Orange County NC Website
i~l <br />!j <br />~3 <br />The Hoard oS Commissioners of Orange County met at 8:00 P.iJ. January 21, <br />1954 in ¢n adjoiu•ned meeting Which was schedule to havo met January 11, 19$4, <br />but Ives podnoned. <br />The purpose of this meeting was to consider the contract for paving the <br />parking eree> seeding the Larvn and the floor coverings for the ^ew courthouse, <br />IInon motion duly made ¢nd seconded a contract with Coltrane-Graham <br />Construction ~%omnany was annroved es follows: <br />ITE1+1 1: All pev ing at Perking droa as specS.fied under Site Improvement s. <br />ITEI;f 2: All lavm seeding es soec~i.fied candor Site Improvements. <br />IT~id 3: All asphalt tile, rubbor ti le end cork ti le _*looring ae snecif ied on <br />pages 28 end 2q and where called for in the Finish Schedule on the <br />plans, ezceot stair treads, stair platforms, end all areas on tha <br />'.. Ground Floor. <br />Total coat 58,950.00. <br />Thera Heing no furthsr business, upon mot to n, adjourned. <br />5. Lt. Gattis <br />Acting Clerk to Hoard . <br />R. 0. Forrest <br />Chairman of aoerd. <br />[ ~. <br />