~y~ &tlnutos of the 9oerd of Commissioners
<br />tlonday, September lh, 1953
<br />The Board of Commissioners for the County of .Orange, North Carolina,
<br />met at the Courthouse, in Hillsboro, the usual Mace of meeting, in adjourned
<br />regular session at 8 o'clock, P. l.t., September iL, 1953.
<br />There were present: H. 0, Forrest, Chairman, end Commissioners Sim L.
<br />Efla nd end H. S. i;i. Hobbs.
<br />Absent:
<br />Commissioner Hobbs introduced the rollewing bond ordsr which was read:
<br />BE ST 03D3HED A'iD HES CLVED by the 9oerd of Commissioners for the County
<br />of Orange:
<br />1. That, pursue nt to the County Finance Act, es emended, bonds o`
<br />Orenre bounty, North Caroline, shell be issued i.n a aggregate principal
<br />emount not exceeding 190,000 `or the purpose of providing funds for com-
<br />oletinz the erection znd eau 3nme nt of the pen courthouse in Orange County.
<br />2. That a tax stificiant to nay the principal of and the interest on
<br />scid 'oonds when duo shell be ¢nnssally levied end collected.
<br />3. That a statement of the County debt has been filed with the clerk
<br />and is open to public inspection.
<br />L~.. That this order shall take effect thirty days after the first
<br />publication the re o_^ after final message, unless in the me entime n petition
<br />for its submission to the voters is filed under s¢id Act, and that in such
<br />event it shell take effect Then approved by the voters of the County at ~an
<br />election ac provided in sai3 P.c t.
<br />The Board thereupon designated the Chairman o` the Board of Commissioner
<br />for the Oownty of Orenr,,e as the officer to make end file c;ith th_ clerk the
<br />statement of de t and assessed valuation of the County es rectnired by The
<br />0ounty ='finance Ac t> ¢s amended, to be rs led 'oefore the final passage of the
<br />order introduced st this meetin .
<br />Thereuvon the Chas r:nan filed :rith the clerk, in the presence of the
<br />?oard, i;he statement of debt and asses red value ti on es so -ecuir ed,
<br />TI?e reupon the order entitled: "Order auth orizing "80,000 Courthouse
<br />9onds" wes messed on first read3 nr.
<br />On motion duly made end un eni mously carried the Board fixed 10 o'clock,
<br />A. i1., October 5, 1953, as tFe hour erd day for the public ho erina upon the
<br />foregoing order, end directed the clerk to publish said order, together with
<br />the appended note as required by The County Finance Act, as emends d, in The
<br />idews of Orange County not let er then the tenth day before date.
<br />Crhereas, Ire A, :.'erd is termineti nc his services with Orenro County as
<br />County Accountant and Tax Supervisor at the close of business on Sen tember
<br />1', 1053, it hec become necesssry to appoint ey Actin.; County .4ccowntent end
<br />Tax Sunerv firer.
<br />1S Orr Therefore, upon motion of Commissioner Hobbs end seconded by
<br />Coruna ss inner %fland, &irs. ?.iargaret E. Hocrerd is hereby anno'_nt ed Acting
<br />County Accountant end max Supervisor effective es of Sen terioer 15, 1953
<br />at e salary of 1330.00 per month, i"rs. Hocrerd to be bonded to the emount
<br />of '?25,000, ?`10,000 0: mach is eppl is ¢hle to school £unds only.
<br />Upon motion of Canmti ssio per Eobbs and seconded b- Commissioner Gflend
<br />the tollovN_nfi resolution wes unanimously zdonted:
<br />":'h ere as the County of Orange her funds on deposit vri th the Durham Ben~c
<br />and Trust Comoany, Hillsboro, ?i. C„ end it is nor: necessary th et certe;.n
<br />changes and nrov isions be made as to the same.
<br />1. To chance the ec count heretofore des igneted e.s "Orange
<br />County Funds, ire A. ::ord, County Acc oust eat" to "Orange
<br />County i~5inds, ~ergerat ~, Horerd, P.cting County Acc ounto_n t°.
<br />2. To change the account he retoi o:e designated "7fe Stare
<br />Account, Ira 9. '%iard, County Accountant" to "'fie lta re Account,
<br />Liargerat E. Howard, Acting County Acc ountent".
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