Orange County NC Website
its <br />tSlnutes of the Board of Commissionary <br />[donday, January l}, 1954 <br />A regular meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners for the County of Orange, <br />North Carolina, convened at tho Courthouse, in Hillsboro, North Carolina, the <br />re puler place of meeting, at 10:00 o'clock, A.y ., on Jenvary L., 1954• <br />Present: Cha?.rmen R. 0. Forrest, and Commies inners Sim L. Eflaad and <br />R. J. fil, Robbs. <br />Absent: None. <br />Cpmmiss Sonor Hobbs introduced the following resolution which v+as reed; <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING POR THE ISSII.ANCE OP <br />580,000 COURTHOSISE BOND ANTICIPATION <br />ROTES <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange: <br />Section 1. That the Board of Cvmmi ssione rs has determined end does <br />hereby find and declare: <br />(a) That en order authorizing 580,000 Courthouse ??onda was finally pass ei <br />on October 5, 1953. <br />(b) Thet none of the Bald bonds has been issued and no notes are out- <br />standing which were issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds. <br />Section 2. That in order to anticipate the receipt of the proceeds of a <br />like amount of snid Courthouse Bonds, a temporary loan of 580,000 is hereby <br />authorized to be evidenced by negotiable notes of the County of Orange desig~- <br />neted 'bourthouse Bond Anticipation llote s", rvhich not ea shall be dated Februar; <br />1, 1954, shell mature annually, November 1, 520,000 1955 to 1958, inclusly e, <br />without motion of prior payment, end shell beer interest ab ¢ rate or rates <br />to ba determined by the Loc el Government Commission at the time the notes are <br />sold, not exceeding (~ per annum, the interest upon said notes to be payable <br />on S'ag 1, 1951 and semi-annually thereafter on the first days of '.,fay and <br />November in each year upon the presentation and surrender of interest coupons <br />to be attached to said notes. Said notes shall be payable as to principal <br />end Snterest et such bank or trust company, shall have such denominations <br />and bear such numbers, es may be fixed by the Chairman of the Board. <br />Section 3. That said notes shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board <br />of Commissioners and by the Ro gister of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of said <br />Board, under the corporate seal of said Board, end shall have endorsed thereon <br />the vmitten approval of the County Attorney, and the interest coupons to be <br />attached to said notes shall be oxecuted with the manual signature of said <br />Register o.'. Deeds end ez officio Clerk, and the form of said notes shall be <br />substant ielly as follows: <br />No. <br />-"' United St¢t es of Amarice <br />State of SSOrth Carollns <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE <br />Courthouse Bond Ant icipetion Note <br />The County of Orange, North Carolina, is justly indebted and for value <br />re cel.ved hersby promises to pay to the bearer on the 1st day of November, <br />19_, the principal sum of DOTSP.RS <br />and tp pay interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of per <br />ce ntum oar annum until payment of such princ lpel sum, such interest to the <br />maturity hereof being payable on 14ay 1, 195)} end semi-enmslly thereafter <br />on the 1st day of 13ay end bi ovember of each pear upon the presentation and <br />surrender of the coupons representing such interest as the s;.:ae rasps ctlvely <br />fall due. Both the principal of and the interest on this note ere payable <br />at the in the City of , <br />State of Ror the prompt payment hereo.^, both principal <br />and interest, as the sama•shell fall due, the full faith end credit of se id <br />County of Orange a^e hereby irrevac ably pledged. <br />This note is lss ued by slid County in ¢ntici pati on of the receipt of the <br />proceeds of alike amount of Courthouse Bonds duly authorized by en order <br />finally oessed on October 5, 1953, end this note is issued under and pursuant <br />to The County Finance Act, es amended, and the Local Government Act, as amends <br />and ¢ resolution duly passed by the Board of Commis si.oners for said County. <br />It is hereby certified and racitod that all acts, conditions and things <br />required to happen, exist and be performed by the Constitution and laws of <br />North Carolina precedent to and in the lssunnce of this note have happened, <br />exist and have b6en performed Ln recular and due fora and time as so required, <br />and that the to tel indebtedness of said County, including this note and all <br />other indebtedness heretofore contracted during the fiscnl ys ar in which this <br />note is issued, dons not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation <br />thereon. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />