entitled <br />"RESOLUTI6i1 Al.SENDILIG A RESOLi1TI0;i PASSED JA'UAHY 4, 1954 E^ITITLED: 'RESOLUTION <br />PROVIDIIIG FOR THE IFRUANCE OF 580,000 COIIRTIIOUF.E BOND ANTICrnn TION NOTES"' <br />and Commissioner Efland ae co nded the motion and the res olutlon was passed by <br />the following vote: <br />A-yes: Commissioners Forrest, Hobbs and Efland. <br />24oes: Plone. <br />Two ro¢?. net it ions crere presented to the Doard: (1) Roed in '7Je st H111s- <br />boro beginning et the her dsurfaco road running, from Rst ty Riley's Store to <br />Highway No. 70, and running in e westerly directi ~n by necr cemetery end <br />back into as id herds urfece reed and known es Cemetery Roed, length of •.vhich <br />rood is one mile; (2) Roed in Chanel Hi11 Township, running from 15 BY P¢ss <br />to Route 15 Ry Pass end is known as Kings Liill Road, LaurelHill Road cxt. <br />and Coker Drive, length 1.7 miles. <br />I4o action w¢s taken on the above petitions, pehding an investigation by <br />the Boerd. <br />IIoon motion of Commissioner Hobbs, seconded by Commissioner Efland, the <br />following schedule of fa es were adopted for the vaccination of dogs during <br />the year 195: Clinic Price-x.75; Vaccination at Pouad~ 1.00 per dog after <br />April 30th; Vaccination et home of owner-x1.50-per dog. <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded the Aid to Blind application oS <br />Res sae tdey Sykes was rejected due to her not bean!; eligible on basis of her <br />vision. The following chengea mere also authorized in Aid Ta =11nd Grants: <br />Bertha. Nevi lie reduced from A45.00 to x38.00 per month <br />'1!111 ie Thomason increc sad from 915.00 to 825.00 per month. <br />The fallorrinr resolution erns duly o_`fered by Commissioner Hobbs, seconded <br />by Commissioner Efland, ¢nd unanimously adopted, with nil membere of the Boerd <br />of Commis apnoea-being present and vet lag in the off ix^.nativa: <br />CJiE?3A5, Section 153-135 of the General St¢tsstes of Plorth Carolina author <br />izes and empowers the Boerd of County Commissioners to select end designe to <br />annually by recorded resolution some bank, banks or trust company in the St¢te <br />of North Caroline as an official depository or depositories of the funds of <br />the County; and <br />VId3REA5, the Durham Benk 'c Trust 9ompany, Hillsboro Branch, has by proper <br />recorded resolution, been heretofore designated as nn o!'f lciel depository of <br />the funds o_' said County for the period ending December 1> 195L;, end it has <br />been determined to designe to as add_tional official depositories of the funds <br />of Orange County The Benk of Chapel Hi11, Chapel Hill, Itorth Carolina, end <br />The Unlvers ity idationel Benk, Chanel Hill, North Cero line: <br />i~ <br />